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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I hurt my toe and now it's so hot I could fry an egg on it! Smelly sausages! xxxxx

  2. So was I at first =D It's easier to meet up with a few people first then move onto the bigger ones lol XP xx

  3. Random question but did you go to London Pride '09? I think I saw a photo of you =P xx

  4. Pickles


    It just pissed me off cause in esscence he was telling her to go somewhere else and being the same as her, pretty much only posting in the OFF TOPIC (TpKabz that ones for you) forum it touched a nerve cause he's basically telling me to go somewhere else as well. Atleast she's not going off topic in the Theme Park bit. I think someone needs to learn to re-read posts and see how sarcastic and pretentious they sound (guess what that ones for you as well TpKabz)
  5. Pickles


    Okay now thats pissed me off. Technically you should say the same about me, I rarely post in the theme park bit. Gonna tell me to f*ck off somewhere else? Jesus freedom of speech much!
  6. Hey! I've almost made it too my teens without pooping out a baby =D
  7. I have 3 careers than I'm determined to do =DWorking with emotionally disturbed children etc, Law teacher and journalist.
  8. Pickles


    Oh yeah people arleady feel ill from it being dark lets add a stobe light, I personally would feel more sick.
  9. No! Whilst the themeing is good you cannot compare it to another park, this is just basically one area =/But anyway brill trip report for WWHP! Makes me wanna go even moree.
  10. I worried too much about what people thought of me and I've now paid for that with my health. Would go into it but its pretty boring. My rant is I'm getting really fed up with people who either smoke because they think they look cool and people who assume that all people smoke cause they think they look cool. I for one know I don't look any cooler with a cigarette in my hand, I started cause I tried it and I liked it. I'm now not liking but I'm kinda in quite deep so yeah it's not cool. I guess I dont mind people assuming we smoke cause we think we look cool, it's the people who do it to be cool that bugs me the most. People would not think like they do if it wasn't for you guys. So thanks.
  11. My rant is just people in general not knowing the whole personal space thing I have, when I'm getting irritated the worst thing to do is hug me or something and yet my best friend knows this and despite me politely asking for him just to step away just because he was with a mate he decided he was going to take the piss. I almost hit him in the faces. Hes meant to know about this stuff as hes seen what bloody happens. I hate it when people act differently in front of people.
  12. Pickles

    Forum Posts

    I personally think that the whole moderation thing has gone a bit pear shaped, people are allowed to post crap still and nothings done about it. People can be pompous bee-stings and get away with it.
  13. See I can restrain myself from having a cigarette in a queue, if it's a long queue I just light up as soon as I get out of the bloody ride. It's actually not that hard to wait, you get a little bit agitated and might snap at someone (btw perfect time for a queue jumper is when I haven't had a cigarette and its a long queue) I don't see why they have to light up, it does make queuing unpleasant and personally for me makes me want one even more.
  14. Pickles


    Haha I remember my trip, I fell asleep in all the seminars and had to copy off my mate when we got back as the teachers decided to test us.
  15. Come to Reading, they have their own area in which the PCSOs frequesntly visit.My rant for today is unsurprisingly carrying on from my last one that wasn't to do with ^. It's made me so angry and hurt but little Mr D we'll call him is acting as normal and I have to as my friends are getting him back for it. I just want an apology and a time to say stay away from me and don't ever come talk to me again. If Mr D doesn't agree with that unfortunately he will be met with numerous of problems.
  16. My rant is people assuming everything comes down to chavs. Some are decent and besides moshers, goths, emos etc etc do some stuff thats not good rly.
  17. My rant is people, so far so many people have turned round and proved themselves to be untrust worthy. One even bitched about me on live journal! So far I've stopped myself from bitching on a friggin website but now I can physically talk to some people with out shaking and feeling the need to smack them one. It's getting ridiculous. The person who bitched about me on live journal used my real name and forgot that I can access his and read it. SO STUPID PATHETIC AND BITCHY. Its made me so angry and the thought that people actually do that is so yeah. I honestly now could not care about that person and one day they will get everything they deserve.
  18. See this is exactly what pisses me off when people say that people whining or whatever is stupid or pathetic in comparision to something else. Jesus guys no matter how small or big someones problem is its theirs therefore all they know. Keep a friggin open mind srsly?
  19. Glass/splinter in foot 100,000,000 - Holly 0Bring on Monday and the removal of said glass/splinter.
  20. Pickles


    I'm giving up on paying jobs, gonna work on making my UCAS application look good and do some volunteering =D
  21. Pickles


    Awww! I don't watch anything like that =D I watched P.S I love you today and cried like anything. Yes people Holly does indeed cry =P
  22. :'( I'm not a betch, YOU are!

  23. I totally agree with you guys, thats getting a tad ridiculous if you think we have all the celebrities and stuff influencing us and now clothes websites? I'm surprised they don't just stick a poster up saying look like this!
  24. Its more than 2 after 9 in my area =S
  25. Mmmm rweading busses are awesomeee!

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