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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. Isn't the reason for the repaint something to do with it being unsightly in its current location?

    For a ride that is unsightly, it certainly has a very long queue line usually. :)(And I know it is because of throughput etc before anyone says).
  2. I only really noticed that Rumba Rapids was in such a bad state last year. Although I have not seen the power shower working since about 2005, I assumed it was because it was too cold for guests and had been turned off. When I visited at the start of 2009, it was clear that the theming was fading and much had been broken.

    The power shower actually works!It was turned off and cannot be used due to an accident that occured on Rumba Rapids after someone stood up to avoid the water effect.This is a problem with all water effects really, the risk of guests standing up.We can all say it is simple to tell guests not to stand up, but with most of THORPE PARK's visitors being rebelious (sp?), this may not be possible! :)
  3. The whole section broke off, fell into the rapids and sailed along the entire course, in full view of guests. No, really, it did. Thank God, it didn't fall on anybody. Shows what a state the ride is in and a reason the cave was re-themed into the rumba shed a few years back.

    I would imagine Rumba Rapids was put as unavailable for quite a few days then!This is just another layer of the cake which proves that Rumba Rapids is calling out for some love and attention! :)
  4. Lol nasty.My first year the car was registered under my mum, and she was the policyholder, I was a simple named driver, and it cost us £1,500.This year we changed the car to my name, I was policyholder.. it would've cost £1,300.. adding my mum as a named driver, even though she never ever drives it reduced it to under £750. Always worth fiddling about with whos registered and policyholders etc, as it makes a hell of a difference.

    Okay Cheers Peter!I will bare that in mind! :):D
  5. Can you not go on your parents insurance? That's what Top Gear taught me anyway. :)

    It is £1,500 on my parents insurance if I use their car.It is £3,000 on my own with my own car.:D - hate insurance people :D
  6. Car Insurance for Male Drivers is always more because the company's stereotype that Male Drivers are more likely to crash than Female Drivers.

    I knew that Steve! :DA friend of mine is having her driving lessons as well and Sophie said to me it was £800 for her.£1,500 just because I am a guy is wrong, surely!I am not exactly going to be going racing down the road at 100mph! :)This is the only thing where I will agree with a particular catagory, as I don't usually - Sexist! :)
  7. I only got 33 Miles Per Gallon the other day, and haven't been doing well lately...My average, combined is about 42, and I usually have at least 38, the car's is supposed to average 36.Never mind!

    Just you saying about cars, I have been looking for car insurance.The cheapest I can find, at the moment, is £1,500 for a 17 year old male. UTTER P*SS TAKE!!! :)
  8. Currently dog-sitting for my auntie. Just discovered he's hurt his paw. One of his claws seems to be split quite badly. Vets aren't open until Monday. Well worried about him. :D

    Would the best thing to do to be wrap a bandage around his paw so it is softer when he walks? Maybe ease it a bit?I am no animal expert though, just a thought that is probably wrong, but thought I'd say.Take care of him Mikey; I am sure you will! :)
  9. The plans do not show an indoor section on Kobra. I know plans can and do change, however, someone would have found out and said.

    This part of the plan may still be confidential; hense having to still remain quiet.

    Also, why have an indoor section on a Disk-o coaster!? It would not work very well. It would have to be incredibly well themed, positioned in the perfect place and make perfect sense to be there. It is a long shot that it would work - so why risk it?

    It could be an indoor snake pit with animations and sound effects. Let your imagination run wild with the possibilities.And as you said, whether it even appears to have an indoor section or not! :)

    I doubt it will happen; that's my opinion anyway.

    Thank you for sharing your idea! It is nice to not all be the same and have different thoughts!It makes us human! :D
  10. HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! Hope 2010 is a good one for everyone :(

    Not hungover! :)

    And I ain't neither... surpisingly! :(Wow, my body is finally used to large alcohol consumption :)
  11. I think just sorting out the audio first would be a good start so we can enjoy it whilst queuing. :)I agree that the entrance part needs a re-paint.The bright green for the queue line also needs a re-paint.AKid - I think if it got watery effects on the queue, than would be an added extra.I persoanly don't mind the loading bay as it has a bit of theming on the operating control roof.I think one of the most important things, on top of the audio, will be to make the Rumba Rapids ride more enjoyable by actually running some of the effects.You could easily control how long they are on for, so people are not tempted to stand up.Maybe add a few signs around the queue to remin seated? :) We already have the announcement that plays stating "Welcome to Rumba Rapids! Before...... So you must remain seated....... Thank you!" :(It would be nice to see Rumba Rapids getting some attention over this closed season.However, I can fully appreciate that they are busy planning / creating SAW: Alive.

