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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. ^That is a very nice new logo for Paultons I must say! :angry:I love the shape and style of it too. In fact, it sort of looks more like the older Chessington & Zoo logo if I am being honest :lol:Very nice I must say!Thank you for posting Rich!

  2. We had snow last night so we had a snow ball fight in college.Well, some of us did :lol:Some Year 11 though one and it hit me so I picked up one and I didn't relise how good my aim was!:angry:If it is ice however, then it is a no no!

  3. Heres yet another rant from me :angry: Right ok, so basically I have a really bad reputation in my town amongst teenagers because I'm A) Gay and supposedly "emo". I was always the quiet one in my secondary school and most of it was crap because one of my supposedly best friends told everyone that I was gay after I confided in him, so I got bullied quite a bit.Anyway, since starting college my social life has picked up quite a bit and I'm much more confident and proud about myself, but there still seems to be a large majority of teenagers who hate me because I'm gay (wth?!)and ME, I mean at least I don't act differently and try to be something I'm not, I act as ME ME ME ME. Is that so hard for people?To get to the point, yesterday some random popular weed-druggie added me on facebook (hes friends with all the "populars") just to tell me that I was a "dirty c**t" (excuse the language please). I'm still so angry that some random person I've never even talked to could think such a thing of me, all my true friends stood up for me (you know who you are) and I'm grateful and really appreciate your support :lol:

    I am so sorry that you people are giving you a crap time because you are gay. :lol:Most people know I am bisexual and I have nothing to hide... apart from my family atm :lol:Because you are openly gay, you shouldn't have this problem, but when all the "rebels" knew about me being bi, they were shocked.However, I just had a laugh with them about it. (Can't state what was said as there would be too many stars blocking out words).The only thing I reconmend you do is keep your chin up, smile and be happy with who you are.Why should you change for somebody else?

    But seriously, just because I'm gay doesnt make me a freak. GROW THE **** UP. We're not living in the stone age so stop acting like it. Its really pathetic. The ironic thing is, its apparently cool to be bisexual nowdays? "Oh look I'm kissing another guy/girl that makes me hot" ermm not it doesnt, you just look like a **** :lol:

    If it was cool to be Bisexual, I think you would find someone from Brighton would know!I have not heard anything about it being cool.And even if someone said it was, I would probably just say ..."Well, what is the difference whether you are to guys, girls or both!"
  4. Yes, it is £10 for season.I think what Keith meant was to justify spending the extra on the pass its self, but I think that the offer is for all pass holders.

    Yes that is what I was implying Marc :angry:If any of you guys haven't got a Standard Merlin Annual Pass yet, you can purchase them for £75* until Friday 15th January 2010 :angry:.* This is 50% off usual price.
  5. The only Annual Pass I will be purchasing is the Premium one.Am I the only one who is Mega Excited about this £10 Refill Capsule!? xD

    l need to drink £50 worth of drink and an extra £10 for purchasing it.I think it would be cheaper to do on the day. :angry:Unless it was alcohol, then what a bargin! :lol:
  6. Despite what the poll says. :DYeah Theme Park loving is kind of gay for some reason. :/ Usually when I'm around Thorpe, 75% of the people I'm with are gay or bi. Yay for them.

    Probably just your friends Tommy :lol:Also, a lot of people feel confident now-a-days in saying their true sexuality without fear. Hense what a lot of people do on this forum! :lol:

    There is absolutely no proven connection between homosexuality and theme parks.

    That is 100% true Paul!However, it does seem to be known to quite a lot of people as a "gay business".I am watching how I say this, so explaination is quite simple...Usually a lot of people that you will discover from ride forums, theme park staff etc are either homosexual or bisexual.However, you can consider the "free rights" part to life in this as well. :P(I suppose the reasons and thoughts of people could go on and on to be honest :D)
  7. you would have known us theme park nerds would be such experts on this :lol:

    Theme Park people have good knowledge on masturbation you are basically saying there! :lol:And as true as that might be, there is good old Google for definitions as I didn't have a clue what cronic masturbation was until now.If you don't want to seek help from a doctor then that is fine. :DYou may wish to consider it though. And remember, you don't have to show anything you don't want to!If anything, he may just give you something to try to reduce stimulation etc.
  8. Possibly be able to come :D I'll have to persuade my mum that you guys arn't strangers that might want to kill me

    I just said to mine on my first visit I am meeting some friends I know from the park.Then after said it was a Mania Hub meet and she was like. Erm... Well at least I know they are okay as you are back home safe. (Typical Mother :lol:)Maybe even show her some of our profiles. - Only saying this as most of us have pictures of ourselves so maybe could influence a yes out of your parents?

    Sucks to be me.Everytime there's a meet it seems to be around a time where I'm not able to. There is also the problem of what my chauffer ( parent :P ) does while I'm off having fun with you guys.Meh I'll get to that hurdle sometime soon.

    My dad has stayed at the park before whilst I have met Mania Hub.Then again, he is an Annual Pass holder so he can come and go.If your dad is a AP holder, why not tell him to bring an I-pod, a book and have a nice stroll around the park and a coffee?I mean, my dad is now into some of the theme music, mainly Colossus, so likes to go around there. :DAnd if you can't make it James, I am sure we will be able to meet you at another meet in the future! :D
  9. Peter and Outfit, you two are quite alike. :o

    I have thought that before as well Ellie! :DBoth are great guys and you have to have a little bit of sarcasm somewhere as it is a laugh!
  10. Whats the problem with normal text talk? Its almost the norm and everybody does it. Its NOT chav writing. Plus it saves time writing all proper when it doesn't really matter... :)

    It doesn't really matter?!Sorry but are you joking!I would be like me writing - I fokin lov chessi cause vampire is like wow.There is a reason why you use correct language as it is easier for everyone to read.(And it avoids any chance of being called a "Chav" I suppose... :D)
  11. I wonder what the wild asia theme music will be.... ....the one which will inevitably get on my nerves as I wait in the queue for Kobra.

    I am sure the theme music will be very good and suited to the area! :D

    Hopefully the 'new ride effect' will take place, and the crowds will flock to Wild Asia (well, Kobra especially) leaving Vampire and nearby rides with walk on queues. Maybe even Dragon's Fury for a short while with any luck..

    And I like the sound of that Josh!Everyone can go to Wild Asia no problem. Be nice to see Vampire on 0 mins for a bit longer! :D(Then again, I would say that! :))
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