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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Took the quiz and it's sided with the 2 main parties I usually go for. Quite enjoyed that quiz, I do like a bit of politics I do http://uk.isidewith.com/results/533707434 Was however very surprised at how low I ranked with people like Labour & Lib Dems according when I was younger I was a big Lib Dem supporter! Generally how I have been voting of late is UKIP for European Elections, Conservatives for Government & Lib Dems for local government. In my area no chance of conservatives winning so Lib dems are the only hope of finally getting rid of Labour!
  2. I have to admit, that one thing that has niggled me during the whole development of this land is that the people generally gave the park a thumbs down as soon as this project was announced and some have now started to see it as a good thing, now that the project is starting to come together. It's just a shame the park have to prove themselves to get acceptance of it rather than it being the other way round. We've been spoilt at this park for our age group for a good few years and when an idea comes about that is not generally to our cup of tea it does feel like the daggers come out. For me I find it fantastic what they are doing. They have dodgems, which is popular with all age groups and they have also brought the theatre back into use, which is a welcome re-addition as it's an attraction you can use to have a breather and another indoor attraction of which the park offers a very limited offering. The IP I also believe was a very good choice, the old target market know about it as it was a very popular app once upon a time, however it uses characters which are not seen as too childish to be able to enjoy it. Eg. They have not been ruled out of the new additions from a park that has been concentrating on them for so long. However the more important thing is it will certainly bring in the families and the young kids. I know some people have said that why did they buy into this IP as it is clearly coming to an end....If you a teen/ young adult maybe - I agree with you but when out at the shops or at the beach or at other attractions, there are loads of young kids who have Angry bird t-shirts. I have seen a number walking around clutching onto their angry bird cuddly toy. Also at the arcades there are lots of angry birds cheap toys that the young kids lap up. With a film on the horizon and talks of a TV series afterwards, this IP has a lot of potential for a few years to come and commend Thorpe for doing their research for an IP that is got a lot of upcoming projects on the horizon which funnily enough are mainly away from the computer games. Yes to the old target market the IP is old hat but to the new market they are trying to target, Angry Birds will be lapping up the very young kids for years to come on a franchise that is expanding it's horizon.
  3. AJ

    CBeebies Land

    It's how the blobs on the cbeebies channel look like though. If the ride has used the blobs for the theme - which in my opinion is good they have used them for one attraction, according they are always on show in the logo and in between all the programmes. I really cannot see how they could do a better job with a blob which looks exactly like it does on the TV....
  4. The Vote is now closed as there has been no movement for a bit and also this weekend won with 85% of the votes Our Alton Towers Weekender will be held on Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th June 2014 :D :D :D :D :D :D
  5. Now why does that not surprise me!These promo pics of hello kitty look like they've developed a nice little area and it's nice to see these small parks doing the IPs justice and letting it fit in. I find it amazing how the smaller parks with a small budget do a much better job than the bigger parks. Shows with less money you can get more creative! Otherwise before now I've never heard of this park But geez Avril Lavigne in that video can get my kitty on any day - I was transfixed, especially when she was wearing those glasses....
  6. AJ

    Youtube Videos

    Some people won't find it funny but my humour can get extremely dark - *pooofffff* silently into feathers - anyway moving on before I get shoved to the gutters, something that is a bit more light getting us in the mood for June .....ah come on surely you didn't think you'd get away with me being so sweet, once again I chuckle everytime. Many videos in this series
  7. AJ

    Youtube Videos

    This cracks me up every time!
  8. There is a handful of us - and literally a handful with how quiet the theatre was before it closed but there are rumours it'll be open again for a month in September Whoopee Reasons I liked It: It's Cheesy, It's Corny, It wasn't serious, Some good Jacko songs and some silly side line characters which made you lost for words at how bad some of them were (but in a good way) Plus it had major nostalgia attached to it for me as it was the first 3D film I had ever seen 18 years ago and remember being terrified by the spider who turned into a beautiful woman (not that I took much notice of her beauty as a 6/7 year old) Basically my cup of tea
  9. It's all about Captain EO..... .....Oh....Wait.....
  10. Voting will stay open until it's confirmed a meet will take place that month. In the mean time it just means people can amend their votes if they wish/ and/ or change their mind. At the moment it is merely to track what the feeling is on the boards of where people really want to go. Yes 2 meets could happen, but if it did, it would also mean I would just take out another meet elsewhere - reason being is that If too many official ones happened in the year, the novelty of them would wear off and wouldn't be sustainable in the long run (In my opinion/ You can have too much of a good thing) But that does not mean to say no unofficial meets can take place!
