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Posts posted by Will

  1. Can people not hijack my thread and go off-topic about Swarm's roof?


    Thorpe can't build lots of buildings due to the flooding risk. They have a very limited roofing allowance. Why do you think Swarm has no roof. And all the shops are made of shipping containers because they don't count to the roofing allowance.

    As the new islands are at a higher flood risk (I believe) they would really struggle to get permission for a huge building on them. After all the islands were built with roller coasters in mind (and maybe the odd flat ride). Logistically the only way they could build a large building would be replace the X building and extend over into the arena.

    But yeah the new islands will be coasters most likely and a dark ride in the centre of the park if we were to get one.

    Roofing allowance?

    How does have shipping containers not contribute to flooding risks?

  2. Duelling inverter YES!!!

    Like your ideas - my brain is currently empty but if I think of any I will post

    No hang on - 400ft launch coaster

    I need coffee :crazy:

    So the duelling coasters would be a B&M Inverter and a B&M Flyer. That's never been done. I was gonna say launched Inverter (Universal Studios Singapore) and a launched Flyer, but I didn't think that would be possible, and if possible, then unreliable.

  3. It's not really a game but a discussion and I didn't know what section of Thorpe Park section, I could create this topic.

    The 'game' is simple:

    Imagine Thorpe Park is empty and no coasters or rides are built and you're given permission to build whatever you like within reason

    1. No 500.ft + coasters as the planes don't fly over Thorpe Park but take an alternate route

    2. The weather isn't as bad as it is most days.

    3. All land that's in-filled is set and stable

    4. Normal tech issues like Slammer's reliability no longer exist due to improved versions

    *I haven't figured out all the rules, so we can see how we get along.


    1. B&M, multi-inversion, floorless coaster where Colossus, Saw: Alive and Zodiac/Vortex is/were

    2. An indoor coaster themed to SAW where XNWO and the Arena is, with queue lines that wrap around whole building, creating a tense experience

    3. Woodie where SAW: The Ride is

    4. Duelling Inverter and Flyer where Swarm and the Crash Pad are

    5. A Maurer Sohne X-Car Skyloop XT 450 (Like Abismo but larger) where Nemesis Inferno is

    6. Blue-fire launch coaster where Stealth was

    7. 300ft hyper coaster with those new, sexy restraints, with the station and queue where Treasure Island was with the bulk of the track, placed along the long stretch of land at back.

  4. ^ Your opinion isn't always fact. It was very popular.

    1. True - Benin's opinion is always fact

    2. It may have been popular at that park

    3. It's not suitable for Thorpe Park

    4. Thorpe Park can do a lot better than some low-RPH (riders per hour) coaster

    5. Whatever space Thorpe has should be used for either a dark ride or a well-themed, non-gimmicky, high-RPH coaster or one that fills Thorpe's gaps (Woodie, Flyer (IMO), Hyper, Maverick or Blue Fire)

  5. Think one of the original ideas behind Air was to be a military style thing (inspired by the original Arrow Pipeline plans), but of course dumped for the decent idea of an oasis of calm (suits the ride itself more tbh)...

    Shame about the tunnel/station theming though...

    I hope Thorpe can use that original idea if they install a Flyer.

  6. Unless they did a flyer which was themed as the military trying to take down the Swarm and duelling with it in some ways, then I struggle to see it. And anything duelling I can't see happening after the incidents with Dragon Challenge.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Wasn't that the original idea for AIR, it was going to be some kind of military plane that would try and take down Nemesis. They could use that idea for the Flyer that would attack the Swarm monster.

  7. I get what your saying but for me it's more the thematic experience both ride types aim to provide are quite similar. Both do have some kind of flight simulation at their core; it's just with one you're in the position of flying and one you're more flying on the wings of something.

    I do agree with you though, but I'd love to see a Flyer nonetheless.

    My wishlist:

    1) Maverick / Blue Fire-type kinds of coasters

    2) Woodie

    3) Hyper

    4) Flyer

  8. In terms of a new B&M coaster, I'm not sure what possibilities we have left, in regards of a new coaster at Thorpe.

    We've already got the inverter and wing rider.

    A hyper coaster (but on a smaller scale) could work

    A dive coaster may be a bit too similar to Saw, so it would need to have a more impressive layout and theming (plus they can't go underground at Thorpe)

    Flying coaster may be regarded to similar to Swarm, unless it has a completely unique and different layout

    Sit down and floor less are too similar to Colossus, even if they had different layouts

    Think that's about it.

