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About Sphinxy

  • Birthday 08/08/1989

Previous Fields

  • Favourite ride
    The Swarm
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Alton Towers

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North East London
  • Interests
    Gaming, movies, theme parks.

Sphinxy's Achievements

  1. BREAKING NEWS - Today, @THORPEPARK have revealed at their in-person consultation that they plan to build a 236ft coaster for the 2023/4 season. hyper it is!
  2. The original ride was legendary! What I hate more than anything on the retheme is the lack of finale. I loved the old finale with the strobe lighting it was magical!
  3. Sphinxy

    Wicker Man

    Got to be a Woodie hasn't it?!
  4. Anyone else expecting a few smashed up rooms and drunken antics around the place? Or is that the kind of thing they are aiming for?
  5. I wonder what the actual technicalities of the changing of the 2 back rows consist of? I would assume B&M would need to be in contact with the park or the ones who modify the trains. I always thought B&M disliked backwards though...and what with X being backwards this seems like a complete waste to me.
  6. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/424373_327372647373846_1568725804_n.png
  7. http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/5107/swarmh.png
  8. Maybe it's dust and stuff from the construction site.
  9. The dungeons want you to name their new boat ride. https://www.facebook.com/londondungeonofficial?ref=ts&fref=ts
  10. In terms of the next big coaster what I would love to see is a B&M hyper coaster or a Intamin Woodie. With the hyper though a B&M would have to go over 150ft at least, and digging a hole for such a ride would be way too expensive. Maybe they would go for an intamin hyper as it doesnt use so much room? A woodie would be easier to create a good ride experience with less hight but wasn't there an issue with the ground being too unstable for a woodie? Unless they have sorted that with the hybrid models or steel supports/wooden track. Aside from those two I'd love to see one of the gerstauler or mack launched rides...think Maverick at CP, that could work well at Thorpe. But overal what they lack for me is an airtime machine.
  11. Where did you get that track is it an addon?
  12. Really? I find Saw unbearable and Colossus isn't great but bearable.
  13. Any idea whats wrong with the train or why there having issues? Please don't let this be a common occurance Thorpe!
  14. Happy 10th Colossus! Here's to the next 10!
  15. So our Samurai is a fun fair version? Or are all mondial top scans fun fair versions?
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