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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. Steve - You need a better quality projector! :PAnd well done for giving up smoking!!!!!Mikey - Oh dear :P However, I had a simular experience when I was in the shower. I don't know why Rumba Rapids came into my head and I could hear the old queue line announcement. :P(The start bit which sounded like poping bubbles :P)My random - My fry up was yum!

  2. ^ I am the same as you Thorpeparkjunkie (minus the Rush bit :P) and Mikey.I could ride Rush all day and I love it!However, flat rides I just can't and Slammer is a no no :huh:I would much rather queue for a coaster / water ride than a flat. I always wish Rush lasted longer but oh wells :P

  3. I never get time to play this anymore so it is "gathering dust".I remember that I really wised the queue line would actually fill up without having to delay the ride loads.Also, I really wanted a Fastrack / Express Pass queue.In addition, I wanted a sign that we see about queue entrances.(The ones that say "Welcome to the Vampire... Waiting time is currently 40 mins... Rides and Attractions are available until 8pm...." )In conclusion, I just wanted it to be like a real park and not a game :huh:Oh wells, I am never on it now anyways :P

  4. I really hope it doesn't go as personally I think it's the best ride in the park!

    I am sure that as long as Vampire doesn't cause major financial issues that it will stay.After all, CWoA & Zoo won't be guaranteed to place a rollercoaster in Vampire's current location.So Vampire should hopefully be at CWoA & Zoo for quite a few more years! :P :P
  5. I don't know because there's no sort of reward system maybe allowed to vote for themselves the week?

    If everyone votes for themselves, it may be only 1 vote for each entry :PRegarding the prize: Why do you need a prize? It is a bit of fun!Otherwise it is only going to cost James money and it is something he has a passion for.You choose to enter!
  6. It's been up and running for a day now and it's down, wait a second...that seems familiar.

    I have just tried it now and it is working for me....It does take a bit longer to load I feel. Maybe that is why you assumed it was having technical difficuies.Then again, it may just be that THORPE PARK's homepage doesn't like you! :P :P
  7. Most people in my year at school seem to have the same opinion of 'Urgh, being gay is disgusting etc'.

    I am sorry that you have that in your school. When I came out to friends at my school, they were fine with it and everyone accepted it.Some people did give me a weird look for a few days but I never changed myself as a person & they relised that.Hopefully as you go through years, you will find most of the ****s will mature.

    If I had a gay experience and found that I liked it, I would have no shame in telling them, or telling them if I was gay or bisexual.

    Good for you Paul!

    They won't tell anyone outside the group anything, unless I specifically want them too, and they make me feel so warm, and that I can trust them with anything. It really helps, knowing that I've got those friends that I can tell things to, and it makes me feel a lot more comfortable growing up that I know that if I need to tell them or want to, I can without feeling like I might be rejected for it.

    I started off doing the same. I told a few people and I thought it was a major deal as then I thought I was different to everyone.Then, all of a sudden you will feel that you aren't bothered and if people go "Are you gay/bi" - you will probably have no problem saying yes or no whether they are your friends or not! :PAlso, if you do end up gay or bi - remember this - Anyone that was your friend that goes against you for your sexuality was NEVER your friend in the first place!I am fortunate I have not had to think that about anyone to date...
  8. Well not really, because to be honest I don't know if I would really like a gay relationship, how can anyone know until they've tried it?I'm not bisexual, otherwise I would fancy boys too, naturally. I don't and I never have done, but I'm just saying that if ever the most perfect boy came to me, I think there is the chance that I could easily be persuaded. And I'm not a bisexual in denial before you say it. I'm straight, always have been. But as I said, very open-minded.

    Maybe it is just the way I have read it but it sounds a bit like you are contradicting yourself. - Don't hate me :P"I'm not bisexual, otherwise I would fancy boys too," then " but I'm just saying that if ever the most perfect boy came to me, I think there is the chance that I could easily be persuaded."It seems weird as most people that say they are straight, like yourself wouldn't go out with the same sex if they were straight whether they were perfect for them or not.But if you feel comfortable with your views upon yourself then do continue :P We are all different!
  9. I got some very weird looks leaving the station, haha. I really want them to fix that for the 2010 season, and use the 2006 announcement.

    Don't worry! I say it out loud too but I couldn't give a Flying Fish what people think! :PI am out for the day to enjoy myself.2006 announcement just has to be used again as it is excellent! :P
  10. I really wish the dispatch theme for Nemesis Inferno was not played around the area! - Connection problem I take it.Also, it would be nice to hear the Colossus Start Announcement actually played at the park.I think it is meant to play when the last restraint is locked but unsure.

  11. I personally prefer the only one.Although, putting your curser over the man and he laughed scared the s*it out of me as my volume was on full! :PI know it is good to put a website to a target audience but I think some of it needs to be modified or removed...

  12. Mania Hub is Unblocked from College!I'm one happy bunny now! xD

    You have only just relised that?!I am lucky as this isn't blocked as everything is in our college :PI like going on Mania Hub when I get bored in college! :PGoing back for triple English soon after 2 hours of French already! :angry:
  13. The great thing about BOGOFs and other special offers is that it's a form of advertising. Making people feel like they've found an amazing deal will give them more incentive to go to the park. They will also get more people through the gates and therefore more people who will be a lot more willing to spend money on merchandise, food and drink.A lot of this pricing m'larky is psychology, I do agree with you Ricky, in the grand scheme of things, paying full price on the gate may not be a large amount of money. However people do feel that it is a lot to pay for a day out, so people who have paid £36 per head before even entering the park may have a sour taste in the mouth I know what you're thinking, Keith.That's why there are so many offers about, not only is it advertising the park, but also people will feel more willing to part with their money on park. And plus in the case of online booking, it gives a great incentive of saving money whilst giving the park a good idea of a minimum gate figure.

    You are correct! It is like a trick of the mind to think you are getting something for nothing.Yet they are probably getting more money out of you if they wern't going to visit in the first place :angry:

    ... may have a sour taste in the mouth I know what you're thinking, Keith.

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