  11. Nope, just changed the top - thanks for the spot. Nothing at all...The Word 'IF' was used
  12. Good evening all of you wonderful people! After a very close call in the poll Thorpe Park eventually came out top at 14 to Paultonn's 13 and Oakwoods 12. Sorry if your favourite did not win but we will make sure these trips are incorporated in the future as I know there is demand for is there. I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Thorpe Park Summer Nights Meet! The date of the event is Saturday 2nd August 2014. There will be 2 parts to this meet - Thorpe Park during the day and trying out the summer activities and summer nights event itself! The Outline of the day will be as follows: Meet by the annual pass entrance at 09:00 am by the cash machine just on the off chance the gates could possibly open earlier than advertised such as last year. As soon as the gates open we will go into the park, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or . This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at THORPE PARK. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. There will be another meeting point at 7 pm on the bridge for those coming to Summer Nights If you can't handle the park during the day I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different!. Attending (16-19) Coastercameron98 DaddysLittlePrincess GladiatorfanKyle? Iannem J.S217 Kinnaird with Pyro Sam Luke_A Marc Michelle? Mr Fish Peaj Phill Pritchard ScaryCoasterBoy Smidget? Styles Tommy TopsyTurvey15 Turtle
  13. I'm soooo joining in, can't guarentee what side if the stage I will be on though....
  14. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned because Saw: The Ride is blatantly better than your beloved Nemesis Inferno
  15. Well I won't be around forever At some point in years to come will need that person with the fresh ideas to keep the meets fresh in the future. It's like politics if one party is in power for too long then the country starts falling apart It's good to see future hopefuls
  16. Good Afternoon all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Alton Towers & Waterpark TPM Meet 2014! The date of the event is the weekend of Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th June 2014 as voted by 85% of you so a strong win! As you can see it's the whole weekend! Which gives you a choice - come on the Saturday, come on the Sunday or stay the whole weekend! Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, as for the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event.. We will however like to see you during the day at the park Also this meet Towers Nerds are more than welcome to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: Meet by the frog jumping fountains at 09:00 am just inside the entrance if you wish to take advantage of the park's ERT. We will hover for 5 minutes whilst everyone gets together but then going off for ERT, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements/ Cannot participate in ERT or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little we will get to the Nemesis Egg outside Sub-Terra in Forbidden Valley, so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 10:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Alton Towers. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting up a separate post on possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If your staying for the night.) If however you know where your going already by all means book it up when we confirm the dates this time next week. I know for example I will be staying at a Travelodge in Newcastle half hour away as it has some good night life around there Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending (16) Alpengeist Coaster Crazy from Tower Nerds J.S217 Londoner Marc Matt From Tower Nerds Matt Creek Mer Mr. Fish Myk Peaj Ryan ScaryCoasterBoy Stretchy Styles TopsyTurvy15
  17. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for getting ice cream in her hair!