    I would certainly love to see a woodie as the next big coaster as the new ones made by the likes of GCI, GG and the like in parks in the world look fantastic and having ridden Megafobia which is a fantastic coaster I can say it would suit the ride line up perfectly.

    If Merlin are still uncertain on the woodie idea, they need to see how popular and well acclaimed these new rides are, plus their own one in Heide,and if they're still not confident (dare I say it), just theme it around something like the Hunger Games as that would surely give them more faith.

    As for Derron Brown-the ride, I can't see this working, especially one a wooden coaster. Having watched one of his performances and the way it was executed and performed, I can say a Derron brown theme would work much better in a dark ride setting, something like an interactive scenic ride or the likes.

    I really don't get the similarities between a Flyer and Swarm. A Flyer is suspended-type coaster and it places riders in the 'Superman' position; Swarm isn't either of those. Additionally, if Thorpe Park built a Flyer, it would definitely have a different layout, one that is unique to their Flyer.

    I've been on AIR and Manta, and I honestly think it would provide them with something that Swarm couldn't, and the only Flyer we have, is AIR and AIR is totally different to Manta. It would attract visitors who are unable to go to Orlando to experience Manta.

  9. As much as I'd love a woodie at Thorpe. The chances of us getting one are less than probable or even possible. A Dive Machine would be nice, assuming that it has a longer track layout than say, Oblivion. I'd be perfectly happy with any decent ride, with or without gimmicks, so long as the layout is good, the ride lasts a decent period of time, and with any luck, there is a well constructed theme to be had. Looking at the likes of The Smiler, I hope that we'll get a ride of similar size and ride time within the next few years.

    The best Dive Coasters out there are Oblivion, Sheikra and Griffon. I would love a Dive Coaster (not at Thorpe) that has a big drop like Sheikra or Oblivion, with the design of Oblivion, that would be amazing.

  10. That's not the point Ethan. My comparison to Expedition Everest was purely speed-based. A coaster that can travel at 50mph doesn't have to cost $100,000,000. The point was that a family coaster doesn't necessarily need to be the speed of the Flying Fish.

    Get out.

    For me, Thorpe need to stick with something reliable, and put their own stamp on it. I'm not asking for the world's most anything, but to get the postcode's first something would be a bit **** as well. I think they need to bring something reliable and relatively unseen to the table and make it uniquely British. This would be very easy with a Mack Megacoaster á la Blue Fire or Helix, or a GCI/GG (not RMC thnx), as they're yet to touch these shores and they have nothing but rave reviews by all riders. A Wooden coaster that utilises the parks topography to it's full potential would be equally well received, as the last wooden coaster built in the UK is 18 years old.

    I agree with Dara, I would like something reliable and is straight-forward and effective. I think a Blue Fire or Maverick-type coaster would be amazing. It's always been a thing of mine that I don't like Stealth and love Rita more. There's nothing I wouldn't love more than to have the top hat of stealth with the layout of Rita. Blue Fire looks incredible (haven't ridden it) and so is Cheetah Chase, which feels amazing to ride (Oct 2013).

    I think a Woodie is much-needed and long overdue and it would be fantastic if Thorpe were to build a Woodie, and show the GP what has been accomplished and innovative changes have been made to Woodies since the last one was built in the UK.

    The Woodie would give Thorpe that diversity when it comes to coaster types and it would demonstrate how much differently a Woodie feels to ride than a steel coaster. I loved Gwazi a lot actually and we went on it several times in Busch.

    Don't get me wrong; I love Oblivion and it's potentially my favourite UK coaster. But I don't want Thorpe Park to get a Dive Coaster under any circumstances

    Even a standard sit-down B&M would be good if it had an interesting layout? No gimmicks and amazing theme anyone?

    1) I would love a B&M sit-down like Kumba and I think it's smoother and better than Colossus. I think the theme and concept of Colossus is fantastic. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I am here for Colossus (Intamin) being replaced by a B&M sit-down, with a name similar to Colossus or to keep the same one for legacy reasons.

    2) I don't want Thorpe to get a Dive Coaster seeing we have Stealth and SAW, which have similar vertical-features. Neither do I want a Floorless seeing as we already have Swarm but if Thorpe WAS going to ever get a B&M sit-down than they can get floorless seating.

    3) I'd be very happy if Thorpe could get a Flyer, seeing as I thought Manta and Air were very good, despite providing different experiences. I also don't get why some people are saying Swarm and a Flyer are the same or provide a similar experience. Swarm if anything, is like a Floorless coaster.

