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Posts posted by Will

  1. No details, but Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer told analysts this morning that he’s “actively looking at some development and thinking about prequel and sequel possibilities” for the Hunger Games franchise.

    On another Hunger Games front, Feltheimer says that on July 1 an exhibition with “high-tech interactive galleries, never before seen content, hundreds of costumes and props” will begin a six-month run at Discovery Times Square.

    Look for additional exhibitions — and possibly a theme park attraction. “We are in significant conversations with at least one theme park,” Feltheimer says. Lionsgate would have an up front guarantee and a piece of the ongoing proceeds. The smaller shows also offer “a lot of the upside. Once we built it once we can actually have one, two or three running at the same time. …It’s kind of a no-brainer.”





    I hope it's Thorpe!

  2. I have to agree with Benin, the park is pretty run down and I think they need to carry out the refurb on Dragon Falls, as well as on other rides. But the biggest picture is that Chessie is a theme park and they haven't had a major attraction in 11 years.


    I think a Rapids and the family launched coaster would be amazing and it would help the park a lot, along with other much needed improvements.

  3. I need to get something off my chest:


    No one in the world is perfect and most people tend to make a few mistakes here and there, and we can excuse them. But I have never met anyone in my entire life who is as blonde as my sister.


    She brought tickets to Odeon from Groupon, only to find out they're only valid outside M25. She told me she checked the Terms & Condition's for what films I can't use them for (Taken 3 and 3rd Hobbit) and when they expire. I can't believe she'd check the 2 of the 3 conditions but not check what Odeon Cinemas you can't use them at.


    She then had the cheek to ask if I wanted to go all the way to Guildford to watch a film, to which I said, no thanks, and now that silly cow has lost herself £12, and it serves her right for not checking things properly.

  4. Now I heard a while back that in a few years (maybe as early as 2017) that Chessie WILL be getting a Rapids ride and that It will be near Zufari as the green belt restrictions around there have now been really loosened.

    Be interesting to see how that would be done though, I maybe thinking of the wrong location but under the impression that Rapids is their next big investment.

    Personally I think that'll be a great addition


    I'd be very happy with a family, launched coaster for the Glade (between Wild Asia and Mystic East) and then a rapids near Zufari. I hope what Matt Creek (member) said is true, because the green belt land restrictions are preventing the park from expanding and improving.

  5. Games I've been playing:


    Assassin's Creed Unity and Rogue

    Far Cry 4

    Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

    Infamous: Second Son



    This year, I'll be getting:


    Assassin's Creed: Victory

    Batman: Arkham Knight

    Ratchet & Clank (PS4)

    Uncharted 4

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

  6. It's been a while since this topic has been updated but here's the lowdown:


    1. Her 2013 album, ARTPOP was well-recieved but under-performed compared to previous albums

    2. Faced huge media backlash

    3. ARTPOP tour does well

    4. Releases a #1 collaborative Jazz covers album with Tony Bennett (her 3rd consecutive #1 release)

    5. Is making another Jazz album with Tony and is working on her 4th album which is rumoured to have rock or jazz-pop music

    6. Reunited with RedOne and is working with Diane Warren, Fernando Garibay and Nile Rodgers and is said to come out in Q1 2016.

  7. I was browsing TowersTimes and they said the total height of the building the ride can use is 18metres which they assume that there will be some kind of thrilling element inside. They also said it rules out automatic guided vehicles and lasers.


    IMO, I don't think it makes sense to build a laser ride because we have one at Chessie and one at Alton. I'd love to see a Mummy/Gringotts (smaller scale) or a Spiderman/Transformers, just something amazing that could compete with Paramount. I'm sceptical it would be any of the 2 types of rides because someone mentioned that the Mummy's height is 30m, whereas we have 18m.


    Also, some guy on SouthParks said that the ride is supposed to come out in 2018, I don't know if that's true.

