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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for PROPERLY getting banned by me an then being to lazy to change your signature - you must just love the fact I banned you
  2. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned because you are also clearly trying to show off by drawing bigger muscles than you actually have in your profile picture Very Pop-Eye
  3. Have to admit that's one thing that has made me think about not getting the apple watch is that your advertising what you have on you. I think the thing that has swayed me to yes now is I'm older so less chance of a mugging, plus I'm generally in a car or with a group of people - so gonna take me chances Another thing as well is that even though I love Apple - waiting outside to be one of the first for the gadget is in my opinion very sad. I was listening to Jamie theakston on heart radio the other day who asked a number of people in the queue when was the last time they kissed The responses Over ten years ago I don't remember Never kissed .....enough said!
  4. Yeo and how dare the Mafia kill peaj on the first night was preparing myself for how I was going to be portrayed
  5. Thank you turtle for all your effort - I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this! Plus I'm just happy now I guessed the last Mafia member. Cornflakes I said many a time Kinnaird was innocent without trying to make it so obvious - you fool! But mind being part of the fantastic four survivors we did well - I thought I'd be out quick. Shame there wasn't more participation but I thought it was a fantastic idea. (I think if it's ok with your turtle steal the idea for a weekend meet in the future, if that's ok with you?) but I hope to see a second one on the forum in the future - good stuff!
  6. well may I put on the table that Pluk voted the same as coaster dude until coaster dude was found out. And that Mark9 was very suspicious of his intamin love and has never answered a question to him directly in the past and only voted for a gang member after we mentioned it'll be interesting to see who does not vote for them Kinnaird I am more than certain at the moment is a townie, so for the moment my vote will be to [b/]##vote Mark9[\b] His character Marc Simpson is too suspicious as it is!
  7. Yes the Mickey fascia I got a wee but excited on. For me the thing that has annoyed me about android whenever I use a phone on that system is the amount of paths you need to go through to get to a simple application. There are so many things hidden in unlikely places and if you don't know where they are it takes ages to find. That's the one thing I like about apple, it's nice and simple and self explanatory
  8. For those starting to experience the greatness of grey outs and wonder why you never had them before - I give you an answer Your AGING.....
  9. From Madame Leota It appears us townies have got to Lynch this Mafia member before the deadline - well done townies! ##Vote J.S217 Is it guilty to tell the truth? Is it guilty if you stand for it? The truth they said will set you free. Yet, they force you to say, The opposite of what it may. Asking me if I am guilty? For taking the penalty, Of what the truth I say? Whatever you call me, I still remain as I can be, Don't force me to live my way, The truth will set me free, So never I feel being guilty! You want me to tell a lie? And you even curse me to die? Your friends never ever say 'Hi! ' Who cares if you deceive them in your cry And our relation is not an apple pie, What matter most is the truth that apply, Even in all aspects you deny, I am willing to say goodbye, For the young generation's eyes.
  10. So as I'm a little bit of an Apple Geek, I know for one thing I will be getting my Apple Watch next year. However I have also been with an iPhone for so long and am used to the way it works I am technically 'stuck' with the brand. However I have never really found any fault with the company in recent years and why change to that thing called android when your perfectly happy with IOS. Plus Iphone 6 Plus will have a nice big screen so I think I'll be upgrading my 4S next year too . So yes the Title may be Apple (As that is by far the better brand ) but as there are these other technologies that some crazy people think is better for some reason, I thought we should put the technology in general into the thread as well. Surprised one has not been created already actually. Discuss......
  11. From Madame Leota Will be interesting to see how does not vote for J.S217 as now one has been caught they will need/ want to stick together if they have a chance of over powering the townies. It all depends how much the last Mafia member wants to stay hidden... Hiding behind foundation trying to stay out of the light hoping nobody will notice they've had yet another fight She hates how she has to explain they dont get that he works so hard and really, I mean, he does have a point just look at the state of the yard In future she's gonna try harder and give him less cause to complain and really, I mean, he does have a point she did forget chips for the game. But she's beginning to think it aint right to be beaten til she's black and blue So she tells him she's had enough gonna leave and move somewhere new Now she's hiding behind the curtains I guess the neighbours heard the shot and really, I mean, he does have a point over his dead body or not.
  12. I have noticed the park is now opening an hour earlier to what was originally advertised. Therefore I have moved the meeting time to 09:00. The majority of people in the Travelodge South Shore will know this when we arrive Friday Night, I will be texting the other attendees tomorrow morning to see if everything is OK for them on that.
  13. From Madame Leota, The next two to be lynched seem to be set in stone from the townies perspective, will be interesting to see who goes against the flow. Kinnaird I believe to be innocent, so leave him be for the mo, However Pluk has thrown me off guard by voting for CoasterDude as those 2 up until now have voted for the same person each day, unless it is a scent to throw us off, we do however need to get one of the Mafia this time round before they get a majority. Townies voting for just the one person is vital to our success. Such a shame we lost 2 of our number. No More your face to look upon, Or your beautiful smile to see, Though deep inside my heart I knew, You still reside with me. When the sun casts down it's golden rays, That's when I see your smile, Then rain drops fall just like my tears and my heart aches for a while, A rainbow in the sky appears, with a beauty of it's own, And on the breeze I hear your voice, It whispers your not alone.