  18. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for using the same reason to ban josh that I used this morning
  19. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for loving maths over rides
  20. Good evening all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Angry Bird's Ministry Of Sound Meet at Thorpe Park! The date of the event is Saturday 5th July 2014 Marbella Sessions. There will be 4 parts to this meet - Thorpe Park during the day and trying out the new Angry Birds Land and a picnic afterwards that can be enjoyed by everyone and the clubbing event & Overnight stay to try out the Shark Hotel in the evening which is unfortunately over 18's only! (Or if your me T5 Travelodge ) We will also be extending our hand to the Towers Nerds, in the hope of another great joint meet, by coming down south to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. The Outline of the day will be as follows: Meet by the annual pass entrance at 09:30 am by the cash machine just on the off chance the gates could possibly open earlier than advertised such as last year. As soon as the gates open we will go into the park, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or . This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at THORPE PARK. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. There will be another meeting point at 8 pm on the bridge for those coming to the Ministry of Sound If you can't handle the park during the day I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending (18) CoasterCameron98 Jaymiee (MOS & Travelodge) J.S217 (How to Train Your Dragon 2) Kinnaird (Coming with Fireman Sam) Matt Creek (MOS & Travelodge) Mr. Fish (MOS) LePaigeHalil Luke_A (How to Train Your Dragon 2) Peaj (MOS & Travelodge) Phill Pritchard (MOS & Travelodge) Rocket (MOS & Shark Hotel) (Coming with Lady of the Thrills) Ryan (MOS & Travelodge) Scarycoasterboy (How to Train Your Dragon 2) TN Jonny (MOS & Travelodge) Toofpikk (How to Train Your Dragon 2) TopsyTurvy15 (MOS & Travelodge) Maybe (1) StevenVig
  21. Good evening all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Blackpool TPM Trip With an Exclusive behind the Scenes with Scare Kingdoms Manormortis! The date of the event is the extended weekend of Friday 12th - Sunday 14th September 2014. As you can see it's an extended whole weekend! Which gives you a choice - come on the Friday, or the Saturday, or on the Sunday or a couple of the days or stay the whole weekend! I would imagine though the bulk of us will do Sat/Sun. Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, as for the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event. We also owe a big thanks to Myk for getting this behind the scenes but we will also need to know if you are interested in attending for us to be able to take up on this offer as we will need 20 people! Plus this event will rely on you wonderful kind drivers or which your help will be much appreciated. But based on past success's I'm sure this will be no problem. A breakdown of what to expect of behind the scenes is shown below The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: On Saturday, Meet outside the entrance by Pasaje Del Terror at 08:30 am opposite the ticket gates to have a small social before the park opens, and then we will enter the park. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! If by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either phone or text so we can arrange to meet . This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. We will try our best to get on all the attractions. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Blackpool Pleasure. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes at 8. During the Evening we will relax and watch the Blackpool Illuminations. On the Sunday we will start on the Merlin Attractions meeting outside the Blackpool Tower at 09:45am. We will explore the Tower and during the day go to the Blackpool Madame Tussauds/ Sea Life & Dungeons just like our London Meets. During the afternoon we will have a little breather in the Blackpool Ballroom for a couple of drinks and if you are lucky me and my dance partner might go off and do some ballroom and latin on that famous floor whilst you socialise over drinks. For those who do go up on the Friday we will most likely go along the piers and arcades and try out the Waterpark and plus we will have our Tour of Manormortis at some point in the weekend. As it's quite a big event the way the weekend is run is subject to change but due to the distance I know you and I will be in regular correspondence so everyone knows what is happening. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting up a separate post on possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If your staying for the night.) If however you know where your going already by all means book it up when we confirm the dates this time next week. I know for example I will be staying at a nice B&B near the Tower, right in the centre of it all to enjoy the nightlife. Plus some really good deals on Laterooms.com Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending (16) Alpengeist J.S217 Luke_A Luke Houldsworth LG95 Matt Creek Mer Mr.Fish Myk MysteryPackage Peaj ScaryCoasterBoy Stretchy Styles TN Jonny Toofpikk Attendees
  22. When organised chats take place a game/ quiz usually takes place: Here you will find the results of the running tally of correct answers/points that members have answered correctly, taking part in the game on an organised Chat night. The results here are for the answers from April 2014 to December 2014. Have you got what it takes to get to the top of all the categories. The quiz takes questions from the popular app Quiz-Up, If you would like another category to form, please suggest it to me in chat, PM or in this Topic and your wish is my command: Leaderboard Amusement Parks Quiz 1) J.S217 (15 Points) 2) LePaigeHalil (11 Points) 3) Mer & Mr. Fish (6 Points) 4) JoshC (3 Points) 5) Han30 (0 Points) Disney Quiz 1) J.S217 (8 Points) 2) LePaigeHalil & Matt Creek (7 Points) Maths: Hard Quiz 1) JoshC & LePaigeHalil (8 Points) 2) Matt Creek (4 Points) 3) J.S217 (2 Points) Music: General Quiz 1) LePaigeHalil (8 Points) 2) JoshC (7 Points) 3) Mer & Mr. Fish (5 Points) 4) J.S217 (4 Points)
  23. AJ

    The Grand National

    My horse fell at the second hurdle! Very Disappointed!