  8. 2000-  Tidal Wave. Thrill water Ride

    2001 - Zodiac, Detonator and Vortex. 3 Thrill Rides

    2002. Colossus - Thrilling rollercoaster

    2003. Nemesis Inferno, Quantum and Eclipse. A Thrilling rollercoaster, a thrill ride and a dull waste of space (which lasted two seasons)

    2004. Samurai. Thrill ride.

    2005. Slammer and Rush. 2 Thrill rides

    2006. Stealth. Thrilling rollercoaster

    2007. Return of Flying Fish. First proper family ride since Pirated 4D, 9 years previously.

    2008. Time Voyagers (Nothing to add)

    2009. Saw the ride. Thrilling roller coaster

    2010. Saw Alive. Load of rubbish but firmly in the thrill category

    2011. Storm Surge. Waste of space but a family ride of sorts.

    2012. The Swarm. Thrilling rollercoaster

    2013. X retheme. Make it family friendly

    2014. Angry Birds Land (where do I begin)



    I'm sorry you missed the absolute deluge of thrilling rides in the noughties, but to say they are taking the piss now is laughable. There are plenty of thrilling and interesting dark rides out there. We don't even know what Thorpe are planning. To disregard this attraction based on planning permission that only shows us a building and location is laughable.


    I agree with Mark, Thorpe have been installing nothing but flats and rollercoasters since 2000, and I am personally very happy to see Thorpe taking a break from coasters to bring us something new and innovative. They are being diverse in what attractions they offer us and to change their audience to family, really opens up themselves to new and exciting possibilities.


    Secondly, I don't get how anyone can say dark rides are boring - I love the Spiderman ride and Mummy rollercoaster and the Gringotts and Transformers rides look amazing. I'd be happy with anything half as great as the aforementioned.


    Thirdly, this is Thorpe and Merlin's biggest investment ever so I imagine this to be technically-great and fantastically-themed. Also they're re-developing and creating a whole area and there's also clearing being done on Miss Hippo's Fungal Safari.

  9. Bit of an 'out there' suggestion, but if we're looking at a high-budget dark ride, perhaps one of these - http://www.dynamicattractions.com/products/sfx-coaster/


    Whilst it's a coaster at heart, I'm sure if can primarily focus on being an immersive dark ride.  I'm sure Thorpe and Dynamic Attractions could work together for a custom layout too.  Sure, it will be expensive, and there's plenty of other options for a dark ride experience, but if this is the route they decide to take and they can splash the cash, I wouldn't complain!


    I would like the SFX coaster - Gringotts meets Saw's indoor section to be Thorpe's next big ride. I hope it could go in the Fungal Safari area, I don't know how big the area is.

  10. 333.gif




    Nemesis >>> Nemesis Inferno



    Q: Because of the Nemesis name being implemented into Inferno's name, it means they are constantly compared. Would Nemesis Inferno ever be renamed to just Inferno?

    A: Nemesis Inferno has become a brand in its own right and we don’t mind the comparison’s to Nemesis at Alton Towers. Both rides have their own strengths.


    I've always seen Nemesis as being superior to Nemesis Inferno and would prefer for Thorpe to drop the Nemesis from the title, and call it Inferno. Also, I don't think Nemesis Inferno has any strengths.

  11. Screamscape has posted that Thorpe Park is preparing to break ground on what will rumoured to be their largest investment in the park's history.


    Lots of tree clearing has already begun near Miss Hippo’s Fungle Safari ride, the seating is being removed from The Arena and they expect to see all of Ranger Country redeveloped for the project as well. They believe that this will be the park’s 2016 attraction however.


    They also believe at the new attraction may be themed after a major IP of some kind and may involve more “themeing” and less reliance on pure hardcore coaster thrills. This all does make it wonder if they may be mixing the rumored “Dr Who” themed attraction concept with their big 2016 heavy-duty attraction budget. 



    Are you here for a new area re-themed to a major IP?

    Are you here for a rumoured dark ride on Miss Hippo's Fungal Safari?

    What do you think the new IP will be?


  12. I wasn't really sure because my circumstances are quite unique. I was born left-handed but because my Mum (Chinese) is superstitious she decided to force me from a young age to write with a right-hand. Her reason was that all the men on my Dad's side of the family were really successful and she thought it would SOMEHOW affect my future.


    I put left-hand because I was born left-handed and was always supposed to be left-handed. 


    Random fact - For some reason I punched someone in a fight with my left-hand, which was quite weird for me.

  13. I loved Rita when I first went to Alton, back in 2008, but now I've been on Cheetah Chase, I think Rita is ****. I understand the appeal of having Stealth and Rita, but I would have loved to have had the original, extended Stealth at Thorpe Park, which I think would've been a lot better.


