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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    Pah nothing can beat my day A d!ck saying that I treat guys like toys, buy em then throw em away.Tbh I don't hes just feeling rejected by me.Next time I see him I'll pop his nose.
  2. OMGOSH I haven't logged on in likle 2 days so I didn't wish you a happy biffday!So happy biffday Dan! Mwah xXx
  3. Pickles


    Hello there and greetings from The Holt School silence room. I have been sent to the silence room for refusing to roll down my sleeves of my longsleeve shirt in a room that was boiling. I am a lil bit angry but as theres no teacher, theres no detention. For once! So yeah goodbye I'm here for roughy 15 mins and then I've got an English lesson watching Shrek. Fun fun fun.
  4. Says Joe who wants to lock me in it.Awww poor people just think how scary that must have been for them.
  5. Pickles


    The amount of spit that comes out of my mates mouths could most likely fill a bath within roughly 2 hours. How nice eh?
  6. Pickles


    Sounds like my kind of place
  7. Pickles


    Ah right cheers guys.
  8. Pickles


    Someone tell me what is a acronym? And how do you spell it?
  9. Hahahaha sorry to all the hopefulls I'm marrying TPM tbh. Tis shexi and mine
  10. Pickles


    Well it is random and this is the random topic. :|
  11. Pickles


    Yeah it was the invisible person who lives under my bed.
  12. Pickles


    O.M.G.O.S.H Joe do you know how dead you are going to be when I next see you.Just so you know thats not my actual voice.
  13. Pickles


    *drama queen* Fine scream it out to the world you may as well scream that I like hula hoops.
  14. Pickles


    I thought that was your job! My bad.No he should work in Claires.
  15. Pickles


    I still stand by the one I suggested.
  16. Sebastian! I did not My favourite song is by the king man.
  17. I can think of what it could *possibly* stand for. If you want to know they MSN me! I like WWTP songs some of the ads annoy me.
  18. Pickles


    Crewe are doing better than last season but not much of an improvement. And we're getting rid of most of our best players due to loans and contracts ending. On crewealex.net most of it is filled with people moaning about how crap Crewes doing. I say be thankful its not a repeat of last year.
  19. Or they get too tired. I personally go for the whole 12 hours.
  20. Pickles


    And if they go down another league they get to play Crewe!**Obviously will
  21. I will come next time I promise. Just remind me to keep some money spare if I say I'm going to Reading.
  22. Pickles


    Only because you wish it was you
  23. Pickles


    Says the person who hugged me by Colossus.
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