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  1. Given that it's Derren Brown and he says that you'll question your perceptions of reality, it doesn't require an explanation IMO.
  2. Enough with the complaining! Do you seriously think that they go out of their way to wind people up?!! I'm sure they have better things to do. Let's look at it logically: I was told that the preview only seemed to run for a couple of hours, they only took new groups in every 20 minutes or so and that there was a lot of management presence (presumably to ensure the smooth running of things). Maybe they wanted to run it for a few guests, and at a reduced capacity. Choosing hotel guests makes perfect sense; you can communicate it out quietly in advance, keep numbers limited and you have contact details for any future follow up. As for the timing; perhaps they didn't want to keep their staff and management around any longer than necessary and wanted reasonable time to action any improvements before doing the same tomorrow. If they're allowing guests on, then that's a good sign. I'm as eager to ride it as anyone, but I'm more than happy for them to do whatever they need to do first to make sure it's perfect.
  3. Actually that's not the case at all. The coaster runs far fewer times on a one train operation than two trains. They also require significantly fewer ride staff in a one train operation.
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