  12. rip out the rapids and start over, that's what they should do and try and keep the water as clean as chessies :)

    If they haven't got the money to re-build a queue line, what makes you think they have the money to completely re-build a new rapids ride? :)
  13. I have just watched the filmPretty Womanafter not watching it for over a year now.It still makes me laugh and would reconmend anyone who likes love stories etc to watch it! :)

  14. 2010: RideI would love Rumba Rapids to have some of its water effects returned for the 2010 season.I already know why some can't be used, but some just need to return or more into place!I know there is always the issue of people standing up to avoid them, but it is a water ride!2010: AudioI love grooving to the Rumba Rapids audio! :)However, it would be nice for the speakers towards the start of the queue line to have major attention due to the fact these don't give out any sound at all!
  15. Chessington & Zoo: According to my sources, Chessington WoA & Zoo are interested in adding a new big attraction in 2011/2012 and this will be a major "ride" investment since Dragon's Fury in 2004. A close friend of mine who worked during the 2009 season told me that CWoA & Zoo are highly-interested in adding several new themed areas and the re-themeing / updating of existing ones. The area between Mystic East and Wild Asia is 'The Glade' which is quite big and big enough for a rapids, and in terms of planning permission, that area is home to some very tall trees.What is new to me, is the indoor sections of the Disk'O Coaster, which I thought the ride was entirely outdoors. I am very happy of what is happening to Chessington WoA & Zoo and this is the beginning of amazing things, with many more to come. I strongly feel that Mystic East, Mexicana and Transylvania are falling apart and this is the opinion of quite a few people. I am certain something major will happen to Mystic East, Transylvania and Mexicana within the next 5-6 years. I really do not like Pirate's Cove as it hasn't seen any expansion since the park was opened and it's a small themed area and as mentioned, I'm sure something will be added by 2020.

    THIS IS QUOTED FROM WILL ON MANIA HUB.I thought I would post it here as I think this may get some discussion if posted in its correct section...And with the rumours of the rapids, I think it is something the park could really make use of!It is a high capacity ride and is always usually popular with all age groups!And indoor sections of Kobra - Sounds fantastic!Anyone else want to share their views / opinions?..
  16. It's something that has been noticed, and it will get fixed, eventually, I'm sure.

    I am glad it has been noticed and hopefully rectified shortly! :)

    I would love for there to be a department that concentrates completely of special effects, music, lighting and scenery. At the moment, officially it's engineering who are responsible for ride effects, lighting and music, whilst maintainence who are in charge of queueline issues, however because it is written on the ride's inspection paperwork, engineers tend to do that as well.

    I think it would be amazing to have another department for this too!It seems to me like a simple solution in order to have all the things that make a difference, but may go un-noticed, in one place!You might even call them "imagineers" in a way like what they have in Disney parks! :)I certainly do feel VERY strong with the thought of another department because their is a lot of lighting, scenery, effects and music around the park that could have some attention too. Also, if that is "only" what they had to focus on, I can see Chessington & Zoo rising in people's expectations!A great idea Sheepie! :)
  17. It probably can be replaced easily, it's just low on Chessington's Priorities.

    You are correct Steve that it is probably a low priority thing.However, you would be surprised what vandalism can do and affect guests days out.I really do hope over the closed season, or during the 2010 season, that something is done in relation to this matter...
  18. New TopicsA lot of topics are being created which is very good as it can advance on discussions.However, BEFORE you create a new topic, please ensure that the topic doesn't already exist otherwise it will just clutter the forum.I would just like to say as well that it is nice to see people editing their posts due to things such as punctuation mistakes.This will only help the forum, newer members, and create a more professional looking forum.Thank you. :)
  19. This seems the most relevant place to put this...As some friends will know, I usually say CHOO CHOO when I emply 'yes' or 'oh yeah'.After browsing through Facebook, I found this...

    I am sure it is a bit old now but what enthusiasm!!!As well as Thirteen, I need to go when this lovely lady is operating!Definately need to plan a trip now for 2010! :)
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