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Why X:\ has No Way Out of my Heart



Back in 1995, Thorpe Park was an extremely different place. Rather than being an island screaming out to the world about its thrills and spills, it was a quaint little family theme park, that kept itself to itself. Instead of the skyline being dominated by the likes of Stealth and Swarm, a large diving pole was the centre point, with Loggers Leap and Depth Charge being the highest rides on park at 60ft and 40ft respectively (and yet wouldn't really obstruct the skyline from outside the park too much).

A year later, that dramatically changed. The park's first non-powered coaster landed, and concealed itself in a large, 50ft-odd (anyone know the exact height of it? :P ) blue and terracotta pyramid. 1996 was the year X:No Way Out arrived on park. It was the last investment made by the park's first owners, RMC, and no doubt their biggest, though an exact figure seems to be unknown. The ride was the first backwards in the dark roller coaster to ever be built, and I think to this day, remains the only one which completes its circuit going wholly backwards in the dark.

I think many enthusiasts forget to consider X in the perspective of when it was built. As I've tried to get across, Thorpe didn't have much in the way of 'big rides', they weren't that sort of park at the time. X changed that and, to me, signalled the beginning of the change from this little park to the thrill park we have today (with the consecutive investments of Colossus and Nemesis Inferno truly showing that Thorpe wasn't just going to be 'a theme park', it was to be a 'thrill park'). It dominated the park's skyline, and was something completely different and unique.

I've made no secret that, recently, I really like X. I don't quite know what it is about it, but it has a certain charm to it that really appeals to me. But before I explain why I like it so much, let's rewind a bit - all the way back to 2004. My first visit of the 2004 season saw my first visit to a theme park when I was over 1.4m tall. Having visited the park all of my life and seen 'big rides' such as Colossus and Nemesis Inferno installed, I was really looking forward to finally be able to go on such rides. However, for some reason, X ended up being my first 1.4m ride; really not sure why, but hey-ho.

As strange as it sounds, just before going in the building, I was scared. So scared, in fact, that I was nearly took into the pyramid kicking and screaming... When I look back, I don't quite understand why. I'd been into the pyramid before and all around the queue the year before (and the waited in the control cabin whilst family went on the ride). I knew the ride went backwards in the dark, and I knew it wasn't 'too scary'. Yet, going into the pyramid knowing I'd be riding the ride scared me.


The X:No Way Out entrance before Storm Surge ruined it. Photo taken from Wikipedia.

Anyways, moving on. I plucked up the courage to go on and...I was disappointed. The ride bored me, to the extent that I started just having 'general chit chat' whilst on the ride. The ride was random, seemed pretty poor and just lacked any substance. Then when the nine year old me later compared it to the likes of Colossus and Inferno, what else could I think? After then until the end of the 2006 season, I think I rode it about 2-3 times. The worst testament a ride can get to a regular visitor is that such visitors don't ride it, even when they're going on other rides time and time again.

Then came 2007. 2007 was around about the time I started discovering enthusiast sites and forums, and started reading them with interest. I guess you could say that was the time when I realised my love for theme parks (or, at that time, Tussauds' Parks) was actually an enthusiasm; a hobby. 2007 was also when X apparently got it's '£600k refurb' thing. So, that drew me in to give X another go. And I did. Yet, to me, little had changed. It was the same old boring ride which was stuck in the past. It still didn't blow me away.

Now we fast forward to 2009. I don't quite know what it was, but this was a turning point for me and my opinion on X. It had finally dawned on me that X served a purpose different to any other ride at Thorpe. It was meant to be random, it wasn't meant to make sense or to be taken as a serious thrill ride in the park (at least, not now - maybe when it opened, it would have been different). And it was that realisation that changed my whole view on X from a ride which seemed to be taking up valuable space to a ride which was high on my 'to do list' for almost every visit.

The experimentations with the ride since then, such as turning the lights on in 2010, the 'techno' music, flashing lights and so forth have been of much entertainment to me as well. In a way, it's said to me that X is not only a random ride and one that shouldn't be taken as a serious ride, but it's a ride which shouldn't be taken seriously at all. When you see it in such a light-hearted way, it does what it's meant to do perfectly.


The X entrance and opening plaza is now ruined by Storm Surge. As a side note, I like how the entrance is still so unassuming about what is contained in the pyramid. (Apologises about the poor quality!)

That's enough about the whole history of my opinion on X. I think it's clear that I have developed a love for X; even if it's just because it's got a "so bad that it's good" feel to it. But, why exactly does it have 'No Way Out' of my heart? One thing I have a trouble with is how words like 'iconic' are thrown around so much (not just in the theme park world, but in general) that they become worthless. Rides that have a meaning to you are like your personal icon rides, and as such, they should be special, not just every other ride. I think this shows just how much I appreciate X.

