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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Fins I was thinking as we no longer get kicked out the park now and saves the problem of lifts... If it is that's where we will finish
  2. Finally, a couple of members with their head screwed on - going back to basics on the basis the reason why EVERYONE appeared on this forum originally in the first place, was due to the love of the industry - then they get a bit 'knowledgable' and know people in 'places' and put their 'if I ran the park' hat on and end up complaining more about the park rather than constructive critism which makes you wonder why they still bother visiting the park. I already hear those "but I remember when" - it's called change - maybe not changes you approve of but other people may actually prefer it - call it nostalgia feelings of how excited you were when you first started getting interested in the parks. So yes a couple of new members bringing it back to the basics of why we are here - welcome to the boards and I look forward to seeing your posts in the future
  3. Well tickets must be limited as I just went to book my ticket to attend tomorrow but they are all sold out Edit: Thank you Paul2014 for your spare ticket!
  4. Good evening all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our meet at Chessington! This is generally a good relaxed fun day out and one of our more popular meets! it means we will hopefully get to see out the new Penguins show and Penguins new enclosure. The meet is on Sunday April 19th 2014, As voted by you! The Outline of the day will be as follows: Meet outside Hocus Pocus Hall between 09:30 and 10:00 am opposite the entrance by the green. As soon as the gates for the rest of the park open we will go into the park. If by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either phone or text so we can arrange to meet you. Due to the success of this ice breaker game last year, this meet will once again get to play Empire a very popular and strategic game that really got everyone involved. Will it end in the Vampire Queue this year like every other year so far? Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! A couple of members have found out this on previous meets. We will then continue visiting the attractions and we will try our best to get on all the attractions people wish to ride, which will be arranged before the meet. One thing that has been annoying in the past is the decision making on where to go next and then the group changing their minds if a queue is above a certain level. This just ends us up in the past riding less as we spend a lot of the time deciding where to go. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Chessington but most of the things on offer cater for all. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. If you are going I will be talking to you beforehand to see what attractions you are most keen to do so I can make sure I can arrange the day so that everyone gets a chance to ride what they wish to ride. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken I’m sure and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you’ve never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending. Look at previous trip reports to give yourself a taster - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not just known as ‘Thing 1 or 2.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different. Names will be added to the list once the date for the trip has been confirmed. Attended Meet (26) Alpengeist Celia Mae Daniel.S312 Equoaster Iannem InfernoMartin Lewumbrajumbos MarkC Matt Creek Mer Mr. Fish MysteryPackage with Imitator Londoner Luke_A Paige Peaj Phill Pritchard Sawyer with Stacey Scarycoasterboy Sickles Smidget StevenVig Styles Toofpikk
  5. On my local radio yesterday when coming into work from Gravesend (A few mins from the park) It was reported that the plans for it to go ahead have officially been approved and building work is going to start shortly. They will be using the building contractors who built the Olympic park (who in turn will naturally get other sub contractors) and my dad who works for this said company for the Olympics and still does the odd job for them now is being contacted for a 7 year job on the site, but the first couple of years will literally be clearing and flattening the area.
  6. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    So as Sunday has for years always been traditional for the most successful songs of the week, I thought I'd put a spin this Sunday to include the most successful DJ'd songs on TPM Radio. 1st up is the song which would of been Saturday's Track as the best track of all time. Originally played by J.S217, It is Wake up Up from Evanescense. 2nd is my original hottest track right now, originally played by Mer, this would of been put on for a second time Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson. 3rd seems to be a popular 1st Single by some of our TPM members being played 2 times so far, it is Busted's Year 3000 4th to come on is Avicii's Levels, Hasn't managed to scrape an official video play but as had many links as notable considerations. Finally our most played track on TPM Radio so far, Being played 3 times is the Killers, Mr. Brightside. I hope you have enjoyed PJ DJ this week and that I did not fail to dissapoint. I have enjoyed my time on this end of the mic, and must congratulate the greatness of this topic overall. Peace Out
  7. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    I'll be editing this post later as not near a computer to do a proper link but for the time being, you look no further than this classic tune. Jack took what would of been my favourite record but as I like a bit of variety to be displayed you'll get what is in effect the best tune ever Taking a bit of rock again with a bit of opera What do those lyrics mean Queen - bohemian rhapsody. I'll be back tomorrow for a special edition of TPMs Radio Top 5 best songs
