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Everything posted by Jamie_Hk

  1. Hmm really, that's a bit pointless lol.
  2. I heard the couple on Capital the other day and Capital was giving them the chance to pick where they'd like to get married, so they chose Saw: The Ride. Would've been good to see a video
  3. A ha, but the site never officially stated that a video would be released every month, although it would've made more sense to
  4. I would probably go with the countdown clock on the Thorpe website because it's obviously official and other sites tend to get info wrong.
  5. The 14th March? Thorpe's official opening day...I think, well I hope.
  6. Hmm, as much as I would love to work there, I do kinda need the money and I do already have a job that pays more.As you said, I may still go for the assessment then see if it's really something I want to do.
  7. I don't mind being advised though.Still, my parents are saying no cos of the fare etc but I could turn round and tell them where to go.I suppose I could do it for the fun aspect and not for a job where I'm looking to earn loads of money.
  8. Yeah, I might do that then see if it's really what I wanna do
  9. Oh how weird, it is Cheshunt hmm, well I looked and I probably did it all wrong but it said something like 20 - 30 quid :/ my friend who works there said it costs about 7 so I'm like ' what??".
  10. That's what I mean :/ I got a bit excited cos a mate of mine works there and lives right by me and he was like "money's not a problem, you can get there well cheap" but now I'm not too sure. Tbh, I honestly didn't really think about it, obv. Thorpe Park is a dream place to work for many of us but it's not the most realistic for me :/
  11. Ok, so this is totally unexpected but I just received a text from Thorpe Park and an e mail basically saying that I've been offered an interview. I kinda didn't think that I'd be accepted but it looks like I have. I really want to go but in the long run, it's not the easiest and cheapest place to travel to :/ just thought I'd share this anyway, I guess I have to be quick thinking as there are only 2 available interview dates.
  12. Really? That'll be well good then
  13. Perhaps no belts will add to the general thrill of the ride and wow, in the snow it looks amazing. I'm so excited for the opening of this now and to be able to go from looking at it to riding it.
  14. A boy I know works at Thorpe Park, Steven Collins?...but yeah, I live like 45 mins from Thorpe and obv. getting up there would be a problem but I still applied for a job.Tbh, I did it to just see if they would consider me but I've not heard back so maybe some other time :/
  15. Yep yep.It's the same with new shoes kinda, they squeak along smooth floors or whatever but that stops after a while
  16. It's so exciting to see a car on the track, actually moving it makes the whole thing seem even more exciting :PI'm really pleased that we've finally seen a video, can't wait to see some more real soon.And it just looks amazing, it seems to be running smoothly and yeah, woo.
  17. Totally agree, so is mine. Still, that helps a lot so thank you :huh:I'm really looking forward to seeing some videos of Saw being tested. Now that it's all built, it look amazing and I really can't wait to see peoples reactions on how the end result looks
  18. Hmm, the site does say there are like 4/5 more videos yet to come. So they planned it but couldn't be bothered to do any more?...or they just don't think they're necessary. Oh well, you can't have it all.
  19. No one actually knows for sure so I guess we'll find out soon enough.Having said that, as many people have said, Samurai has nothing to with Saw, Saw is on it's own little island so tbh, a re-theme isn't exactly essential.
  20. Hopefully, good luck to everyone. It'd be great to be one of the first people to ever ride it
  21. Hmm, someone posted a comment asking if there were any videos of what the ride is gonna be like...it seems to have vanished now. And look, I was just saying, there are so many sarcastic people on this board anyway...Can't wait for March
  22. ...or, we could just wait until the competition winners are announced, then we'll all know for sure.
  23. ^^Very...it was still good and gets you excited for the ride and everything, but it wasn't anything that we didn't already know. As some people have said, maybe last months video shoulda been released later on...then again, it was October so it was probably to fit in with the whole 'Halloween'/'Fright Nights' thing.
  24. I've been looking forward to it all day, even though we don't have any idea of what to expect :/...I'm hoping it's something good, not just a video for the sake of it...ah well, only a few more hours
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