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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. Yes it looks terrible, but Thorpe did a nice job repainting other parts of the park such as the buildings,Nemesis Inferno and X's new signage. All of which are things that should be done anyway but since Thorpe are so bad typically it's nice to see them making the effort in what little way they want to.

  2. Actually love the soundtrack for this game and the ride. It's so nice it's veered away from the stern-faced seriousness that Merlin have imbued into SAW, Th13teen and The Swarm. Not that there's anything wrong with those rides' themes and the way they use them, but I like the more perverted, sinister angle. It's like it's denying the recognition that it's potentially the creepiest thing it's 'advocates' have ever seen, sort of pretending that "Everything is going to be alright" with a slightly demented smile.

  3. Thorpe Park= :), on 17 Feb 2013 - 11:19, said:

    I'm sorry but topspins are awesome and everyone is entitled to their own opinion :glare:

    We hear you, but it's not just a case of "That's your opinion and we think it's dumb, so we're going to punish you". It's more a case of how it's been suggested so much in almost every closed season/new ride discussion as a potential flat ride that Thorpe don't have yet somehow should have. Each time it arises there are plenty of reasons discussed as to why it would be a bad move: uncomfortable, out-dated, spectator ride, comparatively unpopular, Alton and Chessington both have one, etc., etc.

    It's nothing personal, it's just that the proposition of a Top-Spins is getting ridiculously repetitive now and whilst enthusiasts and Thorpe don't always view certain things in the same way - particularly those pertaining to the park's attractions - it's a fairly safe bet that Thorpe won't be installing one, regardless of the demand.

  4. Bowling was good if not a bit competitive. I don't appreciate being beaten by a cripple. ;)

    Just 'cause I'm in the turkey clan and you're not... :rolleyes:;)

    Honestly though, so glad I went. Even though I had a few problems with regard to mobility, it was still a great day and Peaj was good organise plenty of things that didn't necessarily require two functioning legs! The bowling was ace, the meal was ace, and so were the people. :) Looking forward to March 24th to see you all again along with even more new faces. :D

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