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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    How Old Are You?

    I'm something. But hey its my birthday in 28 days .
  2. When I ventured to Fright Nights I saw some of this....Colossus - 210 minutesStealth - 180 minutesNemesis Inferno - 160 minutesLoggers - 120 minutesSamurai - 90 minutesX:\NWO - 100 minutesRush - 100 minutesVortex - 90 minutesSlammer - 65 minutesDetty - 65 minutesTidal Wave - 25 minutesAsylum - 180 minutesHellgate - 180 minutesSe7en - 150 minutesSo yeah it was busy.
  3. Well Mark tbh, in the world of RCT3, thats the best your going to get sadly. I am also sad and speading my time recreating the whole of thorpe .
  4. Dan9


    Snore, Snore, Snore, Snore, Snoreee.
  5. Dan9


    Ohh no, not another Mac debate .
  6. I object. Then there would be no more WWTP Stealthside.
  7. Dan9


    Our School is closed on Thursday....except for Years 11, 12 and 13. I am actually really happy to be in Year 10 now.
  8. Dan9


    Never know they had Drag racing in the dinosaur age tbh.
  9. Unless the topic's actually about giving your opinion .
  10. Is that the one towards the entrance or towards the contorl cabin? Left could be either one depending on which end your at.
  11. Dan9

    Post Your Desktop!

    I can't even see it (Liams that is).
  12. Dan9


    I am the proud fanboy who yesterday rode Black Mamba 4 times.
  13. Dan9


    Erm Rush was on 2 swings for like, nearly the whole of 2007.
  14. 25,000? I cant remember a time when I've been to Chessington when the attendance was over 6,500.
  15. Meh I'd prefer it if Thorpe was deader than Chessington.
  16. Dan9


    Let the Rush whoring commence .
  17. Wait, whats this about skipping queuelines at Thorpe now?! =O
  18. Dan9


    And No, they can't get rid of X, EVER . Who wants to protest with me? James, you better, or your dead.
  19. Dan9


    But most of the things put on there would involve changing the music to Chav music most likely.
  20. OMG it got me so hyper! I loved it .
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