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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Why alton? Because its the biggest money maker with the biggest potential. Having a proper resort is a hell of a lot more profitable (and inviting) than creating an atmosphere at thorpe. Thorpes gone too far into teenage thrilling ways to bother with theming or atmosphere. Its target audience dont want it, and they wont make much extra from the expenditure on it.

    if I think of thorpe park I just sigh at the potential I has.

    And to think how Chessington fanboys feel. Much much more potential than thorpe, and can go to a minature alton route. But alas, I doubt it'd happen [although merlin have upped budgets so much that the management are pissing themselves with excitement]. We've only had £8m invested in the past 4 years f**ksake!
  2. Ans Sebastian.... there was a family taking there kids for a walk down there...... Gee..... It was also taken in 2006..... and there wasn't a sign or anything on the OPEN gate....

    Ahh yeah did that myself a couple of times. Dunno why the gate in the garden was never shut in 06.
  3. If I was you, I'd wait. Teenage years aren't the time to be going making massive decisions about yourself and who you are, because no matter how sure you may be, it's still a screwy time of life. Hormones going nuts, school, college, life in general. There is enough pressure as it is without adding to it.

    Thats why people like Alex make choices to go emo. Poor souls :o
  4. I think that possibly bad experiences with women may put men off women.

    I doubt it lovey, not like girls and can change their orientation.. if you like girlies, you like girlies.. even if majority of them give you bad experiences (which they do!) :o.
  5. Need money to buy hair product or sommet? :o

    Could you not post the link Sebby? I think I've seen an advert for what you're talking about on telly!

    Evil companies.. charities have been doing this for years (without giving you money, obviously).. I expect their income from that is gonna decrease :o
  6. Maybe because Chessie had no plans of any sort of investment for 08 season until merlin looked into the park and thought.. christ it needs investment.. here, have a temporary sealife centre which we have lying around.. as its better than nothing, and we can invest properly in the future! *cough*Perhaps.. just perhaps :o

  7. The zoo is doing really well. For the few weeks it was open before march last year it made £40k gross profit - that is amazing considering they expected to get about £8k. Sealife is an added attraction and one which everyone will visit (because its fish.. why wouldn't you go see fish?). Even though its not permenant, they haven't marketed it that way, so I doubt its just to bring people to the zoo during this time period.

  8. I've been on Vampire halfway up Lifthill 1 for 15mins before. Engineers have to have their laughs somehow.. so not really a breakdown, but good all the less.Apart from that.. been on too many breakdowns to count. Just not the ones I want to be on (X:\NWO!)

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