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Everything posted by themeparkmad

  1. The amount of times I have had it blaring when the station has been nearly empty with the lights on! Best atmosphere you could ever ask for. *me feeling hyper!* Glad my experience was the complete opposite to yours James! I am lucky as it always breaks down on me so love it when I am in the station and it breaks down, (Yes I did just say that!) because of the atmosphere!(Except it has been turned off once on me but that was after hearing it for 30 mins during a breakdown, but could hear it all day! )
  2. I love Vampires Music (which you should of guessed waaay before now!) and I would love one day to walk into it blaring like in Nemesis Inferno's station.However, saying that Vampires station when empty is so good. (As usually 1st one on when I visit as it is the only time I run! )It was empty and had train to myself with my mate and it was so loud with the animated laughs etc! But then when came back it was packed and I could barely hear it!
  3. Like some of your scarcasm on the posts LOL :D

  4. Does SAW: The Ride then actually have an area or is it not within one?
  5. Best ride theme music for me is definately Vampire!
  6. themeparkmad


    How long was that then in time? 60 mins?
  7. I thought it would be ok when I saw then whilst on Loggers Leap about to go into the station. But I forgot how wet you can get on Loggers Leap as I am used to Dragon Falls!
  8. I can sort of understand Loggers Leap where they are being used but why Tidal Wave? You can't get anymore wetter than a ride on Tidal!
  9. Who would actually waste there money on them things anyway?
  10. I can't really say yes or no to that as haven't been to THORPE PARK yet (while all rides open) Although, I can probably guarantee me agreeing that Colossus is a better ride as I love Colossus!
  11. I know that quite alot of the effects on Rumba Rapids are either broken or removed. Does anyone know if there are any plans for effects to be added on Rumba Rapids?
  12. I know this may sound like I am a complete ****er, but do you get paid for the extra hour you work for? And Tomb Blaster 50 minutes - for some reason, this season seems to be quite busy for the old Tomb!
  13. To get more people wet? (If that is possible after Tidal Wave!) Sorry for the scarcasm
  14. To be honest, I don't really watch Britains Got Talent anymore but just wondering for people that do...Does Susan Boyle wear clothing as like in her pictures in magazines. e.g. Heat Mag? (may be stupid question but just want to know! )If she does, then someone needs to give her some fashion tips! Oh and Ryan, I couldn't agree more!
  15. When I said a few posts ago 'I swear everyone on TPM is either bi or gay, I didn't actually mean literally everyone on TPM was bi or gay! Sorry if I offended you though
  16. Take it then you went today to CWOA!What was the queues like for Vampire, Dragon's Fury, Rattlesnake, Runaway Train, Tomb Blaster and Bubbleworks?Cheers Matt!
  17. That seems good to be for Tiny Truckers!I have seen Tiny Truckers on 60 mins before when Dragon's Fury had 30 mins!!!
  18. Best part for me is the loop and the 4 barrel rolls over the lake! :PMy favourite ride at THORPE PARK!
  19. Omg, You are actually describing my parents really well! Except not out to them so I just nod
  20. themeparkmad


    Sorry for getting involved but If it is not fair to the customers which I agree with that is not Steves fault! (sorry TPBAKZ). THORPE PARK's rides always end up with technical problems throughout the day so why update it putting it on and off when you could just leave it if it is going to be the same tomorrow. Then guests can feel happier that they have wrode the ride they wanted to even though it is having technical difficulties on and off!
  21. themeparkmad


    Sorry but what has he done apart from a little scarcasm to be quite rude?
  22. themeparkmad


    I found it slightly funny!
  23. I dont get neither when people say being gay is un natural. My cousins dog only humps boy dogs so they have a gay dog so cant be un natural!
  24. Also, If you are still unsure, you can "experiment" with different and same sex and see which one you prefer
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