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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Also, looking into the introduction of Stealth, ok they had to think of a way to bring it into the area, but they just stole the idea from AT with rita. It seems like the theme started at the end and that I think spoils it. Thorpe could have done so much more and still can..

    Just to correct you there - Rita was copied from Stealth idea. Took thorpe a few years to plan for stealth, and halfway through rita took most of the design stages and did it in a few months.
  2. Gave Daniel a lift home and I coincidently jumped a red light and think I'm probably in teh shiz for that, who knows! Also got lost on the way home and ended up coming home from Chiswick?! Why didnt my tomtom tell me how to get to the m25 I dont know!

    Thats why you use your noggin rather than a piece of s**tty equipment. Its bloody signposted to M25!
  3. Time for general photos:Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted ImageSeastorm has been recladded after it basically fell off last season. The bins seem to be new, and hold a "litter" sign. Vampire pond has been cleaned out (ish). Cadbury castle is now very.. blue. Will it become a Nestle castle? A new mexicana THEMED games unit.Childrens Zoo is very unopened, nor really.. finished:Posted Image Posted ImageSealife! Is a bit.. well its okay, you queue then go into this extremely pointless and empty room which says some "safety" announcements before allowing you to proceed. Not as interesting as other sealifes I've been to.. probably will be better once the fish have grown a bit. The sealife had maps to brighton sealife though (the layout of that centre and whats in it) which we found completely random and.. pointless. Here's an unflattering picture of outside:Posted ImageOverall my day was great, the staff were quick, the place was clean and tidy.. and refreshed, better looking than had done for a while now.And finally.. on the other side of the Burger King, Burger King, Burger King.. is a flash from the past. Any retro Chessie fanboys remember/have a clue what this actually says?:Posted Image

  4. So onto some rides:Vampire queueline looks fantastic. Basically, the rides TLs decided to get rid of the bricks and put down woodchips.. what an effect its made. Its gorgeous. Not only that, they've added in some theming.. shown below :P.Posted Image Posted Image Posted ImageTo compare to last year:Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted ImageAlso, in the "tunnel" bit in the queueline, they've cut some lovely holes in the wall, and put some theming in there!Posted Image Posted ImageThe ride itself was running fantasticly fast.. the staff were putting a hell of a lot of effort into making the dispatch times mentally quick, I couldn't have done better myself (considering I used to work on it..). The bars in the station have been painted professionally.. a lovely deep purple. Only problem I have with vampire is this:Posted Image.All queues are like 5mins max apart from fury which was about 20mins. Bubbles closed (as we knew :P), Fury kept shutting down and Falls was evacuated and not reopened again.. wonder whether that'll open again soon.

  5. Went to Chessington today (naturally), and got some photos of the interesting things (not like new wood on the fences, towersnerd :P).. APOLOGIES FOR THREE POSTS. Too many photos apparently :POn entering, I noticed that the globe was spinning again in the ticket queue.. a nice touch, glad to see that moving (first time I've seen it do that!)Out of deciding which is more interesting out of the two new things at chessington, I decided to head straight for Burger King first.Posted ImageBurger King, Burger King, Burger King.. (note: Bubbleworks EXP sign has moved to a better position).Posted Image Posted ImageA nice repaint, and I'm glad the Counts Caldron has remained.. it looks good. (Also a cash machine, which became rare sights last year.. free).Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted ImageThe inside looks very nice, with only the scary trees remaining (I believe). The staff were well suited as well, with lovely little drawn on fangs.. The only problem I had with Burger King was that I counted 36 (36!!) members of staff just behind the tills.. consisting of till people, food collector people and bout 5 plain clothed managers. So many that noone actually was able to move anywhere. The brand new chairs are very nice as well.

  6. Is anyone actually going to CWoA this Saturday? Would be nice to know who actually is.....

    Unless someone wants to go halfies on me with a BOGOF.. then nopey ;)
  7. The conditions you bought for was to fastrack into the queue, cutting out the majority of it. You agreed to pay a price for this service and agreed with its conditions when purchasing it, and therefore was up to you whether you decided to buy fastrack or not.

  8. But Oblivion NEVER has a queue... (Over 20 mins)

    So because you dont queue when its busy, that means they never have a queue? And never has a queue.. and 20mins queue.. tends to suggest.. theres a queue of 20mins? A queue? Yes.
  9. Air no longer gets queues, I went to Alton during the Hullabaloo event and it weas running on 1 train but still had no queue!

    Everytime I've visited alton, air has a longish queue. Usually air and spinball are busiest when I see them! When I went on hullabaloo event, it was 2 trains and a 30min queue.
  10. Your a fanboy when you work on a ride that has noone on it so you text a friend!

    Thats what anyone does though, not really fanboys.. although if you're talking about a tussauds park and they have phone on park then thats very naughty and they obviously dont care about the place that much! Enough said.
  11. EDIT: Msn's in pretty bad shape, may have to get a newer version or simply download it all again! Which would require me to get everyones msn again >_>

    You n00b.. upgrade it, sign in.. might work. Unless you've decided to login and delete every member on your account, why would you need to get everyones msn again?
  12. I like something along the lines of raw meat.... :D

    ..Perve ;).Last week I had so many days of shepherds pie. Tuesday, Wednesday and then had it again on friday at eleanors! Mental shizz.
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