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Posts posted by Rich

  1. If you go to this park, ride stinger on the BACK SEATS! it's FAST! and the headchopper is amazing!+ on flying frog hold on tight.. whiplash!raging river ride = soooo fun! + the water is nasty lake water lol

    I didn't know there was a head chopper effect on Stinger....Raging River Ride uses clean water which is constantly monitored.
  2. It'll be a fun day out, some decent rides there, I would say worth a visit.Just out of Interest, On a Saturday, what are the maxium queue times for the main attractions?

    Depends really, if there is no event on Cobras queue will reach between walk on and 30 mins max (normally at the beginning of the day, or after most people have done Edge) By 1.30pm for a while it goes down to little as like 2 minutes, it then builds up and stays around 5-10minutes after that normally. River Ride stays at around 10-15 minutes, Wave Runner is around the same although has been known to reach 30 minutes, Jumping Bean can be walk on - 10 minutes and Edge can be walk on - 30 minutes. Thats based on an average day if it's sunny with around 3500 people on park.It's all about hitting the rides at the right time, Cobra is often very slow in the morning and creeps around the track, because of this car dispatch is on average is 45 seconds rather than 25-30 seconds, which happens after sort of 11.30am, on average it completes the lap 10-15 seconds quicker in the afternoon.
  3. Hmm ok, I don't see how a hydraulic ram would let air in as well as hydraulic but ok... And to do with the counterweight, what rubbish. When it runs empty the counterweight end is heavier than the seating end, when it's half or fully loaded, the seating end is heavier. I can prove this by the fact you need at least 15 people to ride it, else if the power cuts out, the people will be stranded somewhere other than the platform area. The counterweights don't get changed so when the ride is running to the public, the people side is ALWAYS going to be heavier.

  4. Air?? The only thing air powered to my knowledge is the restraint system and the boarding gates. The ride itself is hydraulic driven. the raising and lowering is 2 hydraulic rams, the main arm and cross arm are hydraulic motors.

  5. Erm ok then, lets ignore the sign which is suppose to give you background knowledge and suspense.... Yeah, nice one.And why except you, are you like so tough nothing scares you? Made of metal... or just wood planks..

  6. tpkabz I am getting fed up of your posts, I've deleted god knows how many now. Saying stuff like If you like "Rush's restraints there is something wrong with you" etc.Going back on topic, I really like Saw, once it's warmed up I find it extremely forceful and good fun.

  7. They are not changing the prices day by day just because they can. They are changing them to find the best profit margin, if they are too expensive less will be sold and the profit won't be as much. If they are too cheap the profit will be a lot less but more sold, so it's them trying to get it right in the middle.Anyway this topic is about the films, not the ride/merchandise. Saw II is my favourite.

  8. TPAddict, I think you are well out of order in your last post. It's up to people what they want to play, it's up to them if they find it comfortable and enjoyable to play the instrument they chose.Any more pointless/rude posts from you and you shall be out of here for a while.Anyway, back on topic. I used to play the recorder at primary school and the keyboard in secondary. I stopped playing the recorder when I left primary and only played the keyboard for around 3 years. I am not very musically minded and talented.

  9. Thank you for going back on topic, keep it this way please guys.I still don't see how Rumba's shower has got anything to do with Saw, for the record Theme Park bloke, it's not stuffed, H&S want it off as it caused people to stand up in the boats to avoid it.Anyway keep on topic!

  10. Flamin' Slammer - every year since they put it in, it has failed to open with the main season, and if it has opened, it's shut within 5 minutes because of something going belly up with it.

    Erm, sorry but you're wrong again.Slammer opened throughout Thrill Chill last year, and worked well on opening day.
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