I visited one of my favourite places today!Great day today but due to the odd weather queues went from large to small all day. (why had the aid of a Ultimate Express Pass) - Don't hate me fastrack haters! Got at least 10 rides on Vampire (Favourite!)Got at least 7 rides on Dragon's FuryDone a few Dragon Falls, Rattlesnake and Runaway Train.Done once - Safari Skyway, Rodger the Dodgers Dodgems, Tomb Blaster and Bubbleworks.BreakdownsBilly's Whizzer was advertised as unavailable; However BW opened after an hour of the park opening.Tomb Blaster has a small technical difficulty causing the ride to close for about 30 mins.Dragon's Fury closed its main queue and fastrack queue at 4:30pm due to constant breakdowns towards the end of the day.Overall 9/10 for me. Great day and could do now all over again! Odd CriticismsChessington seem to like all of a sudden to lower the volume on audio as my Bubbleworks station music I could not hear. (for the audio people on TPM! )