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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. Really? So by your theory I give less than others. No I give more than most I know who haven't had the upbringing I have.

    This is the problem I had in Secondary, people thing using financial as a argument when it's not. It's possibly the stupidest theory I've heard.

  2. Actually I find that it's even. To put a definition on which one I am, I am well off. It's how the parents raise you actually. I was raised to give to charity when I can and to be realistic in how much I can give, which majority of the time was a lot so not it's not about how much money and whether you appreciate it, it's how you've been raised Mer.

  3. Don't miss deadlines, can't wait to go back to them. Hypocritical (Y)

    Severe illness needs a new definition. Mine didn't count with my uni. Severe depression kinda counts.

  4. When it comes down to it, it's a budget. Now Merlin has many different attractions fighting for a part of the budget. Chessie will have either not had a strong enough 'campaign' we'll call it or the budget just got given to others. It happens. It's not fair and it's the way things work. Happens in many businesses. And before you say 'oh but can't they just divide the money fairly' I don't know why but that's most likely the way they want to run it. That's most likely why Chessie doesn't get as much investment as others, Sealife investments anyone? Etc.

  5. Lol. After a somewhat patronising post of your opinions, you discount everyone elses opinions as they haven't run a business for a few years.

    Run many businesses have you?

    Yes I have actually, thank you for asking, Nice to see that when I get older people still make assumptions.

    Okay, I think it's been made clear we all have differing opinions on what is going on... majority opinion is it that its dire but still.

    I think we can all have an opinion on what's happening and at this point it isn't looking good but I think what Holly may have been trying to emphasise is that none of our opinions are informed. We're informed in the sense we understand some basic inner workings of the park from an enthusiast point of view but none of us truly understand the in's and out's of management of a theme park, let alone a global theme park business. So we can say what we want, but they aren't informed opinions.

    Pretty much what I was trying to say, sorry if it came across wrong or whatever but I think from now on I'm just not going to bother next time.

  6. Hello there guys. It's obviously not completed yet so give it time, have patience? I know it's something the majority of you struggle with. This topic has become slate Chessie and Scorpion filled instead of an actual discussion with positives. Yes there was positive posts but over 3 pages that I read I saw about 3. None of you have even considered the process of how a business goes about doing something like this, it's just they must not care.

    Now then if Merlin did not care then Flying Fish wouldn't have been put back in, Swarm wouldn't of been built, Scorpion Express wouldn't be getting re-themed, same with all the new stuff at Alton. What you guys are failing to see is that it's not all about you. It's not all about what you want. It's about what everyone wants and what they are able to do. Now there's the main point. What they are able to do. No one has considered that they may not have been able to put the rocks back? Or that this is the only way of doing things right now? Or the fact that maybe they can't actually afford all of the sh!t that you guys want doing to it.

    Now then to cover the fact it's an old ride, yes the nostalgia will be there, you will ride it and think, this theming used to be there etc. But at the end of the day you will have to look at it as a new ride because it's a new ride experience as they put it. You will be experiencing the ride differently compared to what you used to. I too will miss the old ride BUT I look forward to riding it again with these changes to see what this NEW experience will be like.

    People on here are ashamed of defending Merlin, I don't see why. They are a business and when you run a business you have to make decisions, not everyone will like the decisions and not everyone will want to do them but if you were to just turn around and go 'well let's not do it then' you would go bust in seconds. You wouldn't have a business to run, This is the tough world of business and economics at the moment. We notice it more here because it's on a larger scale. Look at your local town and note down all the small businesses that have shut down in the past 5-6 years. Small things that you don't notice. If it was larger businesses you would notice.

    Tl:dr: In the nicest way possible, go run a business for a few years then come back and tell us all about how Merlin run theirs.

  7. Hate to break this to people but there's so much more to it than just painting a ride. There are many rides at Thorpe that aren't rotting and are older than Colossus. I hate the fact people go it's just painting. There so much more to it than that!

  8. The point of it was the fact it was a completely un-called for an un-related comment in the first place, which has been allowed to spiral out of control. My point remains, you don't need to slag a place off just because someone's personal opinion is that they dislike it.

    Anyway moving on to something that might actually add something to discussion would be nice, as Tommy attempted before...

    I can't physically ignore this because you contradict yourself by replying to just my paragraph and then go on to say that we need to move on? How about you tried not to reply to it? If you payed attention I tried to move the topic on aswell but yet you seem to ignore that just because you feel the need to reply and have the last word? I'm sorry but that post alone makes me speechless.

  9. OH MY GOD BENIN, you had to pick Reading.

    Sorry but with this debate I'm just going to end this one here and say with the current economy some places have become down trodden and 'Tacky' to voice ones opinion is not a crime. It's fact that a fair bit of England is not very nice anymore. It's gotten to a point where you can't get offended because you may as well get offended by various countrys calling England a sh!thole. But you don't.

    Now then, I've never been to Blackpool, been Southport I believe but never Blackpool. I must do that one day.

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