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Posts posted by Will

  1. I apologise but for some reason, but I'm very desperate to have a new rollercoaster installed at Chessie. Benin and I share the same want for the family-launched coaster (similar to Cheetah Hunt), which I rode in Oct 2012 and it was amazing. It would go down fantastically at CWoAR. It wouldn't have to be high and it contains one inline twist which isn't scary for the young'uns.

    If it came anywhere between 2014-2016, I'd be very happy. I think we could use one by the Wild Asia/Mystic East / South side of the park where the Glade is between Wild Asia and Mystic East. The station and queue line could go there and the ride could under and over and around the park.

  2. The next big addition should arrive in 2016, roughly when they said the next physical ride should appear at Chessington? Would be nice if we got some epicly quiet coaster which the locals would love as much as the people riding it.

    Yeah, I hope so....

    I think around that time, we should get something new.

  3. What would you like us to say about your post Will. What are you basing your thoughts on, where do you get the idea that the Runaway Train is saying buh bye and a major new ride is coming?

    I had a feeling that a new major ride would come around 2014/2015 because it had been 10 years since the last one (Dragon's Fury) and I thought that if anything would be happening, it would be in those two years.

    Chessington have decided to call their new ride, Zufari: Ride Into Africa and they have mentioned that Africa was a new themed area. I have a feeling that they will expand upon the Africa theme by combining the Forbidden Kingdom and Mexicana under that theme, just like Mystic East and Wild Asia kinda fit under the Asia theme.

    A close friend of mine was working at the park a few years back, when they was told by management that they plan to one-by-one, update each of the existing themed areas, as well as add new ones. Whether this actually happens, obviously can change.

    Update: As for the Runaway Train, if they did plan on installing a new major ride, I could see the Runaway Train going. Just a thought.

  4. I think we'll get a new major ride in 2014 or 2015 and I think they're planning to develop and expand the Zufari (Africa) land even further with the re-themeing and combining of Mexicana and Forbidden Kingdom.

    Maybe the Runaway Train will be removed or something...

    Just bumping my post since it was ignored...

  5. Wooh, new things :) If you check out thorpe's facebook page you can see some of the park in closed season, all the horses etc. have been taken off the carousel all the water and rocks out of rumba rapids. There is more aswell! Check it out guys... I can't wait to see what's new, I guess we will just have to wait a while because I doubt thopre will give easy clues to telling us what the new things are.... I am making a new topic on the possible flat rides up until 2018 anyway because thorpe are installing up to 9 new flats! Seeing as we are getting new 'things' this means that X cannot be the new thing they are installing, yes the refurb could happen but it is not the new ride/attraction/restaurant we are getting because they are INSTALLING it!

    Thorpe Park said on their MTDP that they plan on installing up to 9 flat rides. It could be anywhere from 1-9 and in the end, they may just install two or three flat rides between now (2013) to 2019.

    Personally for 2013, I think we will get a refurb of XNWO and any new ride we get, I think will be Vengeance. I'm not sure if 2013 is a small or a medium investment year.

  6. I think it means the other boat ride and the other Extemis which are technically new? I'm hopefully wrong though.

    That's so cheap in that case...

    I just love the idea of an indoor rollercoaster and ever since Amsterdam had theirs. I thought it would be a fantastic way to re-launch the London Dungeons.

  7. This is OFFICIAL confirmation that venegence will not be returning :) London Dungeon™ Hi Lord Scott Bourne Vengeance will not be coming to the new site, however will have two totally new rides! 20 November 2012 at 16:17 · Like · 2

    Two new rides??

    Please say one of them is like the mini-rollercoaster at the Amsterdam Dungeons.

  8. http://www.chessington.com/zufari/behind-the-scenes/

    Don't know how long this has been around, but there's now a sort of Developer's Diary for Zufari on the main page. Notice how they also refer to Zufari as a 'themed land', and the attraction as 'Zufari: Ride into Africa'. Probably reading into that too much, but possibly this could mean that this African theme could expand, possibly seeing a retheme of Forbidden Kingdom into a more Zufari-style African theme?

    Also, this was posted on Chessie's Facebook page a couple of days ago:


    Gyasi and Kanty.

    Seriously, Chessington are hitting all the right notes with this project!

    I also thought a while back they would combine Forbidden Kingdom with this ride and area because FK is Egypt which is in Africa and I have a feeling they will install a new rollercoaster for 2014; 10 years since Dragon's Fury.

