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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Men. The way they give youi hope and then dasah then! And all ym close mates aave veen crying cause of men and I soont like seing my mates hust it makes me angrys!
  2. Pickles


    Hi there my name is Holly and I'm addicted to addiction meetings.
  3. Pickles


    I may as well.....http://www.formspring.me/HollyB5
  4. You know you're a fanperson when you go more then Marc Simpson!
  5. Pickles


    My hairs falling out really fast nowww! I got out the bath and I had enough hair to fill a tennis ball in my hand =S
  6. Pickles


    I might do the queuing up thinggg if they do it.
  7. Pickles


    Don't rub it in that my Dad said he would get me a ticket after they'd sold out.
  8. Pickles


    Thats a cat?!!??!
  9. I agree, pity I didn't make it until half 2. I would have taken delight in cracking a whip at everyone. At the end of the day people had fun in their little predicatble groups and you all should have had fun together. Next time I'll make sure I'm there on time. Sitting in your little groups do not help at all. I remember my first meet-up and it was the best one because everyone talked to everyone and didn't stick to pre-decided groups. Everyone should learn from this, admins is organisation and non-bias and the rest of us is not to learn from example.
  10. Pickles


    I have a song in my head and I can't think of the lyrics it's to do with love and it's and old oneee! SO ANNOYINGGGGGG.
  11. Alright I'm coming but I'll be in either just after opening or just before the meet up as usual =P
  12. You know why Marc. This forum has actually gone downhill and it's rather sad to say. Ever since we got the title of 'The official Thorpe Park fansite' it's gone ****, this just fuels my thoughts. And also yes you do have to protect members etc but discrimination isn't protecting them.
  13. Seconded, I'm sorry but this is stupid no offence to the admins but really? Rich has friends of here by bascially banning him from the meeting you taking his right to see his friends away. If thats your attitude then I don't want any part of this forum and besides why you banned him is discimination. I'm sorry but piss off.
  14. I'll go if Rich goes, I love hanging out with that guy
  15. I feel that this forum persecutes people for something that happens to everyone at one point statistically. Its stupid and petty tbh. I reckon its not even because of that just who they are friends with and aren't friends with. Its pissed me off extremely because it cannot be helped so sort it out seriously. Were meant to be adults.
  16. Pickles


    Monster Raving Looney Party TBH
  17. Yaaay hopefully by that point I'll have saved up a bit and will be able to get a merlin ap so =D xx

  18. My name is Holly and I'm a themeparkoholic!

  19. Whens my Scottish Dad next down for Thorpe Park, I would say CHessington or London but Hollys only got a TP AP =( xx

  20. Where abouts do you live? I'll come and kick some sense into them Well done for not reacting etc. But honey we need to talk about this harming stuff. PM me okay?Side note: Jesus christ Kabz calm down. It's just a singer.
  21. Well done lol. Stupid innit? Also Chantelle Houghton was spotted needing medical help after going on Saw Alive which is stoopid! The magazine I got it from warned people that it was scary.
  22. Ladies and gentleman I present to you a statement from a magazine and you must spot what is wrong with it:''Saw at Thorpe Park - 150 litres of vomit were cleaned up from it in 2008 - yuk!''Let the competion BEGIN!
  23. Pickles


    Reading by any chance?
  24. T'was my pleasure falling over you =P I do that alot it seemed to be you that day WELCOME =D
  25. I can has you as my Scottish Dad XD xxx

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