  14. From Madame Leota I agree Cornflakes but even with me voting for J.S217 you will still get voted out, at least with yours and hopefully someone else to change their mind you will be saved. I believe Tommy could be the neutral player! However Paige has changed her vote as long as J.S217 does not vote before 10 we have a chance of getting him out - what happens when there is a draw to lynch? ##unvote ##Vote J.S217 Let's just hope this is right Hope abides, therefore I abide, Countless frustrations have not cowed me. I am still alive, still vibrant with life. The black cloud will disappear. The morning sun will appear once again, In all it's natural glory.
  15. From Madame Leota He maybe on the fence but I am still unsure of his intentions, where others who we may soon to lose I feel more secure of their innocence, If the townspeople change their vote now to get them out at least they can be saved ## Vote Tommy One day besides you, Forest Green and sky blue, Clouds caress the mountains Autumn wind singing love poems... Two days together, Yet dreams of forever. Take wings, yesterday-loneliness, Tomorrow fly with birds!
  16. From Madame Leota Maybe German but the motive looks way too obvious! Oh Germans You wanted to rule the world But after 5 minutes You were terld That you are naughty, like The Japs And you consume far too much schnapps
  17. From Madame Leota Two others should also be kept an eye, the nine's Dan9 & Mark9 have been quiet since the day begun, are they hiding to be forgotten so no one will think to vote for them? Hiding, Spinning round and round, caterpillar crafts his coccoon. Not knowing nor caring, motivations beyond meaning, desent into hiding, time melts, a flux of conscience. This creature crouches tightly, smugly, inside a secret mode into nature's mystery
  18. From Madame Leota My thoughts at present is that Cornflakes trying to kill Mickey Mouse would be too obvious whilst Tommy's behaviour once again seems too obvious but could be the candidate for the neutral position which means he can help the townies too - or not who knows Another attempt, another fail, Another lie, another tale, Another arrest, another bail. Same old stuff again. Laziness, then a house not swept. Greediness, then a theft. Loneliness, you are left, Everything leads to another. Predictability at it's best, What happened to trustworthiness? I want to live in a world of bliss. Where everything isn't predictable.
  19. From Madame Leota: Cornflakes I think you'll find Kinnaird was the victim of J.S217, however under JoshC's theory it is Coasterdude who is changing his mind... Confidence up, confidence down, Act like an angel, look like a clown, Changing my mind, changing it back, It’s all I need for a heart attack. Smile at your failures, laugh at my own, This isn’t right, should be home, Under the duvet, safe from the black, Changing my mind changing it back. Accident prone, but never you worry, I’ll tell you to leave in a big hurry, Making up ground for the sense that I lack, changing your mind, Changing it back. I’ve done it again, Proved my reputation, Is it smiles... Or is it frustration? Statements once given, I cannot retract, Changing my mind, Changing it back. The notice I earn is diluted with pity The smile that I give is a scorn which is witty, While I hold my breath and start to lose track You’re changing my mind and changing it back. Fanciful feelings hiding a fool, A cog that’s not turning, a bottomless pool, Lend me what’s common, or just give a quack, Because I’m changing my mind and I won’t change it back.
  20. From Madame Leota J.S217 seemed too eager to vote before the night had ended. True Obedience is not like a high colour in a fit, but it is a right complexion. It is like the fire on an alter, which was always kept burning. Hypocrites obedience is but for a season;it is like plastering work, which is soon washed off, But true obedience is constant
  21. Now I back for those it know who are coming I will have a quick chat with you in the next few days to arrange the best possible way Now other car is back on road am I right in the understanding that it's just Mer who needs a lift. Plans Friday night is basically just arriving and when people are about meet up and do some illuminations or summit
  22. Hello all I am Madame Leota It's been quite a journey getting back here after finding out there was no afterlife in the Mexican holiday but now I'm here to watch the innocent people from this town to avoid the twilight zone. A friend is like a flower, A rose to be exact, Or maybe like a brand new gate That never comes unlatched. A friend is like an owl both beautiful and wise. Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost, whose spirit never dies. A friend is like a heart goes Strong until the end. Where would we be in this world If we didn't have a friend.
  23. Update from Mexico 2 vehicles on motion for transport and 3 family rooms have now been booked via me at travelodge - I'll be back in Uk Thursday s o will be able to help ppl with last min stuff.
  24. I'm back from holiday then so can actively post once more so GET ME ON BOARD! I absolutely love these type of games!
  25. Quick update from Mexico.... Unfortunately just 1 driver on this trip (me) unless SCB gets the fix on the cheap (seriously I've done it through family for things like that and in my experience the fix is actually better as your a mate getting at cost price etc) My car is full: Me Jaymiee Alpengeist LG95 SCB (if not driving) Toofpikk (if merlinmobile working) People I know who want lifts: (in order of me knowing) SCB toofpikk J.S217 Styles Mer All others drivers and non drivers are takin train from my knowledge Rooms I have booked a travelodge in between te towers and BPB. Currently sleeping 5-6 people (My car) If people need me to book another one get back to me urgently Other room I believe is booked is with Londoner, others could ask him etc. I know some people may be disappointed if they cannot come but we are trying our best. Manormortis will happen if there is demand but from feedback seems peeps are happy watching the illuminations. That will be updated when confirmed etc. On Sunday otger potential thing is waterpark that has been mentioned after tower but once again peeps don't appear too bothered Hope that helps (a bit) adios
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