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Everything posted by Phill

  1. Phill


    Don't touch what you can't afford hun.
  2. I have, always get a wolf whistle or applause! http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/56Review now online.
  3. Time Voyagers is opening today, check back on TPM for coverage!
  4. Phill


    Argh art exam tomorrow. 10 HOURS, srsly not ready. Based on THEME PARKS, what a fan kid.
  5. Phill


    Holy crap. LOST just made me cry, it was so sad. Argh
  6. Phill


    if I had a jailbroken ipod I could be on MSN now
  7. Phill


    Aj, your best friend in the world is going. I may / may not being going, depending if I can get money.
  8. Phill


    http://www.converse.com/ CONVERSES!
  9. Phill


    Let me warn him.. meow.
  10. Phill


    I declare Joe the official TPM BUFF-TING.
  11. Phill


    Well, I'v been officially suspended as of today, for the only reason that 'Friday wasn't enough for you to learn your lesson'. So tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, I can wake up at noon, have lunch when I want, watch TV, surf the net, and do what ever I please. I'm really going to learn my lesson. Bravo Poole High School, you've really out done yourself.
  12. No living doll is great!
  13. Phill


    I think I might make a video about my exclusion...
  14. Phill


    My parents are told what there told, they dont have a clue about computers.There whole argument is that because it was well edited, it must of had milisouce intent, yeah its called f**king iMovie, it takes two seconds! They also told my mum 'I'd apricitate it if you dont tell phillip about our conversation, until I speak to him tomorrow', yeah because I'd rip holes in what they said because its s**t. ARgh.
  15. Phill


    Exclusion, at our school, is go into the old building, sit an empty room by yourself, all day, no breaks. Which is actually illegal, so I'll be sure to point that out. Reading up on filming laws, I know what I have done ISNT illegal, this is crazy, nothing to do with the bloody school. And what drives ME CRAZY is that there are videos of kids being bullied in our classes and school, on youtube. I said, what will you do about those, nothing, because its not a teacher. f**king ridiculous. Nothing was said directly against that teacher, heck I love her, I think she is great. If she can admit to the class she has taken drugs, been arrested, and christ knows what else, I would of thought she could of taken a shakey recording of her voice underneath the desk. I blame senior managment not her, from what I gather she did try to defend me after my apology.
  16. Phill


    It was deleted on the weekend, before I knew the teacher had seen it.They have just phoned back, saying they have 'just' watched it again. (BULL s**t IT WAS DELETED ON THE WEEKEND http://uk.youtube.com/user/iphilllol ) and said that it was a violation of privacy, dispite it being a public place. Also I had applogised to the teacher, and she accepted. But no, I'v been excluded on Friday.
  17. Phill


    They seem to have gone all OMG PRIVACY LOL LOL.Way I see it, it's a public school, and filming (even if it was underneath my desk of the chewing gum) is aloud in public areas. Secondly it wasn't as if I was slagging her off, it was just a joke about what she was saying, and spin it to make it sound like a charity advert. Thirdly, even if I 'slagging her off' it makes no diffrence if its in a private video or saying it to my friends. Freedom of speech? It's ridiculous.
  18. Phill


    I'm in trouble with the school over a certain french youtube video.
  19. Phill


    I can picture it now..OH GOD MY EYES
  20. Phill


    Lost was just mind blowing. I f**king knew it.
  21. In other news..We've listened to your feedback, and we'll be rolling out some big changes this evening.
  22. Because Phill wants someone to hug and hold. Hmpf.
  23. Awww, that's so friggin sweat. /Que Depression
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