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Everything posted by themeparkmad

  1. themeparkmad


    I am Chelsea too! I wanted chelsea after that obviously!
  2. People have been thinking I was gay since Year 6! I got bullied about it and I didnt even know I was gay in Year 6.Y8 came me questioning myself. and I agree with what Mark says - so what if you sleep with guys? Don't like it, don't talk to me! (exept he worded it nicer! )You like girls only - StraightYou like guys only - GayYou like both - BiSimples!
  3. You think? Ask yourself... Would you be happy going out with a boy or a girl? Or both!
  4. I was not prepared to start a new topic for this as sick of some rediculous new topics started then closed the next day!...Anyway...Is everyone on here confortable with there sexuality?
  5. *Embarrases* I am slowly going to walk away from this topic now!
  6. Safari Skyway is Area 1! Do you switch between Area 1 and Area 2 then!
  7. If Fury behaves itself in rain, why is it I always get 'closed due to weather conditions' How could I have forgot Safari Skyway! That is because it has to go uphill near seastorm and the carousel isn't it Mark?
  8. *Embarrased Smiley* Sorry!How was I suppose to know if you don't have a d.p.!
  9. Glad you had a good day! Dragon's Fury was having technical problems when I went on Monday aswell But then again, at least it is open instead of closed Are you another one that does not like Vampire or were you scared !
  10. I feel old saying this, but I have left school! But got College in September I had 2 favourite lessons... English and French (I am actually being serious! And yes, I am one of the few who actually enjoys doing French; But not when It comes to exams!)
  11. I actually don't see what is the problem with people who go out with people of the same sex! I mean, To be honest, It is none of anyones business who I decide to go out with and sleep with!Just because more people are hetrosexual does not mean that we are doing something wrong for either going for same sex or both sexes. But what 'Gandhi' said about expecting more of her friends. If they are taking the mick then they are not really your friends if they can't exept you for who you are! Meaning, I have told some of my friends and they have been fine with it (and still are hopefully!... If not.... Bye Bye! )Quote dispite what the survey says! Think that may be slightly inaccurate! QuoteI think some people are clicking straight as they can't read to be honest! I have come across 2 people who I talk to on TPM who are straight and you two know who you are! I swear everyone on TPM is either Bi or Gay
  12. To be honest, Me being a Vampire Nerd! , I have never been stopped on Vampire from boarding due to heavy rain. Usually, a staff announcement usually says about the weather and your choice to ride yet so others let you go in front if you dont mind getting wet. (This has happened to me before). But usually, all weather, I am boarding Vampire! Another ride that has not been mensioned is Rodger the Dodgers Dodgems. If there is heavy rain then the Dodgems does temporally stop operating. Chessington & Zoo is good because most rides apart from usually Dragon's Fury and Rodger the Dodgers Dodgems are usually open in all weather! :DOh, and what Paul said about Dragon's Fury being closed during poor weather. That is definately 100% true unfortunately! (Angry face as Dragon's Fury is fun in the rain!)
  13. Omg! Someone who actually sees they are different!e.g.Nemesis Inferno has a drop into a volcano. Nemesis starts with a lift hill.Nemesis Inferno 1st inversion is a loop. Nemesis' 1st is a corkscrew.Nemesis Inferno is red and Nemesis is white.Nemesis Inferno is not in a whole where Nemesis is!Apart from being manufactured by B&M and a B&M, there is not really anything to say that they are simular!
  14. There is actually every point to go to Chessington & Zoo! But I won't start moaning
  15. I hate it when people conpare Nemesis Inferno to Nemesis at Alton Towers.They are two completely different rides!
  16. themeparkmad


    I wanted to build a bear at you guessed it build a bear! :DBut then got reminded my age So I spent it on clothes instead
  17. No, Rodger the Dodgers Dodgems or as you said Bumper Cars were open all day! Oh and a quick quote from above from Lordcutter6. (Post no 146)Vampire - 1Are you mad! I'd add a few zeros on the end !
  18. It never has a big queue?!On my last visit when Loggers Leap was open. It said the queueing time was 60 mins!!!
  19. You only get 20% off Ultimate Express Passes at CWOA only though. Not the normal £7 express passes or the express shots.
  20. Yes was but Chessington is better than thorpe with queue times and everything (go CWOA!)Anyway... yes 20 mins was quite good but it did reach 40 mins to be honest for about half an hour when the sun first came out then went down and leveled on 20 mins throughout the sunny period.(Shame about Loggers Leap at THORPE PARK )
  21. Chessington had pouring rain then afternoon was warm then at closing time (6pm) went back to the rain side.I sense scarcasm in your reply aswell
  22. Get an Annual Pass!Get for £24 each. It is worth it if you plan to go on days where you know the closing time will be extended (10k by 1pm) or arrange to go on a quiet day and these can be weekends like mine are!Look at the weather. If you think er.. .No then go! Rain usually means less queuing just wrap up warm!
  23. Yes that was with the aid of an Ultimate Fastrack! Fastrack haters look away before reading my post
  24. To be honest, I usually get on them so many times I forget so...Vampire at least 10 timesDragon's Fury about 7Runaway Train 2Rattlesnake 5 at leastDragon Falls 2Tomb Blaster, bubbleworks, safari skyway, dodgems - 1I am a Vampire guy! Can you tell?! Hope this helps
  25. oh and stated 2 posts above about the elephant. The water is going into the boat now and onto guests LOL
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