  24. Me owns no Onesie! *Peaj gets pushed into the bushes*
  25. Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, the next trip report has come, which will make your blood bubble. But what tales will unfold as some of you grow stubble, well come on sit down before you get a nubble Camera, Set, Action! For the TPM Crew: Pumpkin Man, Peaj, TNJonny, StevenVig, James & Co, Ryan, Mr. Fish, Han30, J.S217 & ScaryCoasterBoy Plus this will be the last Official Meet before this gem gets taken into the movie land of the Angry Birds The Queue Line's await and due to the horror of the popularity of the event it's something our devil's will need to get used to today So to start off with they all spring into action by rushing to rush! On standby for when the victims get off. The two newest Ministry of Joy's recruits Cornflakes & Mer, get ready to Marmalize anyone who dares cross them But the biggest question remains Who is that pumpkin guy standing next to James & Co. Styles in a bid to find out, uses the internet on his phone in search for the answer whilst Cornflakes remains in deep thought Watch out it's the pumpkin guy again! Take cover Oh....actually forget what I said, It's only Han30 sporting her new clothing line. As it's still quite early in the morning, StevenVig is too tired to work out this mystery, so has a snooze in Logger's Leap whilst he waits for the others More members of the TPM Crew arrive led by a very eager Liam_T You'll also find EC!, Luke_A, Ricky & Marc They seem to take so long to be released but Part 1 of 5 always seems to end so quickly. However, who is the identity of Pumpkin Man? Who is Liam_T Scared of? Who will be greeting you back for Part 2? I must get going as my cauldron is boiling and the last thing we need is my potions mucking up the adventure! Scooby Scooby Doo, Where Are You? We've have a mask to uncover. Scooby Dooby-Doo Where are you? Who is under the pumpkin? So now after the lovely little intro let's get on with Part 2 of 5 of the Bloody Valentine Trip Report. Cornflakes welcomes you back to this part in the hope you will join him in the Ministry of Joy Next on our journey, TNJonny, J.S217 & James & Co are getting ready to be spun on the Metallic Monster of Zodiac Just look at that Metallic Monster spin! (Mind even after all this time I still miss the old colour scheme ) With all the defying gravity spinning the pumpkin mask is blown off to reveal TopsyTurvy15 Peaj begins to cry over the news. ScaryCoasterBoy cannot believe it was the joint sexiest male of 2013 under the pumpkin mask. Now that everyone knows who is who - It's off to Vortex & Ryan, StevenVig & TopsyTurvy15 wait patiently for it to begin However afterwards they all go to Rocky Express & TopsyTurvy15 is not impressed Suddenly from nowhere whilst Rocky was in Motion a flesh peeling monster named DaddysLittlePrincess appeared Liam_T was horrified of the monster that appeared, but couldn't run away as Rocky has trapped him TNJonny, James & Co, TopsyTurvy15, Matt Creek, Cornflakes, Peaj, ScaryCoasterBoy, J.S217 & StevenVig then run to the safety of the SAW Queueline There we have it another chapter is complete. But why will Mer threaten to kill someone? What is StevenVig trying to smuggle? Where do ghouls go in their spare time when they are taking time off from scaring people? All these will be revealed on the release of Part 3. However right now I managed to download this app called Cartoon HD and it has given me loads of free series & movies and one of the series I've just realised that is on this app is Scooby Doo, so ummmm Laterz By the end of this part of the journey you would of seen 'Vun, Too, Free' legs of the Bloody Valentine Adventure as the Sesame Street Count would say. But we are not of Sesame Street Nooooo We are part of TPM so let's get back to what they are doing. The crew have ventured onto Loggers Leap & TNJonny leads the way, hoping no one has seen any blood stains Han30 is still sporting her new fashion line with Mr. Fish close behind. Marc is still on the phone trying to work out pumpkin man Has no one told him yet! Another boat of the Maniacs comes down the chute They just keep on coming and coming. Suddenly the water sprayers turned on (at no cost) and so those off the ride could not resist giving the others a good soaking Mer then threatens to kill the culprits It was then time for lunch and so Ghouly Peaj takes a