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Everything posted by themeparkmad

  1. Hopefully! I might be going next Tuesday so it better be!
  2. LIKE! Friend went to Chessington WoA today:Vampire and Dragon's Fury - 5 minsThen went to Thorpe Park (Same day):Nemesis Inferno - 20 minsDetonator - 15 mins Hope this helps
  3. ^ I have actually never seen this before! :PWow! Looks sooo much better! The only negative I can think of is that it makes the area seem smaller but still looks amazing like that!!
  4. themeparkmad


    I refuse to watch it as I get little sleep as it is
  5. ^ Thing is - Do a lot of 'normal' guests really think of the theme behind the ride if they visit Thorpe Park?! - I don't think so imo.
  6. Skip to lift 2 :Phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8ApxQCgrwE
  7. I don't do the ERT but I would imagine they would have a list provided from the hotel.I think you have to say the day before or something whether you are interested so they have plenty of time to produce a list.I have seen some hotel guests go through the gates by Wanyama Village but been told usually it is Explorer.(Best way - turn up and see what they say to you on the day )
  8. I think it is just for Holiday Inn guests.I think they have done ERT for Merlin Annual Pass holders but I don't think that is being done atm.Correct me anyone if I am wrong - but I think atm it is just for guests at the hotel.
  9. If you are entitled to ERT - Usually they will meet you by Lodge Gate (North) and walk you over to Explorer Gate (South).This is currently the case for ERT at the moment in Wild Asia and Land of the Dragons excluding Dragon's Fury.Might of changed since but that was the last ERT info I was told.
  10. Dragon Falls has a new wall effect after you come to the top of Lift 2 until you get to the main drop.Suppose it is quite good really so it covers up the storage areas around back.
  11. If it is still in Wild Asia - You will be taken to Explorer Gate for your ERT.
  12. I actually read all of Mikey's post cause it is all true imo.I look at theme parks in America and see the potential that some of the parks in the UK could do but don't.I think I remember seeing some parks have the same type of rides, and they are cheaper?? - dont know how long ago this was but I remember it.I think Merlin make a lot of money as it is and they must be as they are offering to go back to Thorpe Park for free on certain dates. As well as things like Fastrack / Express Passes being increased in price - Surely they could losen their belts a bit!
  13. Vampire re-opened today around 12
  14. Have wanted to go but I am now thinking will I survive?!
  15. Nice pictures James! ;)I think I prefer the green overall but the organist looks amazing!
  16. For some reason - The more it pissed people off - The more satisfaction I got from it
  17. I have only put the apostrophies in as if you don't - it will go to 'Chessington' from what you wrote. - So I ain't a grammatical boob!
  18. I think that the whole 'normal' music for Stealth and Tidal Wave works extremely well.However, I think the other themes that usually play should be back in place...
  19. My mum got the Friday Ad and it was advertising the park and I purposely looked and it says..."Win 3 family tickets to Chessington World of Adventure's".That is a new ad and it has nothing to do with 'Chessington Resort' in any small print, information etc...Josh - Yeah Chessington World of Adventure's & Zoo is now Chessington World of Adventure's
  20. ^ Did I say it was 'actually' an 130 mins queue? ;)I said what I saw - Not what I thought it was ;)I did hear someone say they queued over an hour and a half though so it is still busy
  21. So need to know those dates where the music changes so I can NOT go then!It is the music that creates the atmosphere of a theme park!hense the term 'theme park' and not a 'fun fair'I really do feel strongly towards themeing at a theme park and 'normal' music just ruins the atmosphere completely!!!
  22. I would say there is definately a need for the 3rd train!!And it was out of the queue line by the Express Pass entrance but not right up the path Dragon's Fury opened at 3pm.
  23. Yesterday = Vampire 130 mins on 2 trains...
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