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Everything posted by Jamie_Hk

  1. Hey. Went to Thorpe today... It was fairly empty, the longest queue time was half an hour for Colossus, which I didn't go on...everytime I queued up for it, they kept closing it cos the restraints weren't shutting properly.Anyway, most rides were open, except for Tidal Wave and Rush and the other Octopus Garden rides...Managed to get on Stealth for the first time - wow. It was amazing. I'm happy to say that I've now been on everything in the park.Vortex - went on it first. No queue - freezing though.Quantum - a bit tedious cos it only went right the way around lke, 4 times.X - still find it boring tbh.Nemesis Inferno - did it twice.Flying Fish - did it countless times, and the operators were really happy and cheery. Went round 4 times on each go.Rapids - twice.Loggers Leap - once...got very wet.Slammer - did it alone...Detonator - also did that alone... ^^The friends aren't very brave when it comes to those rides.Overall, it was a good day out and not having to queue for long was a bonus. The only other downfall was the weather - it was slightly cold.Quick summary.Good points.-No queues.-Friendly staff/ride operators-The park was looking very clean and tidy.-Erm, I got in for a fiver -Some cool new souvenirs and stuff.-Oh, and there are plenty of park maps available... , pointless point but hey, twas nice to take a few...hundred Bad points.-Weather weren't all that, but that's not Thorpe's fault.-Colossus kept opening and closing, as did Nemesis I for a while.-Slammer got to the top and took ages for it to properly begin.-I went with the 6th form and school being school, we had to leave at 3:45. Could've had an extra hour for Colossus...never mind.Apart from that, that's about it...I enjoyed it.I'll have some pictures up by friday. I tried to take some decent shots of the rides for you all....I wanna go again!!
  2. I'm amazed at some of these pics. I'm gonna try and take a few tomorrow but the thing is, I'm actually such a freak when it comes to Thorpe. I hate wasting time. That includes eating and taking pictures...Anyway, I will try, see if there are any updates around the park.
  3. Is that actually like, true?For some reason, a lot of coaster enthusiasts are classed as being gay, but I don't see how being a theme park enthusiast is a gay thing. By the way people, this isn't me talking about how I don't like gays, cos in fact, I'm unsure myself and there is absolutely f*** all wrong with being gay. I'm just querying this statement I guess...And Tom, don't rush into anything, it's not always a good thing to do, trust. I told my parents a few months back that I thought I might be gay because something bad happened and I kinda had to tell them. Anyway, after seeing how upset my mum got, I felt terrible, but the thing is, I shouldn't have. Anyway, I told my parents that I never meant to say it and that I'm too young to make decisions about my sexuality. I've never actually had a proper girlfriend *poor me*. I will always know, deep down, who I really am and what I really like, but you need to live life before you make an ultimately life changing decision. Just be happy and you'll know when the time is right to 'come out' as they say.
  4. Rage is actually a pretty good ride, considering that it's at a fun fair type amusement park...in Southend.It actually is a fairly decent ride.
  5. Oh yeah, that is so true. It's like "Sorry guys, but actually, you're wrong"...dear oh dear, silly knowledge-less people.
  6. So yeah, hopefully there isn't another Adventure Island topic lurking around somewhere, otherwise, I'm pretty dumb.Discuss Adventure Island here...
  7. I only rode that once like, years ago.I don't see what the big deal about it is though. Ain't it a bit, tame?...Don't get me wrong though, I'd still queue to ride it. I'm just saying.
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