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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    Selling hugs, ?1 a hug. I need some funding for trips to Thorpe.
  2. Pickles


    Normal with white icing, omgosh I have a small bite.
  3. Pickles


    Does anybody want my cupcake? I've only had one bite. I really don't want it.
  4. Pickles


    Ha as I've gotten older I've gone off football. Still love going to a Crewe match.
  5. Pickles


    And it makes the queues longer.
  6. Pickles


    Hahaha you wish.
  7. That was mentioned a little while ago lovey
  8. Pickles


    I would like to apologise to Master iskander.
  9. I went to Thorpe park with my school in year 8, I started searching for more information about. Found southparks.org and just floated around there not really doing much, harrassed James on southparks. Found TPM and started to really like Thorpe park etc It's no fairytale but atleast it's realistic.
  10. Pickles


    Ha! I remember what James reminds me of and I'm actually gonna keep my mouth shut for once.
  11. Pickles


    I know this sounds mean but James kinda reminds me of someone sitting like that. When I think who I shall tell you.
  12. Pickles


    Everyone sing my sister passed her driving test first time and guess what she backed into a wall today! Yay for bumperness!
  13. 15 and fooking hating it.
  14. Pickles


    Tut. Right then both of you no more arguments tonight. If you have to ask why then heres why its annoying.
  15. Pickles


    For goodness sakes both of you, give it a rest will ya?
  16. Sorry about double post but heres a quote from southparks.org It did break down then.Quote is from Laurence Wells.
  17. Omgosh for once Slammer didn't break down. Pinch me I'm dreaming.
  18. I say people come back today saying it broke down.
  19. I don't mind gays, I think about them the same way as I do straight people. Beside their normal people, they have arms, legs etc. In my school my mate came out as bi, she's labelled as a lesbian now and no one treats her nicely at all, in a debate in english she stood up for gays and someone said 'your talking from personal experience' sure its not that bad but still she had no right to say that.Tut, the pressures of an all girls school, you would be surprised at how many people feel under pressure to be perfect. There are so many people hiding the fact that they are bi or lesbian.Sorry for the kind of essay but I'm just in a pissed off mood and need to vent some anger.
  20. Been on it once, almost pissed myself with nervousness. T'was amazing and brilliant though.
  21. Pickles


    I need sleep right now after Deathstars! Omgosh it was so cool. I still have a headache from it.
  22. Pickles


    Hmmm just like you did to me?
  23. Lols I feel special.I can't even remember the park tbh so how am I mean't to know my way round? Just because I'm kind of a fangirl doesn't mean I automatically know my way round
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