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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rush (5)Samurai (6)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave(4)Rush +1 Tidal Wave -1
  2. Much love to all and muchos apologies to ya'll for my non-attendance. This shall be made up by my promise of attendance to the the next meet whenever it shall be!
  3. Pickles


    You spend 40% of your life sitting down.
  4. Nope, the effects of it are still around. Even if people are still more open about it, there is still the odd one that will comment on it and say it should still be about. This type of person is usually accosiacted with the word 'chav'.
  5. See any progress we made went down the pan because of section 28.
  6. See if you look back at the past 50 years of LGBT history it's not nice. Police discriminating. Did you know any gay pubs etc had to have blacked out windows? I believe that the clubs which are avaliable to young people now is progress. Section 28 is where it all went wrong, because they brought that in people felt like homosexualitly was a taboo topic. The confusion and reprecussions of that piece of legislation has done a fair bit of damage. So any club which can freely advertise it I see that as progress.
  7. How does the Merlin Magic Pass thingy the one ya get for working there work at Fright Nites can you just like go in etc or still have to book?
  8. Agreed bring on October!
  9. Pickles


    There not blasts from the past, thats like hitting a brick wall and going OMGGGG Pffft I get to bed at like 3 am, 12ish is nothing lol.
  10. I'm just gonna add my 2 cents in here cause I feel I have a right to tbh. I go to one of the 'gay clubs' as people call it around my area. There's only one in Reading. If I was to sit down and talk to the people in there and ask them if it has helped them, pretty much all would say yes. Why? Because it's a place to get together where people won't be discriminated against. If anything I feel hurt that we have to meet up basically at a youth centre where no one would even guess that it was a 'gay club'. As for teaching them from a young age, there is a group of people trying to teach secondary age kids about the past 50 years of LGBT history. It's oddly enough called Re-writing LGBT history. I'm part of this and it's alot harder than people realise. You have to think about what you put in and could it possibly put a teacher in danger? How would most kids react to a bit of information. Section 28 was the hardest part to do, how do you describe years of damage to the LGBT community in a non-biased way? Oh and at TPKabz who once again jumped in without reading posts correctly, I am Bi-sexual and have a preference to girls so yes I do have a right to say I'm a lesbian as well I prefer girls.
  11. I would have rather been beaten than some of the stuff that was said to me, it makes me sick what people do to people who are either unsure or know what sexuality they are. I mean basically making someones life hell for 3 years and just generally making them not want to be here all because their bi! I mean come on. People need to grow up and learn that just because someone like the the same sex doesn't mean their gonna fancy you. Pride this year at Reading was AMAZING no one was discriminatory and afterwards people were actually walking round the streets holding hands I was like wow be it a normal day no one could do that. Wait hold on let me correct my self here. Chav girls can hold hands but if your not a chav then ZOMGGG UR TOTALLY A LEZZIEE!!! I wish people would grow up, they one but one can wish.
  12. Lucky you try being a lesbian in an all girls school. =P
  13. I am now officially a lesbian. I give up with guys.
  14. Can I make a point of for this date you HAVE to book for it. =D
  15. I can't believe I actually put that I was gonna go do a poo and yes, yes it was =P MUHAHAHAHAH xxx

  16. Omg hiii college! Hows is going etc etc! Hows you? Omg I need to poo brb. Back I love you =P xxxx

  17. Legoland has more wasps than Thorpe Park because Thorpe Park is a car park. Well a ride park but yeah. FIND ME MAJOR BUSHES AT THORPE. And grass...
  18. I did and I lived =D But anyway I'm still a maybe.
  19. Big brother after 7 series or whatever and anything with Justin Bieber on.
  20. If I can be getting the moneysss then should be a yesssss!
  21. This phase has been going on since I was 11. God bless celebrities and the pressures of secondary. I'm not sleeping well but that just makes me tired and I can't help it I just see it and will for a while to come.
  22. Pickles

    Doctor Who

    The doctors finds that he's actually confused about his sexuality.
  23. See that's what I hate, if they knew life from my point of view. The fact that even now despite the fact I now eat 3 times a day etc and still see fat whenever I look in the mirror the people who have never suffered like me and say I'm so fat I'm like piss off! They don't know what it's like starving yourself just to fit in or just to be skinny. I still see a fat girl whenever I look in the mirror and probs will do for life yet they just say it to get attention.
  24. Pickles

    News Desk

    I'm sorry but you make me laugh! I'm the most cynical and pessimistic person you will ever meet and I think your worse than me. Now that's saying something. Anyway I haven't noticed the social networking stuff so I'm happys but the only gripe I have is changing my profile and stuff like that is confusing and shizz =S
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