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Everything posted by Jamie_Hk

  1. Went today! Really enjoyed it apart from the weather :| more in depth discussion tomorrow
  2. I went here back in July. Was a good day actually, not a patch on THORPE in my opinion but it was still pretty good.
  3. Today was the first time the I wasn't spoken to by Billy the queues were long till about 7ish which is when I joined, got on at about half 8 so got a nice ride in the dark SAW did stop a few times today but I think this was just regular checks and not actual breakdowns.
  4. Yep, it was open today the only ride that I didn't see open was Time Voyagers. Even at half 2 it hadn't opened, not sure if it did later on.
  5. Ah no problem! Thanks a lot for the advice. I just remembered however that I have those Walkers points so I now have a voucher to get in for £17.50 anyway :| really sorry but thanks a lot for the help
  6. Ok thanks for that, the £33 twice sounds alright to me. So if 2 of my friends go through with the voucher, they'd pay £17.50...if I went through with the AP holder, I'd still have to pay £22.50?...I'm a bit confused sorry. Is it just easier to get 4 people without a pass? And let the AP holder through on their own.
  7. Ok, so now I am going :| lol, this is getting annoying.I just have a question to ask, there's 4 of us going and I have '2 4 1' vouchers. However, one of my friends has a pass...will I be able to use a '2 4 1' voucher with her, even though she has a pass. I have a friend who works at the park and did ask them but they've not replied so I just wondered if any of you knew.Thanks a lot in advance
  8. Not going now :| not happy but oh well, I plan to go for Fright Nights this year!
  9. Well it sounds like everything is up and running well at the moment, hope it stays this way for friday
  10. I'm going friday, can't wait finally get to ride SAW again
  11. Of course. He's an idiot for all the reasons people have stated. It's dangerous, stupid etc...therefore he is an idiot for doing what he did.
  12. That man is an idiot, his problem.
  13. Seen the advert on tele quite a lot over the past few days, which is good
  14. Just to expand on that, the security at the park do seem to get to a problem really quickly. I went one Fright Night a few years ago and my friend was being harassed in the queue by 2 men...next thing you know, there's 2 policemen there and they're thrown out of the park.But yeah, nothing bad has really ever happened near me on a ride, I guess just some guy being sick on Samurai was a bit disgusting but that can't be helped :|
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaO2Y9khW64A new video uploaded by THORPE...I really think this is quite an effective video!
  16. Is that recently? Quite a good little video there
  17. I'm hoping to go on Saturday, so hoping that it's open then!
  18. That sound good but I think perhaps specifically themed rooms like that will be out of the picture, or at least not that many anyway. Hopefully, it will be themed around the park, that would make it more interesting to stay there.
  19. I'd consider buying it if I was at the park on a really busy day, like Fright Nights, and I had an annual pass
  20. Is it done now? It appears so on the website. I'm up going Southend tomorrow so hope everything is open RAGE, woo...EDIT: Went on Over The Hill and at first I thought it was quite boring and not much happened. However, the bit that makes you jump was brilliant and really did scare me, or at least make me jump from my seat. Unfortunately, that's the only real plus to this ride so riding it more than once won't have the same effect. Still, great day and again, no real queuing, 2 minutes tops.
  21. ...and there's nothing majorly new going on with the ride, that's it, it's there, it's running, what more can be said about it for now?
  22. ...but when you drop down the lift hill, it does looks as though you are going to crash into the blades.
  23. Oh, I'm sure that's not meant to happen. Should be fixed really.
  24. I sat in the back row both times I rode it and you could see him quite clear, depends whereabouts you were sitting though I guess. My friend went TP yesterday and she said she pretty much walked on SAW twice so finally, the queues are down for a while...until the summer that is.
  25. I'd just like to comment on the friendliness of many staff at the park. Going back to when I went on the 12th April, me and my friends got off SAW at about 8:45, even though the park actually closed at 7. Even at this point, staff members were still really friendly and talkative even though they were working well over time! I just thought this was really good of them to not moan etc.
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