I think the reason it is so special to me is that, as I've said, it's a ride which has sorta shown that a ride's purpose and direction, and how that purpose is marketed, is so important. In a way, a bit like Th13teen - Th13teen was marketed as a thrill ride, yet its purpose was a family ride. It was poorly received at first, but now the thrill hype has gone away, it's a success. But X is different. It has always been marketed as a thrill ride and that it should be a serious thing. However, that's not what it is and not its purpose, and until you 'get' that, you cannot appreciate X. And this is the real shame - most people won't 'get' that, due to the misrepresentation of the ride itself.

And that brings me nearly to the end. I'm not going to go into any details about the ride experience, the theming, the audio

and so forth like I would if I were to 'review' a ride. Personally, I think that would be unnecessary; a ride doesn't have to be defined as 'good' to be special to someone. However, I want to bring up one final point. To those of you that read

my views on The Antelope at Gulliver's World, you may remember I ended by saying that I feel the more I've become an enthusiast, the more I lose the reason why I became an enthusiast - "the innocent enjoyment of a ride". Yet, strangely, it seems that with the case of X:No Way Out, it is the very opposite - the more I've become an enthusiast, the more I've grown to appreciate and, in turn, enjoy, rides more.



Recommended Comments

I actually disagree with a part of this. Back in 1995 Thorpe was competing with Chessington who had not only just opened Rameses Revenge to great acclaim, they also had Legoland opening down the road which would take a significant amount of people away from visiting Thorpe. The park obviously saw the success of thrill seeking rides such as Nemesis and Rameses and decided to test the waters with this route. Enthusiasts don't forget this as such, they just see it as No Way out being a complete failure in advertising and as a ride concept in general. It was too scary for kids and not scary enough for adults. It lies in that dangerous middle ground of not knowing who its target audience is and throughout the noughties, was being pinched and pushed in a number of random directions.

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I don't like the fact that you have to queue in that stupid garden area- it's not a proper queue line and they should let you queue inside the pyramid instead!Also X is being turned forwards so will no longer remain worlds first backwards in the dark rollercoaster!Does anyone know why it is 'x:/' is it meant to be a nervous face or something?

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I actually disagree with a part of this. Back in 1995 Thorpe was competing with Chessington who had not only just opened Rameses Revenge to great acclaim, they also had Legoland opening down the road which would take a significant amount of people away from visiting Thorpe. The park obviously saw the success of thrill seeking rides such as Nemesis and Rameses and decided to test the waters with this route. Enthusiasts don't forget this as such, they just see it as No Way out being a complete failure in advertising and as a ride concept in general. It was too scary for kids and not scary enough for adults. It lies in that dangerous middle ground of not knowing who its target audience is and throughout the noughties, was being pinched and pushed in a number of random directions.

I'm a bit confused here Mark - what do you disagree with? Yep, 1995 they were competiting with Chessington, and the opening of Legoland drew ever nearer. The park was still a completely different place, and no doubt a thrill ride was thought as a natural step for a family park, especially when you look at the succusses of others, like you say. But still, I think X was never meant to be this scary thrill ride - at the time, the park had Calgary Stampede for thrill rides. But they needed something big, a centre point, and whilst it was designed to target the older audiences, it could never have been a proper thrill ride of a coaster; it wasn't the sort of park to install such a thing.

I completely agree with the incorrect advertising in recent years, as whilse the park developed and installed 'real' thrill rides, X seemingly remained as a 'big boy'; just one who was wearing shoes a couple of sizes too big. In the past 2-3 years, the pinching and pushing you speak of has been blindingly obvious, and hopefully we can finally see X find its place at the park.

I don't like the fact that you have to queue in that stupid garden area- it's not a proper queue line and they should let you queue inside the pyramid instead! Also X is being turned forwards so will no longer remain worlds first backwards in the dark rollercoaster! Does anyone know why it is 'x:/' is it meant to be a nervous face or something?

I have mixed opinions on queueing outside. The queueing outside keeps the mystery for longer I think. But at the same time, it builds suspense, creating a fear of the unknown to those who don't know what to expect inside, which is not what should happen with X - it is not a ride to be feared any more. That's why X needs an upbeat theme - adding a scary / dark theme makes people expect a scary ride, and X is anything but scary. I guess that H&S stop there being too many people queueing inside, but I think depending on how any possible retheme works out, the outside queueing section could be made to 'fit in' better.

As for the possibility of it being turned forwards (I know it's pretty much all but officially confirmed that it will turn forwards, but I'm not going to say it will be till it's confirmed..), that doesn't take away from the fact it was the the world's first backwards in the dark coaster. Colossus is still the first 10 looping coaster, despite there be other 10 looping coasters, and an 11 looping coaster opening this year. It would just so happen it is now facing forward. As for the 'X:' (it's a bakslash, not a forward one! :P ) part of the name, I believe that was due to the original theme of the ride, a computer virus, as it is computer-related.

I've always thought that X:/No Way Out is a good ride - it's just a shame that the theming has been left to rot in places.

Hopefully something will be done with it for 2013 - but I wouldn't want to see it going forwards!

Great entry btw :)

I agree about the forwards bit; the backwardsness of the ride is what helps make the ride so random. Turning it forwards could well make the random less random and, instead, further highlight the weak layout that X has.

And thanks! :)

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