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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. Yes Holly, let's get another piercing, oh just so you know it will hurt like hell again and get infected. Yay. The fact it's self inflicted makes it hurt more.

  2. Banned because if I had my way, everyone would be banned ;)

    Would like to point out this is a joke as some people like to think that if I were a mod I would go on a banning spree when in actual fact I would probs end up banning myself.

    Technology is not my strong point.

  3. I was going to say, they equally worked with Six Flags on one of their Batman rides to turn around some rows of their seats. It's sounds almost like an after market modification they are offering. Wouldn't say no to reversing the rear row on all the Oblivion shuttle...

    Also taking into account to turn the trains round they needed to send it to B&M in the first place XD

  4. Just to reply to you Mer and much like Sarah I don't throw my problems around on this forum but just to get my point across. I was in hospital last year due to a suicide attempt and I was sectioned whilst they mentally assessed me. 2 weeks later, I was back at work. Your basically saying that even if you don't have a choice you should leave if it messes with your mental health. For me at that point in my life, it was work or be back on the streets. I had no choice, I had to go and work where I had people being idiots to me, I had my Dad behind me telling me that if I didn't work I was out. There's been many times in my life where I've had mental breakdowns and I'm only 21, I've still worked, I've still got myself into Uni. I've been sufferering from depression from about 11/12 so my life has been ruled by it. I'm still at Uni and I don't have a job for the time being but that's because I've been focusing on my first year at Uni. Even now after being diagnosed with severe depression and when I say severe on the questionnaire I did I was 2 points off being sectioned again, in fact my Dad will section me again soon if I don't improve. Even with all that I still want to go out and work, earn money and it not be a part time job. Like Sarah said sometimes in life you just can't use your problems as an excuse.

  5. Aah I know the feeling! I did this last year for the exact same reasons pretty much. It was a tough decision to make but my personal opinion is to put your mental well-being first. To some people it seemed a hasty decision but that was because I kept it quiet; I'd been feeling awful for weeks but said nothing in case it passed and because I knew some would be disappointed. Basically I've always struggled to follow through with things, from hobbies to education, so I think I'd developed a kind of fear/expectation of that disappointed reaction because of experiencing it so much :P Plus there are those that don't understand and tell you to carry on and how loads of people hate their jobs. This is true and I'm sure they say it out of concern, but there is a big difference between a person "hating their job" and being so depressed by it. It got to the point where I'd just feel like crying and had to hold back from doing so; to the point where I was losing my appetite (and it was a physical job) and had this horrible, overwhelming feeling where I wanted nothing more than to be home. Similar to when you few ill at school is a good way to describe that last point! I was basically becoming clinically depressed but antidepressants wouldn't have solved it all, something both me and my GP agreed on. There would have been no point taking them when the root cause of it was still there.

    And I'll always remember my grandad saying to me that the most important thing is that you enjoy your job, rather than the money etc. Never a truer word spoken :)

    Good luck with your job search! I was fortunate to be able to return to my old job after I quit, however it's only part time. But it's the best job I've ever had :D

    Sometimes though in life you have a choice, either work or live on the streets so something tells me mental health can take a backseat for that one. Even if you get so ''depressed'' by it, you have no choice when you grow up. It's amusing to see kids sit there and say I hate my job when it doesn't put food on the table for them etc. I'm fortunate enough that I'm at Uni, but when I was at college it was either work full-time or starve, now that's a difficult thing to do. Full-time college and full-time work. Now that's when mental health comes into play.

  6. Credit to everyone on chat. Some are doubles etc but this is what happens if you leave people to talk for 5-10 mins:

    holly the ride

    you must be at least 6 inches to experience holly

    Hollys Fury

    holly and the chocolate factory?

    holly blaster

    hollys revenge.. hmm dont like that

    holly - legend of the towers

    holly the haunted house strikes back?

    Holly:\ No Way Out

    holly in the dung heap

    holly in a teacup

    holly eye spy

    holly's wave

    holly inferno

    hollys galleon

    holly 207 driving school

    it's a small holly

    sharkbait holly

    hi there kids I'm holly, the lollypop lady and I'm gonna show you how


    holly of terror

    Sea Hollys

    haunted holly

    Big Holly Mountain

    Thanks for riding

    holly - alive

    holly - the ride

    The Holly Gardens

    Furious Holly

    Black Holly

    holly attack


    Holly Falls


    revenge of the holly

    Black Holly

    holly - no limits

    Peeking Holly

    Holly of Terrors

    holly attack


    holly's cove

    holly bus

    Many Adventure's of Holly the Pooh

    holly's apprentice

    holly river splash

    Expedition Holly


    Test Holly

    Holly's Leap

    mission - holly

    holly challenge

    Holly I shrunk the audience

    Journey to Holly


    Holly Tours: The Adventures Continue

    drop into holly's hole

    Revenge of the Holly

    holly rabbit

    holly nutty ride

    hocus pocus holly

    top thrill holly

    Holly Beastedf

    energy presents holly eye

    Holly's Revenge

    EDF Energy Presents Holly's Japs Eye

    Holly Dungeons

    son of holly

    Holly Streak

    holly castle

    madame holly

    Holly: Ride of Steel

    holly of the caribbean

    Brought tears to my eye's re-reading this :')

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