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Everything posted by Will

  1. No.... I said that (In my message) that this King Kong ride would be perfect for CALYPSO QUAY.It's a tropical jungle island paradise.It's unique and innovative > + it does actually work.
  2. Everythink's calm now ;)Back on topic, I went onto the Huss website and there's this state of the art King Kong thrill ride, which would IMO, be perfect to Calypso Quay.It's just a suggestion, but I think that it would be something unique and innovative.
  3. I would like to see some more development on Canda Creek as the last development was in 2005, when we had slammer, a thrill ride from S&S Power.As for the other zones, I would like to see some development in Calypso Quay or Amity Cove.Does anyone think we need anymore thrill flat rides?
  4. I'm good you?

  5. Damn, I wish I wentThe first thing I buy, when I get a u no what (CBA to say it, coz ive said it 1000 times), is an AP.I feel guilty, that Steve asks me to go to TP and I cant, coz I dont have cash.So, yeh......soon...........very soon
  6. Will

    News Desk

    I thought that people, who are employed members of formentioned theme parks (Chessie/Thorpe/Alton) arent allowed to be on these forums?Well, can browse, but can't post > something mentioned in the contracts Hmm?
  7. No woodie for 09

  8. Will

    Songs And Lyrics

    I'm breaking dishes up in here all night (all night)I aint gona stop till I see police lights (all night)Ima fight a man, Ima fight a manIma fight a man, a man, a man, a ma-aaaa-anBreaking Dishes-Rihanna
  9. Will


    Lol > that was a jokeI was having problems with going on the forementioned but I have made by decision and that I will go on them, the next time I'm there and they're open.
  10. Will


    meeheeeehe HmmmWhy dont Rush go on two swings?if there is a prob, dont they get it fixed?
  11. Will


    Yeh Martin, thats what annoys me too, my sis bf nearly fell of a pirate ship and if his dad didnt pull him up, he'd be deadTBH, I didnt actually know before chaz told me? about the deep seatsI supposed I could give slammer, rush and samurai a try, but if anything happens > forget 2009, my ghost will come for you allmuahahah (evil witch laugh)
  12. Will


    I have never been afraid of any rollercoaster (except Montu, coz I had just ate)Coasters are set on a determined path, where on rides lik slammer, not reliI'd go on slammer or samurai but just feels vulnerable. But its safe to know that there are DEEP SEATS:
  13. Will


    My aim is to go on it once, JUST ONCE and try and not be afraidIf I can get the guts to go on it once, then I can go on it again and again.First time, always the worst
  14. Will


    I'm so furious at the camera depart at college, on friday, I was given/booked out a camera to use for my Final Main Project:1.5 - 2 minute stop-motion animation (same animation use in Wallace & Gromit AND Nightmare Before Christmas)using a heavily themed setI got woken up from my heavy slumber told that I had to give camera back coz of a double booking and that the other teacher who, gave me camera hadnt checked the equipment booking form.Damn teacher, aint doing her effin job > she was a woman (trust women to do jobs ) nah j/k
  15. Will


    Welcome to TPM, hope u enjoy ur time :)

  16. Will


    My tolerance level is falling
  17. Will


    I second that motionI want some info on Rush if ok:When its you get to rush, theres a row of seats, you sit down, and you put the lap restraints over your lap:What's stopping you from falling?Do you ever feel as your slipping out of your seat?Is the res's ever loose?What's stopping the res's from opening and you falling? (Ref to incident about slammer's restraints coming off and girl being tossed back and forth with only her lap res)I really want to go on Rush and I now have the guts to go on Samurai (I will DEFO 110% go on it) Ive always wanted to go since Chessie and I will go when we next go. But I'm just a lil anxious about the res on Rush.As for slammer, many people have said that its rough, are you actually safe on Slammer, as you ARE actually going upside down??
  18. Will

    I Remember When...

    I lovd Sir, he was so sik, how he just used to grind up lower robs with his sharpness
  19. Will

    I Remember When...

    I rem when I used to watch Zzzzap, it was a tv show animated like a comic book cover andit has 6 slots.Each one was different:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZZZap!And I rem, when I was scared of Colossus and actually afraid of Rollercoasters in general:Incredible Hulk was my first coaster and it was sik
  20. Will


    NoThey will be offering my an interview and that they liked me (I'm special) <
  21. Will


    Well Seb, as long as I have a good body, then I'm OKBut who is that?
  22. Will


    I was working reli hard at college today and I got a chane to check my emails.I got an email from Chessie saying they would offer me an Interview in April and would get back to me.A pessimist would say, that they say that to everyone who applies but I dont think thats always the case
  23. Will


    I think that might be true:Cute Bunny Seb who goes on a massive killing spree, its like that horror film Bart and his family watch in The Simpsons.A little doll, possessed sp? and kills people (Lenny has a small role)I hope no-one gets offended TPDan: Possibility of the jungle monsters from The Mummy Returns or ChuckyJoe: The Terminator 2 Robot (That's actually a compliment ^^)Chrissy: The seductive Italian woman from Ghost Ship (Scene: She charms this black guy into falling into elevator shaft, impaling him on spikesOR Famke Jennseen SP? from James Bond 007 Goldeneye (the woman who kills people, using her legs and breaking neck.Also seen in The Simpsons, where the family move to Cypress Hill/Gardens and Homer's new boss, is a criminal mastermind, the volcano opens and woman flip for+backwards and one breaks a guys neck using her legs LOL.Chelski: The blonde woman fom Termiator 3 or Heidi Klum from James Bond Everything or Nothing PS2 game
  24. Will


    I'm freddie Kruger with long nails LOL, also mixed in with Predator > coz I'm deadly. I'd have a mix of the Mummy, coz I have a loud voice and my skinz so tanned, I'm BBQ'd.But ultimatly, I'd be a male Gorgon > I can pose so well and look so well, I turn people to stone
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