  11. Three wisdom teeth coming through at the same time.

    That is all <_<


    Yeah I know how you feel and how you might feel soon.


    In 2010, I had to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. I was under general anesthetic so I didn't feel any pain and when I woke up they gave a local anesthetic.

    After the drugs wore off, I had 5 mouth ulcers under my tongue (bottom-side) and it was undoubtedly the most painful experience of my life. I couldn't eat, drink, speak or move my mouth or tongue without feeling a lot of pain.

    I thought I had an allergic reaction to the co-codemol (some kind of medicine) but my family thought it was the stress from having my teeth removed.

  12. So, what areas haven't they updated now?

    Pirates Cove... LOTD... mystic.. Market Square? (Though they seem to be refreshing that as well now).


    Pirate's Cove

    Land of The Dragons

    Mystic East

    Market Town Square

    All the ones you mentioned.


    Personally, I'd love for MTS and LOTD to be combined together into some Medieval-themed area with Pirate's Cove. The three areas give me Game of Thrones vibes. I think it be nice to see one of those Robo-arms jousting rides.

    To me, Wild Asia and Mystic East have the same or similar theme. Wild Asia seems Indian / Thai and Mystic East is Chinese themed, it would make sense to combine them both.

    I can't wait for the changes and upgrades to Dragon Falls, Runaway Train and Transylvania. I would really love for something huge to happen to Pirate's Cove and the area between Wild Asia and Mystic East (The Glade). This family-launched coaster idea that Benin and I have, would be great.

  13. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any to recommend, but my personal idea would be to get the best speakers student loan can buy, face them onto the ground since he's directly below you, and blare out Rammstein (or any heavy band of your choice/his least favourite genre of music)...

    But then, I'm an evil git...

    Yes, you are though...but I do love the way you think ;)

  14. The other day I went into TESCO in New Malden to buy GTA 5. The last time I played GTA was the PSP game from years ago. A lot of people were talking about it and saying how good and miles better than the previous GTA's.

    I get to the counter and ask for it and I get ID'd, which I'm shocked about. I've bought plenty of 18 rated games before and have never got ID'd. I went into Waitrose twice the previous week and bought a couple of bottles of Cider (Kopparberg & Rekorderlig) and I never got ID'd before.

    I explained that I am 24 years old and haven't been asked for ID and I asked to speak to his manager. The manager said the same thing and I was actually pretty, damn pissed off. The fact that I am ACTUALLY well above the age of 18 and don't even look 18 but still got ID'd annoyed me.

    FFS, how old do you have to be to not get ID'd....? -_-

  15. I used to think I had loads of friends, but gradually realized most were "colleagues". I am a little older than most on this forum, and have few true friends, but they are the ones that will always be with you.

    Don't look for friends, just be there for the exchanges that others need, the friendship will develop.

    Assess the negative comments and those that annoy you, work out if there's any relevance. Life has a big rubbish bin beside it, where you put the useless negatives, once in, forget it.

    Don't waste brain cells in regretting or worrying about things that you cannot change and that are past, file them but sift the good bits that you can benefit from, then look in the mirror and see who matters.

    With me, I find it easy to make friends but I find it harder to maintain friendships / relationships with people, especially if they live far away. As people get older, they drift away and they make newer ones, so it's hard to just ask someone to meet up and do something.

    I'd rather have 5 or 6 really, good friends who I can concentrate on, than having 30 or 40 'temp friends' I won't ever see again. It sucks at the same time, because there are people I've met and have tons in common with and would be great friends with, but live so far away from me, that I will probably never get the chance to meet them

    I dream of the day that Star Trek teleporters or something similar are invented

  16. Really pleased to notice yesterday that my passport ran out last month and I'm on holiday next week. What a moron.

    Trip to London Monday for the 1 day service it is then, and £128 out of my pocket for the trouble. Grrr.

    Yeah, I would forget to check my passport's expiry date, if I hadn't already know mine expires in 2016. My sister's boyfriend lost his passport and luckily he managed to get one 2 weeks before he went.

  17. The problem is the majority of the building sits on top of Vampire's station/brakes/maintenance shed...

    The best thing? Gut it and start afresh, the ride system is fine, just the theming is horrid...

    1) I like the current layout of the ride, that can stay. All I want is for the ride to be extended outside and to have a new theme and name.

    2) They could remove both rides, a 2-in-1 project. They could builds both rides at the same time.

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