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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, and this may just be for maintenance, but does anyone else think it's a bit weird Samurai looks like it's in half-cycle yet its in its lowered position for onload/offload? I.e. were the ride to continue rotating on its main axis, it would collide with the ground/operating booth. Given the problems with zero-ing last year, is it possible this isn't just for maintenance and the ride is set to endure a number of weeks downtime again?

  2. I eventually came out to my mum in writing, James. Dad still doesn't know about me being gay though. Mum reacted fine but it was really hard watching her read it. I mean, really hard. I don't know how you'll feel if you go ahead with writing a letter but the best advice is that it doesn't need to be lengthy. You'll feel more comfortable talking about it than writing it once it's out in the open. The letter should really break the ice as it were.

    Mum hugged me and said that all she wanted for her children was for them to be happy, and that because she could never afford to give us material wealth, she tried to teach us that things like friendship, loyalty and love are much more important and that who we love doesn't matter.

    'Course, I was a blubbering wreck at the time so I've paraphrased a wee bit!

  3. Not quite, noob. Boneshaker was a HUSS 1001 Nights (Boneshaker's original name if I remember correctly), whilst Wipeout in that video is a Zamperla Windshear. They're often confused because they're all very similar in operation and ride experience. Not a fan of the Top-Spin but never ridden a Windshear. I doubt they're as spectacular as they look. Quite like the Topple Tower, they're much more engaging as a spectator.

  4. Without wanting to derail your point, this isn't really fair. The other lot royally ballsed up the economy and this lot do actually seem to be doing something to fix it, even if I can't agree with some of the ways they are going about it.

    May I suggest you replace that line with the privatisation, demoralisation and general destruction of our police force? That should be worth getting upset about in my bias view.

    Please continue bashing the bashers...

    Oh I'm not saying Labour or even the Lib Dems now are not to blame because you're right, but my angry rant made me overlook the scale of that cock-up. Thanks pluk! :P

  5. So I've been following the Same Sex Marriage bill talks through the house of Lords over the past couple of days...

    And if I'm honest it's just really beyond me still why people who have views which were built upon from 20-60+ years ago are allowed to decide upon the ways in which the people of today and the future are allowed to live. I'm not saying everyone in the House of Lords has these views, because some do come across as very supportive with the SSM bill, but the ones who do object it come across as just being stuck in their ways and are simply incredibly resilient to any modern change.

    It still surprises me how stuck in our ways we are in the UK with so many things if I'm honest, yes it 'could be worse', but it could also be much better and more relaxed such as some of our Northern European friends, e.g, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark etc. Everything from changes in bills such as marriage to the yay's & nay's of HS2 (I am for this too) causes so much debate here and I sometimes wonder why a more streamlined process has not been enforced yet. (And I'm going off topic now) But if it weren't for the people of our country deciding to build railways back in the day, we wouldn't have them now!

    Mini-rant over. :diablo:

    PS, Stonewall UK [@StonewallUK on Twitter] (a very very good charity!!) has been providing some good coverage of the bill and have made it a bit more entertaining by creating this Bingo card below to cross off when watching the conversation in the House of Lords. Just a bit of fun, nothing offensive meant. :angel:

    "The UK must uphold the sanctity of marriage for the good of our future. We must become international pioneers of the new future where the marriage institution remains untainted by this bill."

    This vitriolic statement was released by "an unnamed Conservative" some time in the last year, since the first reading of the SSM bill was passed. A new future built on old values? Very Tory. As if they haven't destroyed the banking system; allowed Gove to single-handedly ruin the educational system; and tried to point the finger at every other nation in the world for being tax havens rather than take the blame for being the ones who put their money there in the first place, they now decide that a very real, very pissed off minority don't deserve the same rights as the majority. Jeez, Tory sure is the right name for them. It originates from the Old Irish tóraidhe, meaning "unlawful or untrustworthy, or a pursued bandit".

    If they want to be a part of our future they should look back ten years, when The Netherlands became the first nation to legalise same-sex marriage... in 2003, for God's sake.

  6. Anyway, the ride itself. Frankly, I think it's something of a disappointment. I see this being very popular for a long time, but I also think it's a massive missed opportunity. The theme promises so much, and AT had the opportunity to create something truly mindbending in the indoor section, but instead theres a mist spray and an inline. Other than the Marmaliser (which looks awesome), the theme is very weak. Pretty much everything is just painted - so disappointing that the end of the ride is just "you have been corrected" painted on the wall opposite the unload platform.

    Now see this is just a silly argument that's always really irked me. Marmaliser aside? The Marmaliser is the focal themeing point of the ride! It's like saying "Valley aside, Nemesis is poorly themed" or "Hole aside, Oblivion is just a train falling off an edge".

    Other than that, a very well-reasoned argument, though I do find myself disagreeing but only because what you found to be poor I found to be excellent. A simple difference of opinions - we'll have to agree to disagree!

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