    As for a launch coaster, I think it would be great to have that Broomstick (fake?) motorbike coaster in Gloomy Wood, but then I don't see the need for Gloomy Wood, when we have Dark Forest. I'd rather they combine Gloomy Wood with Katanga Canyon.


    So I hope they do something with KC and GW for SW8 or in the future.

  14. I don't want a Topspin anymore, I mean it would've been nice to have something like Talocun, but Thorpe needs to be concentrating on good-quality rides with good throughput / high-RPH (riders-per-hour).


    I wouldn't wait for a 30+ minute Topspin...

  15. I theme park technically is simply a Themed Park...it does not actually have any coaster or attraction, but an experiences of different themes...to be exact...but we adopted the idea of rides...because of Mr Walter Disney (who sadly gets mentioned very rarely) that we think of Theme Parks with coasters, rides and shows...but in actual fact it is simply the theming.


    I am very pesimistic about this Paramount Park, I do not believe much will happen for many many years, or if it will even happen at all. All is speculation at the moment. What it will offer is something of the Harry Potter Studios (on a larger scale), combined probably with Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi. 


    What Paramount will be offering is something totally different to a Thorpe Park or Alton Towers...and irrelevant how good Paramount park will be, the novelty will wear off quicker than an established Merlin based theme park. It will most likely serve the same function as the Harry Potter Studios...most will only visit once, maybe twice, but three times really may be pushing it. (Obviously some people have been more, but on the whole...I use the word again...the average person probably will not return, because most Dark Ride Experiences are not Re-ride worthy in the public eye, in comparison to a Roller Coaster or larger attractions. 


    I've been stalking this topic for a while and watching things unfold. Though none of us known for certain what Paramount will bring, I thought it might be like Universal Studios with mostly indoor attractions, which is best suited for our climate. We don't have many dark rides and our weather is unpredictable, so having a USO-type park would greatly benefit the UK.


    That said, I think it would be great if the park were like Islands of Adventure with a good amount of indoor and outdoor attractions, which is what things look to be like from this plan. Secondly, I don't know that plan is just a rough plan or one detailing what exactly they want to build.


    WTF? @ 3rd paragraph:


    I disagree with your comment about Paramount UK being similar to HP Studios, as HP Studios isn't an actual theme park but just a BTS tour. "Dark rides not be re-ride worthy", is crap because people flock from all around the world for Universal Studios Orlando and there are Americans with Annual Passes, who go several times a year and we all would go several times a year if we had the money/time/teleporter/Nightcrawler abilities.



    Aaand my point about people ripping peoples posts apart is loud and clear right here...Especially as they quote extracts to completely contradict what others say. 


    If I don't know...as you so BOLDLY put it...why the hell do we even have this forum discussing a park that is not in any existence or has yet to even have any plans of any proper description. I am sick and tiered of people on here assuming the other is thick. 


    I simply mentioned the Theme Park Comment because many were complaining about a Theme Park not being a theme park without a coaster...and I did not agree with that statement! 


    I have seen the likes of Dreamland Margate falter to the ground, hence I do not see why Paramount will not follow suit until I see a JCB on site starting the trenches. 


    I have better hopes for Paramount UK than Dreamland Margate, a park which is inferior to Paramount UK and one, that I can see people being more enthusiastic about.


    We're discussing this future theme park and you're right to disagree about there not being any rollercoasters. But you're wrong to say that Paramount UK, will not be return-worthy like Harry Potter Studios.


    Don't forget there will be restaurants, gyms, entertainment complex and other facilities, which will boost their chances of success.


    Good night!

  16. I've waited for a long time for change to happen and if a new major player could come to the UK and change up the monopoly that Merlin have with Alton, Thorpe and Chessington, that can only be a good thing I feel.


    It's understandable that they've become complacent and feel like they don't need to try as much, because there's no one coming for their metaphorical crown. 


    Kent thankfully, is only 30-40 minutes away and so, I could see myself coming here in the future. I just hope that Paramount give us world-class thrills, in the hope that Merlin step-up their game.





    So Screamscape posted this video:and said the coaster 'bares striking similarities' to what the Harry Potter coaster can do.


    I don't know if this video has already been posted.


    Whilst I overall liked the Forbidden Journey at IOA, I felt like it summarised the Harry Potter films (the best bits), but I really like the new Gringotts coaster, and think it will be much better than FJ.


    Is anyone going this year?

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