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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. It p*sses me off that everyone around me seems to be getting boyfriends / girlfriends, and I've been single for years. It just makes me really depressed at times. As those of you reading the Relationships thread will know, I like someone an awful lot, and it's just never going anywhere. I'm fed up now. The only ounce of hope I have left is seeing her possibly positive response from my card to be sent on sunday. If it's bad news then, I'm just going to hit an even bigger wave of depression. On the other hand, if it's good news, I wouldn't be able to stop smiling, even if I stapled my face down.In the words of Kelly Clarkson, 'The trouble with love is, that it tears you up inside'. That couldn't be more true.

    I am sure she will say yes Paul and I wish you all the luck.Maybe one way to stop feeling down would be to think that you wern't meant to be if both say no.(Sorry that is just me trying to be positive, sorry!)And for mentioning Kelly Clarkson - I know that will make Mikey very happy! :PMy rant (Not as serious as everyone elses):Most people are moaning cause of the new Facebook.Mine is still the old one and I got a notification 30 mins later someone posted something on my wall. - I had to click on the note tab and then click see all just to be able to see it as some aren't appearing on my wall until 60 mins later! GRRRRR! :P WORK YOU STUPID THING! :D
  2. I reckon that x no way out will have gone, along with Colossus.

    I do also think that X:\ No Way Out will be gone in 10 years.However, I really doubt that Colossus will be leaving the park in 10 years. (Plus, I don't want it too neither! :P)It was the worlds first 10 inversion coaster and is considered one of the major attractions at Thorpe Park.I can't see Colossus going anywhere in 10 years, in my opinion.
  3. It has been confirmed that Keith Templeman will be working on Playhouse 8 hours a day, everyday

    Playhouse?! Shoot me now! :PI would rather be on something with a bit more of a challenge and major targets where I could improve! :P
  4. Well, lets not forget the headlocks and Slaps. Especially in Colossus Station.

    Yeah but I could do that as I was your boyfriend. :PI could easily say to you to remember all the slaps when we went to visit the London Eye.SO KEEP QUIET :P
  5. Haha, I know how you feel. I had to put up with it for the best part of last year. haha

    You had to put up with me? Other way round surely :wub:

    Breaking News:- I was slapped by Keith last year.This guy is a menace to society!

    Did I really slap you?Oh dear I am sorry but you must of deserved it! :PAlso, it isn't as if my slaps are hard anyways so :)

    Hmm we should tell all the parks. Have a massive sign with his face on it.

    Have my picture up at CWoA & Zoo eh! - Me would feel very special and famous! :D
  6. The shocking abuse from that boy's mouth. See what I have to put up with? Very nice facade you have going on Keith, others will believe you, I'll always know the truth about you :)

    I am very worried after that. You do know too much about me and I will leave it at that :DGet back onto MSN as I cant be asked to do this and MSN :wub:
  7. Keith would like to say that he thinks Vampire is the worst ride in the UK. Possibly the worst coaster he has ever been on in his life. He said he will spit on it's grave when it finally leaves CWoA, the sooner the better.He then went on to say that Fury is a far superior coaster, the best thing since sliced bread, he can't wait to ride it again in the new season. It beats Vampire's sad, sorry little excuse for a ride.:wub:

    Oh yeah Mikey cause we all believe that now don't we.Go crawl back to the hole you came from. :)
  8. ^ Andrew - If you wanna call or message me, feel free.ou are a great guy and have a fantastic girlfriend who wouldn't tolerate anyone giving you sh*t!If you are being put in these situations on a regular basis, then don't suffer in silence.Either...1. (immature bit) - Get me and I will freak them off with my gayness compared to you. And then hit them :wub:or2. (mature bit :wub:) - Let your head of year know. I suffered in silence with someone who threatened me constantly. I then got the courage to tell my parents and my head of year. It was immediately sorted and he is now being watched and will be excluded if it happens again.Don't let ANYONE bother you Andrew. You are a great guy. Whether it is sexual wise, verbal etc, then don't suffer.You have more friends than them ****s could ever have!!!!!

  9. I just shout abuse at the teacher....

    Hense why you don't get your detention cancelled Ricky! :wub::)

    Also, she keeps moving us about to different classrooms. Even though we're in our final year, the year 7s are more important and need to work in a French classroom. Meanwhile, we have to keep swapping between History, Geography, English, god knows what else classrooms - even though we should take priority. One lesson, she just had a massive go at us randomly and went out crying (leaving us with nothing to do for 35 minutes of a 50 minute lesson). Then, she says she will mark all of them in class (while the class does what!?) and then she wants us to memorise off by heart all the answers to the questions, so she can ask us them on a Wednesday. It is ridiculously way too much and is far to much to do with everything else going on for other GCSEs.

    Year 11 out of Y7 to Y11 should have priority in their own room without a doubt.However, I also think Y7's do as well as they are new and need to feel like they know where they are going etc.If your teacher is crying then blaming you lot if you genuinally haven't done something wrong then she is not fit to teach - end of!I mean, I wanna be a teacher but I would never let a class beat me. If she continues to do this, I would go to your head of year / form tutor if it is bothering you that much.And unfortunately, all teachers have different methods. She could ask you to mark it yourself for practice for the exam instead of her doing it.This is the thing - if you don't like the way a teacher teachers and you wanna make suggestions, then open your mouth!!!!I done this with one of my teachers and he took notice. Notice how I say "suggestions" in a kind way and not a forceful way! :D
  10. I'm so annoyed with my now "ex" maths teacher who I've had since year 8 till this part of the year in year 9. She always has picked on me and like the other day when someone nearly broke my nose chucking a hard bag at my face she sent me out for shouting out "Ow" Then when I come back in and tell her what happened her response was "Oh no, your a nasty liar! Ned never lies and I know he wouldn't do a thing like that. Give me your contact diary, I'm giving you a detention for disturbing my class" What the hell?! :wub:

    Go to your head of year / form tutor and explain the situation.Detentions can be easily cancelled. :)
  11. True. They're just so annoying. Especially the current Year 7's. They are all mouthy little sh*ts, get in our way, and answer us back. I'd never have dreamed of doing that to a Year 11 when I was in Year 7. Times are changing.

    Our year 7's, imo, are as sweet as pie.Then again, I am a tall college student, so I probably scare them! :wub:It is the Year 11's that I find are the more cockier lot. I can understand every now and again but most of them are bas*ards! :wub:
  12. Both great entries guys :DI would love to see if Keith would do anything to Vampire ? :wub:

    That is a very interesting read there Monsterdan5.And James - I would do something with Vampire straight away.When does this challenge close as I am incredibly busy at the moment. If it is during the weekend, then I may have time to do a sexy Vampire upgrade. :)
  13. Hi Thorpe park rule!I can see that you are new to the forum, so may be having a few troubles....First of all - Welcome!If you wish to quote someone - Underneath where the box states quote of the text you wanted to be quoted; you can comment under there.This way, it avoids double posting and you won't get people asking you to watch your posts.Hope you enjoy Mania Hub and hopefully will see more of you around in the future.On topic.I enjoy going to THORPE PARK but I am not obsessed with it.However, I wouldn't call it an obsession but I have an extremely large interest in Chessington & Zoo. :(

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