timeout from scaring and tries to blend into the crowd After being fed, all the Maniacs started getting ready for the Bloody Valentine Tour. On the way though who couldn't resist getting a snap of Inferno We then waited and waited some more for the tour to start & Cornflakes, Mer, J.S217 & ScaryCoasterBoy wonder what the heck is happening Whilst the crew were working things out, StevenVig found it the most opportune time to secretly eat some Milkybar Buttons This menacing bunch would like to eat you in this panoramic shot starring: TNJonny, James & Co, Topsyturvy15, Matt Creek, Cornflakes & Peaj Then on.....oh wait we have gone past our appointment for today. I will just have to continue this after the weekend. But who are the better ghouls, the ones from TPM or the wandering actors? Who ends up getting an ASBO put on them? Do monsters need a bit of love and care once in a while? The answer to these riddles will be solved after I've got back from Euro Disney! Yes I said those filthy words - Shoot Me I was working on the web late one night, when my mouse clicked on an eerie sight, For TPM from their slab began to rise, and suddenly to my surprise - They did the mash, Was a TPM Mash, TPM Mash, It was a Blair Witch Smash, They did the Mash, It caught Asylum's flash, They did the mash, Was a TPM Mash..... . Hope you enjoyed that sing-a-long. Now however Part 4 which is the penultimate episode of the Bloody Valentine trip report continues. Peaj dares anyone continuing onto part 4 to cross his path onto Detonator Marc is too scared with the dare and hopes Peaj will go away by closing his eyes. However Liam_T is not impressed Whilst Styles determines if he will live or die - James & Co shows that he can be scarier than the actors As seriously a cat with a plastic machete just leaves me shaking No seriously....... However none of them are a match for Ryan, who easily wins the best scarer Poor Fishy his time is near.... All of a sudden StevenVig & J.S217 were plunged into darkness and a mysterious blue light took hold of them The light teleported them to extra terrestrial race of X where the found other members captured within the ship headquarters After being experimented on a sliding slope appeared which directed them to freedom. Ryan who got traumatized over the experience, acts out and soon received an ASBO by not using the given slope Now escaping to freedom, the ghouls from TPM give each other a reassuring hug to come to terms of what they endured This chapter must now sadly come to an end as the TPM Mash is played back once again on the radio. But what happens in the finale now all the lights have gone out? Why are TPM members attached to the derriere of TopsyTurvy15 ? Is it that time to release the official group photo for the Bloody Valentine Meet? Come back soon otherwise I'll be coming to get you... For our conclusion of the Bloody Valentine Meet (Part 5 you know ) Darkness falls across the land, The Midnight hour is close at hand, TPM go search for blood, To terrorize Amusement Park.... And Liam_T has now been found Cornflakes soul is hard getting down Whilst Ryan stands and face the hounds of hell and rot's inside a corpse's shell Liam_T & Mer has found the foulest stench within the air StevenVig's funk of forty thousand years And these three ghouls from every tomb Are closing in TNJonny to seal your doom And though the maniacs fight to brave it alone, their bodies start to shiver As no mere mortal can resist Topsyturvy15's human centipede The evil that is The Official TPM Group Photo Thriller..... May I take this opportunity to Thank Vincent Price for providing the commentary for the conclusion Part 5 of 5 for the Bloody Valentine meet. Also a big Thank you to all those attended as at the end of the day you are what make the meets happen and also a huge thanks to THORPE PARK for giving us this amazing opportunity of the back stage tour of the Bloody Valentine maze. For me I must admit as the park is extremely busy on Fright Night days, it seemed quite hard to keep everyone together and happy on this meet due to the limited rides we could do together so If anyone has any suggestions of how it could be carried out for next Fright night will be much appreciated . But even so Fantastic meet and so glad that everyone has been having a great time over year and may it long continue!
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