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So I'm all new to this theme parky stuff, and I thought I'd share all my first impressions with you :)

Entries in this blog

End of Off-Season

Sup nerds, Before last August I'd been to a theme park a maximum of probably 10 times. Then in August I'm dragged on Stealth for the first time. December I'm taken to Winter Wonderland. January I get bought a Merlin Annual Pass for my birthday (thanks SCB!) February I go to Thorpe Park's early opening. And this month I dash to the proper opening day of Thorpe Park after college, narrowly missed out on a spur-of-the-moment jaunt on the London Eye, and go to Chessington' Annual Pass Preview

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

A Bat-like Empire

Well I guess you could say my winning streak continued at the Chessington meet this weekend Oh and I had my first go on Vampire ever. Yay another credit! So first, Empires. A brilliant game IMO Pick a ride (any ride as long as it's operational) and people try to guess it, while you're trying to guess theirs. Anyone you guess takes on your ride name and becomes a part of your empire, until someone guesses the name of your empire and it all becomes theirs. Well, IF someone guesses yours... Le

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!

Sup nerds, So today I had my first visit to a seaside amusement park, with my charity taking a bunch of our disabled Young People. We went to Funland Hayling Island just outside Portsmouth, a cute little place right on the beach a lot bigger than it appears from the outside, with actually some decent stuff. First came a twister, pretty much what it says on the tin but it was on a pretty good setting. Then there was the Klondlike rollercoaster that was really good surprisingly, if a little cr

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

The Disappearance! Part One (Holland, Summer Nights, Oakwood, moving house, moving out)

Hey again nerds! I kinda went AWOL for a bit. I'm sorry. I disappeared somewhere around July but I'm back again! And I have so many blogs to catch up on... So I'm gonna try and smoosh them all into one So late July I went to Holland with cadets to do my 100-mile hike. Owch, my god it was painful. But so rewarding This year I did it as a member of the British military contingent, so we had to stay on this camp with the 5000 other military personnel from all over the world. On the first d

Celia Mae

Celia Mae


Hey nerds, I know I promised a part three of my disappearance blog AGES AGO but it's been a while so I'm just going to dump a load of Scarefest pictures and pictures from other stuff I've been up to since the end of last year here for anyone who's interested The welcome posters were fabulous... Spot the mistake?   Compulsory trip Nemesis photos: Spooky!   The Towers all lit up   No lights on the Smiler   Scarefe

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Agressive Bingo in Windsor

I just realised I hadn't written a blog from the TPM LEGOLAND Meet! Should have been a quite important one too seeing as I haven't been before... First impressions of LEGOLAND, it was alright! Obviously designed with little children in mind but it was a fun day all the same. Though I will admit that I fear I'm too much of a thrill seeker and it definitely needs a few more serious coasters... Still loving the meets though Lego Bingo... Got very competitive. Got a list of 20-ish questions fro

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

A Trip Up North

Alton Towers finally happened! SCB can tell you, we've had a countdown going for ages and finally we went, so I am no longer an AT 'virgin' as some would put it. When it came to actually going I was nervous, as a lot of hate had been spread around about low standards and operations and the like compared with last season; however this time I once again found myself in the position I was in at CWoA, not knowing what to expect so practically being an ordinary punter. So, day one. We started the

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Spooning Ant and Dec

So, spooning. I've tried to describe this to many people without it sounding completely strange, and failed miserably. It is bizzare, but definitely fun. Especially if you win on your first ever time Hold onto a spoon at a theme park all day. How? Oh and come 3pm people can attack your spoon. What?! Those are the rules, but they aren't always stuck to. Shoutout to J.S217 who managed to go through three spoons in one day... Whereas I was the first person ever to finish the day with a complete

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Nerding + Work + Life = Fail

I'm gonna say this straight out, I love my job. I'm so happy to finally have one, it's a massive weight off my chest But I am way too used to having so much freedom to organise what I do. For everyone that doesn't know, my air cadet squadron is my life. Completely. Almost everything I do within my cadets capacity isn't for myself, it's for them. I run my squadron's marching band which I have actually built myself from nothing, I have to organise most events, and I help the staff run the squa

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

A New View on Chessington

Sup ridefans, So I work for a charity where we run playschemes and respite care for disabled children up to disabled young adults, split into three groups; play (5-12), youth (12-18) and young adults (18-25); specialising in our 'non-exclusion policy', meaning any young people are welcome, no matter how severe or not severe their disability is. I work at the youth scheme near Guildford, and on Saturdays we sometimes go on day trips. So today, we went to Chessington. That was an experience. I d

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

The Disappearance! Part Two - Drayton Manor and Adventure Island

Hi again, managed to get Windows 8 to play ball so I can upload my photos from since September Early September me and SCB headed up north to Drayton Manor for my first time. It was a cold, damp day, but we got loads of rides done, including the "humpty bumpty oddity" that is G-Force, and my first standing coaster (Shockwave) that was... Challenging to get into due to being a little bit short :pardon:Eventually developed a technique by the end of the day though and really enjoyed it Also enjo

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

The Delay... This Darned Technology.

Sup nerds, I have to start this one by saying sorry. This blog is for me to apologise for the delay in writing the rest of my disappearance blog, as I'm afraid my laptop has lost all ability to connect to WiFi... Typical. And the last part was gonna be the best one too... So part three will have to wait until I go home from university for Christmas, sorry! Got loads of great photos (especially of Scarefest) so I promise it will be worth the wait! I hope. Cheers, see some of you at the Christ

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

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