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Posts posted by Sphinxy

  1. Where do I start? Was really hyped to ride this today and it did not dissapoint even though I had inital fears that the ride looked slow on video.Managed 8 rides today and can easily say the front right and back rows and the most intense.The feeling you get as your going through the twist at the top and then the drop is really quite intense and exciting, feels like your freefalling for a moment, even now I can still feel that inital topple when you turn into the drop..the zero g takes your breath away as does the rest of the ride and it feels much faster than it looks!Themeing is great, probably the best in the park, the whole area is consistent and the music/news reports from the queue add excitement.Slightly short but for me this is the best ride at Thorpe now, loved it! It's reinforced my love for B&M...completley smooth, such a joy to ride.

  2. Saw was incredibly rough today! I don't think I've ever rode it as rough as it felt today. As it hit the breaks I was actually glad it was over and my head was pounding.If it wasn't for the roughness I'd love it much more than I do.I don't think the roughness adds anything to it other than a headache! I had to quickly go back on The Swarm to feel sane again...gotta love B&M smoothness.

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