  9. I do love the benefits system in this country.

    I made a claim for ESA a few weeks ago. Granted it takes a while to process but it's never taken this long and without the money, I'm unable to pay my mum.

    So I phone up last week and fail the security part but am told this may be because they're still processing the claim. Phoned again today, same problem. Am told to ring twice more because if it happens 3 times in one day, they get the office dealing with my claim to call me. On the second call they suggest giving my current address on the "Previous address" question as other people have found this works. Third time I call I try this and it works. Brilliant, you have to know your current address on a previous address question. Some security eh!!

    They look into my claim - or lack of! They tell me there is no record of any claim being made and to ring the new claims line to see if they know anything. At this point I'm pretty peed off and worried because we really can't afford to wait any longer for this money, backdating it to when I first phoned, I'm owed nearly £200 and it's had a knock-on effect on everything.

    Ring the new claims line, get told by a nice man that there IS records of a claim and that my form and medical certificate were received on 22nd November and they put a note on the system. So relief for now, as they have actually received everything!

    I was so tired and weary I didn't even think to be more assertive or anything. But I'll ring again tomorrow to see if anything has changed and explain what effect this is having on all of us. It may work, as when my mum claimed before and it took ages, once she told them we couldn't buy food or pay the rent they miraculously sped it up :rolleyes: Might get her to speak to them on my behalf, she can be very scary and persuasive when need be! My voice doesn't quite have that effect!

    So yeah, so far this month has been the worst of the year. No boyfriend, no hours at work until the Christmas hols, no money, battling with depression. Anyone who tells me to cheer up and look on the bright side will get a slap!

    I totally understand where you're coming from. Everyone has things they're going through and most people get the odd thing or two every now and again. But for you, it seems to be a constant thing and hearing the words "cheer up" will only make things worse because you get the feeling that people don't understand the severity of the problem (of which there are multiple) and will pass you and your problem off as being moany and weak.

    I honestly thought that people would've been fed up with the amount of times you've posted in this topic but the ones that know you like me for example, know how difficult things are right now and need to have a fricking heart because I don't know anyone who has gone through as much as you.

    And I have a lot of respect for you and am genuinely surprised, how you've managed to keep it together all this time.

  10. This is nice but I'm confused about something. The plans show the ground floor but what about the basement or sub-basement.

    Will there be more stuff on the other floors?

    Because I really like the small coaster they have in Amsterdam's dungeons and I thought it would be really cool if they installed a mini-indoors coaster maybe a bit longer than the other version in these dungeons. It would be nice if there were some new and experiences.

  11. Assassin's Creed 3 and Dishonored are great. The new Hitman game looks good. It's a good year for stealth games.

    I can't wait for:

    Bioshock: Infinite

    God of War: Ascension

    Watch Dogs

  12. Kindness, patience and time is not something everyone has. You shouldn't feel bad because everyone has problems of their own but whether or not they choose to seek help from others instead of suffer in silence, is their decision.

    No-one is going to have a go at you because I'd get seriously annoyed and so would the other people on here who care about you. People should feel that they are able to talk about their problems whether or not, they have friends to talk about it to because some people find it better to talk to strangers than to people they know who will judge them.

  13. Oh my actual effing god. My family :angry:

    I'll try and keep it brief and not bore everyone too much with my depressing rant...

    My depression has come back so I'm back on antiepressants, which my family are aware of. Mum has cyclothymia (mild bipolar) and brother has had depression before, so you'd think they'd be understanding and a little more sensitive right now, especially as it's only nearly 2 weeks since I went back on the pills and they take a while to work and I've had the insomnia side effect to put up with alongside the depression symptoms. Not saying they should excuse everything, but y'know, just take it into consideration before taking anything I say or do too seriously.

    I went to get a drink of squash and was rude to my brother when he asked me about something minor with his laptop, because quite frankly I can't deal with such things or people right now. Basically I swore, which was the "issue", but I didn't realise mum was in the house and me and my brother don't take swearing at each other too seriously. So it would have been fine but because she heard me she got angry, which then caused my brother to get angry (its almost like if she takes it seriously then he automatically does too?), so I said sorry and continued to get my drink. All would have been fine, except my mum then decided to do this thing she does where once someone has annoyed her, she then mentions other things about them which annoy her/start having a go at them. She asks what I've done today and gets all sarcy about me cleaning my room (I mean really? I'm 22! Plus she should know how hard it is to do such simple tasks when feeling like I do). I do what I thought was the right thing and ignored her but she carried on being all silly so I just covered my ears and said "Please, I'm not in the mood for this right now!" And then of course, she does the loveliest thing ever, that "OOOH moody!" thing.

