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  1. To be honest I don’t even know what is says 😂, it has been turned up a little but the station music still overpowers it. If you listen carefully you can sorta make some of the words out.
  2. Unfortunately for saws station speakers they have been turn up too loud causing them to distort which is an issue I’m surprised hasn’t been fixed as it’s painful to listen too. With inferno it’s the case of the sound cannons being turn up too high and being partly blown as when the Park Vibes soundtrack was changed they started making these cracking noises. But It could also be because of the cannons age leading to foam rot. It’s a real shame that these issues are still continuing, I’m guessing it’s partly due to the team in charge of audio and the budget for the sound system overall. Swarms station main speakers and the open section of old towns haven’t worked in a while which could be due a amplifier breaking and there not being any money available to fix it. Then again it could be the technicians in charge are mainly focused on more important roles in the park and don’t have the time to be working on issues which could take a while to fix. One thing I did see online is someone asking for the billy doll preshow audio to be fixed in which it was! This also leads to fact park audio is not supervised and no one is checking if things are working unless things are reported. This is a real issue as audio really adds to the experience and it not working is a real shame.
  3. Speaking of tidal wave reopening, I wonder when the fire effect will be turned on? I'm guessing it will be turned on in the summer holidays and frightnights maybe?? I’m looking forward to see it on soon!
  4. Here is Timber’s op panel!
  5. Yep Thorpe's sound system upgrade is amazing! I hope when lockdown restrictions ease they turn the sound cannons in infernos station up a bit more like in the summer last year when they were pumping, you could even feel the base outside of the station! Does anyone know what plays through the speakers at saws drop? I’ve always wondered what is supposed to play through them!
  6. Looks like the parks speaker system has had yet another overhaul! Swarm island and saws speakers have all been replaced with rcf p series and monitor Q series which sound amazing apart from saws station which has no bass but I think its due to saws speaker system still not being finnished leaving some areas without audio (by the way hello zepp it now played on dispatch!) and that they have left the old bose subs remianing making me think they are still keeping them but they have not be turned on yet. Infernos old soundtrack is back with them new rcf subs that are pumping out the sountracks low frequency beat and lost citys speakers are sounding amazing with that great imascore sountrack. The parks amtmospere has changed alot with the new speakers giving it a refreshed feel, its looking like its going to be a great season!
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