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Everything posted by themeparkmad

  1. Monkey Swinger was origionally Billy's Whizzer before Beanoland changed to Wild Asia.I think the change is better and Monkey Swinger looks fantastic! Discuss Monkey Swinger here!
  2. What !!So going from an announcement that is really easy and clear to hear to one that is harder to hear is better?!
  3. Don't be sarcastic Benin Honestly, I don't know if you need to push a button to activate them but I know they are just after the main drop
  4. Bad Points: * Water from elephant is no longer reaching into boat.* Audio in Dragons mouth no longer playing.Good Points:* Audio is a lot louder in the station creating more of an atmosphere.* New water effect after the main drop is very good!
  5. Shame about all those walkie-talkie announcements now instead of the older style announcements!Think Tomb Blaster should go back to the previous announcements in my opinion.
  6. This remind me when a teacher is describing something you do not get and you have this look on your face >>> ()From what I did take in though, quite interesting!
  7. I could just about hear it on Sunday in the tunnel.When I was waiting at the exit of Black Buccaneer though, I could hear the wolf howling as clear as anything!
  8. I think the area music is really good but I do agree it could be turned up a little bit.I like the tunnel effects that have returned but I have noticed that you wouldn't relise it was there if you didn't really listen for it in the tunnel.The only thing I can definately hear, outside of the station obviously , is the wolf howling after the train leaves the tunnel.
  9. I think it is good for people that may have not already visited Chessington World of Adventure's this year!It is nice to hear from the 2 managers of Chessington WoA as well and hear their verdict on Wild Asia.
  10. Did he used to be in Area 1?I remember one guy getting everyone to shout it when I visited ages ago but this was on Bubbleworks...
  11. Ahhhh the Brighton Pier :oYou used to be able to get Unlimited Rides and Attractions for £20 which was only really known by people from Brighton.However, this has now gone and it has became that you can go on any 10 Attractions for £20 which is very good for Brighton Pier!Also, every now-and-again, they do have some evening deals where you can get on 10 rides for £10. (Very rare though )Ahhh drunken times on those rides!
  12. themeparkmad


  13. themeparkmad


    I would rather listen to nothing than that...
  14. You always get 2 circuits offered on Rameses Revenge usually :unsure:One where it doesn't unlock straight away and one where it looks quite quickly and you get spun
  15. The uniform should be a safari hat and some sort of jacket. (EG Uniform on Bubbleworks...apparently).
  16. I would bloody hope it still had a future at Chessington WoA!!!! WOOP WOOP!
  17. Welcome to Mania Hub!

    Thought would say hello seeing as your favourite park and ride are the same as me! lol

    Sit back, hold tight, Vampire is taking flight :P

  18. I agree with Ryan tbh.Why have more deaths when there loved ones are at home and wanting them back!And Marc - If you feel so strongly about them staying - Prehaps you would like to help them out then?!
  19. I am surprised you are not obese Marc...
  20. themeparkmad


    ^ Happy Mania Hub Birthday Ross.
  21. I think Peeking Heights can be quite busy at times, especially in the summer.Yes, it isn't one of the rides that screams the word 'queues' but isn't that a good thing?!Peeking Heights gives some picturesque views of Wild Asia, Dragon Falls, Dragon's Fury and Rameses Revenge!Also, it is amazing for the 'green look' at for the Thorpe Park fans - You can make out Stealth. Also was very handy for my ICT project! ()
  22. I hate Mc Donalds full stop!Therefore, Pizza Hut.
  23. Glad to actually hear Thorpe Park is, finally, getting some good reliability.It has been a long time since I have been visiting Thorpe Park where there hasn't been at least one ride closure, so hopefully that will change! At least you will actually go on it Mark!
  24. I find that the more people know about it the less they actually care.There is also the side that you can tell who your genuine friends are if they care whether you are gay / bi or not!
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