    Despite the depression and awful night last night where I didn't get to sleep until about 6am, I wasn't feeling that angry or moody today, and I took a while to plan going out for a walk later as it helps calm me down, and go out tomorrow, or get up early and attempt to do my room, or at least try to motivate myself. I was going to tell my family this, as it would make them pleased that I'm trying hard and not just letting the depression take over. But now, because of my family I'm in a bad mood but somehow feel I should apologise just to shut them up?

    Oh and now there's a lovely argument downstairs about dinner as per usual...can't wait to go for this walk later!

    It's not fun being depressed or miserable because it can cause you to lack the motivation and the enthusiasm to do simple things from doing chores or being pleasant or helpful to your family. Your Mum does that exact thing that my Dad does and I'm not going to lie, it really does irritate me and thankfully...my sister and Mum and it only makes matters worse.

    I feel that you should maybe talk to your Mum and tell her how you feel. If she's a good Mum, she will be supportive and try to help you but it's a good thing, to find the right moment to talk to her...where she's not busy with her hands full doing something. With brothers and sisters from personal experience, we always seem to bicker about the most stupidest and silliest of things.

    Your Brother asked you something minor about the laptop and it's not a big deal to just take one or two minutes from your whole day to help him out. He will feel grateful because you're able to make the time for him and maybe your relationship with each other will improve and if your Mum sees that both of you are getting on, she will feel better too.

  14. I am for this. I've moaned for a while about X No Way Out getting the justice it deserves and I'll be happy if this does happen. X No Way Out, Logger's Leap and the Rumba Rapids are some of the oldest rides at Thorpe Park and an re-theme would only be an improvement.

    Who's the source?

    People change their member names so often and members come and go so much, that I don't know who is credible or knows credible people anymore.

    I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed. You can understand my reluctance.

  15. The belief that coasters save theme parks is ludicrous. Zufari is a really good call from Chessington.

    Why is it ludicrous?

    If a theme park was struggling or had competitors that were risking it's success and future as a theme park, then a well-placed and well-thought out and exciting rollercoaster would surely bring in the much-needed crowds. Word of mouth would spread and eventually the park's popularity would increase.

    The problem with Chessie is that they have loads of new ideas but I think Merlin doesn't believe in them or they think that investment wouldn't pay off but if they want new customers and success, then they will have to invest and take that risk.

    If Chessington built a new family-thrilling rollercoaster (I.e. family-thrilling launched coaster like BGTB's Cheetah Hunt) that could really bring in loads of new customers and maybe more teenagers and adults would come back.

    I'm happy with Zufari because at least it's something rather than nothing. I'm still annoyed that it will be 10 years in 2014 since a rollercoaster would have last been installed.

  16. The belief that coasters save theme parks is ludicrous. Zufari is a really good call from Chessington.

    Whilst I don't think a rollercoaster will save the park, I do indeed think it will inject some attention, publicity and say to everyone (GP) "hey everybody, we are Chessington and here is an amazing new rollercoaster, so please don't forget about us".

    That will maybe people think that maybe this park is worth visiting at least once and when they see the good ride line-up (future), then it will hopefully bring back a different audience as well as the current.

  17. It's no secret I'm not the most sensitive of people, but damn this song is just... wow.

    That voice, and that production... :)

    I love her voice and I like the production. Idk why a part of the production sounds kinda hip-hop to me.

    Edit: It reminds me a bit of Lana Del Rey

  18. Calling you out on this one. Things don't get resolved by having a go at 'anonymous' people in the Rant topic, especially other members. This has happened before and it just descends into madness.

    That wouldn't be a good idea but then it's neither fair for others especially members, when they find out others are making snide comments about them on Twitter.

  19. I know exactly what you mean.

    Some people are just born hypocritical and prejudice (< if you know what I mean) especially when people have said nasty things to me such as, that it's not my fault that they have found me annoying in the past when they know I can't always help myself. They say they don't hold it against me but they do.

    I mean, how can someone expect you to not take offense, when they're disliking something about you, that you can't always help. It's not like I chose to be this way. Have a bloody heart for Christ's sake, it's not like everyone's perfect.

    Secondly, what pees me off is when certain people make snide and nasty comments about someone's appearance when they are in no position to judge. I mean some people are just nasty, shallow and insecure that they project their own insecurities onto other people, to make them feel worse, so they feel better about themselves and their rubbish lives.

    Suddenly, I don't feel bad at all.

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