  8. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    So it's Friday. You've been working hard all week (Or messing about you filthy scumbag kids on their half term break) and after all that hard work, you want to relax - unwind and then get ready to PARTAAAAAYY!!!! Generally these days for me to go on a night out or get ready for a good weekend, it involves a bit of travelling beforehand as the majority of the circle I have grown up with and of new people I happen to meet - No longer live in my area, so yes I could stay in the area with some pretty average people and have an OK weekend and drift through life oooooooorrr I just go that little bit further meet some fantastic people and have a weekend I can talk about for weeks to come. Now whilst travelling to these destinations, to stop being that miserable, boring working guy from the Office, you put on some loud tunes - something fun, something that will get you into the spirit of what's to come for that Friday night, that will lead onto the memories of the weekend. Talking about Friday Nights, I'm gonna do an advert. A Shout Out on this radio show. If you want to join Peaj and some other TPM members (Fish, MattyMoo, Scarycoasterboy, Iannem & Smidget) on a club night in Popworld, Guildford Friday 13th March 2015. Book up a travelodge room - Only £40 for the night at the moment. Crash with someone else who may be interested if need be. Drop a PM to say your coming so we know to look out for you - but I'm out partying that night so you can sort yourself out. But one thing for certain is that it's gonna be one hell of a night jumping all over the place and in the morning you will probably feel like you have been hit be a Tsunami! DVBBS & Borgeous already had a fantastic club tune with this song, but as soon as they got vocals included from Tinie Tempah this track automatically just wants you to get up and rave and start jumping. Perfect for a Friday Night
  9. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    An earlier addition for you today, as later on the residents of Woking will see my prowl around strutting my skills of the DJ known as PJ... Lots of people who first see the shell that encases PJ, believe my music tastes can be quite one sided. A bit of an embarrassing taste, and too much mainstream. But for all these people who are trying to crack open the shell, mainstream music is the music of choice to put on for those travelling in my compartment or lounging around my crib. There is more chance of it being socially acceptable whilst you get to know the person. After all it is mainstream for a reason! But if you manage to go through my ipod, whilst scolling through the 7000 plus songs for your listening pleasure, due to the variety you will find on there - If you had no idea who the person was, you would not know where to begin on what type of individual owns the ipod in question. People are actually amazed by how varied my tastes can be, Listening from Musicals one moment followed by House followed by Pop/ Rock, followed by Indie, Classical, Heavy Metal - you get the picture. The likelihood is if you put on a tune for me, I will more than likely enjoy what I am listening too. There are good and bad songs of all genres of music. Now I have a soft spot for well known songs that are taken by a relatively unknown band at the time who then Rock it up and make it their own. You see I find a pop song rocked up to be so much better than the original. For example my favourite Jacko song involved a criminally insane dance move where he leaned over beyond the laws of gravity but when a certain colony of Ants made it their own - the song just went out of this world. Talking of falling another band took another one of his songs and tried to Beat the original version. This led me on to discovering a band that had two covers. One of which involved a certain flying snowman and the other involving a falling chandelier. These two covers I instantly fell in love with and many others I have introduced them too, also find they outrun the original versions. Because of their greatness I wanted to know more about this band and then started purchasing their vast number of albums and started listening to their own original songs. The combination of rock forwarded by a lady with a classical or operatic voice is a match made in heaven in my opinion. This particular band also is fantastic music for when you are getting on a Motorway and just want to turn that volume out loud and pelt it down those roads to an uplifting sound. Sometimes you may get angry or envious of others fortune and wish to have a glimpse of what they appear. I wish I had an angel! Hope this may encourage you to check out other songs by the Finnish band NightWish. I have found out they are playing at the Wembley Arena on Saturday December 19th later this year and hope I will get the opportunity to see them live!
  10. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    Cheddar, Stilton, Goat, Leicester, Brie? My addiction to cheese in life has got me up in the middle of the night many a time to take a cheeky snack from the fridge in the twilight hours to take more than a fair few bites of those lovely flavours that can ride from the board and knife. That perfect combination with a cracker or a certain variety of biscuits, covered with a little bit of butter and once in a while accompanied greatly with some grapes. Not the healthiest of my weaknesses in life, I must admit. However this extreme love of cheese in fact also gave me a nickname at a certain end of the week restaurant themed to a circus during my time as a waiter, to the point when I saw anything smothered with cheese resulted in my grinning and lighting up a darkened room whilst twitching my fingers like a certain TV cheese lover with his dog. This is turn became so noticeable that managers even changed my name on the till, so every customer and new starter only knew me by the name of Wallace, that over time people even forgot what my real name actually was! This fondness of cheese has throughout my lifetime infected itself into the music world, much more than your average Joe. This was probably helped by the fact that growing up in the world of manufactured music and auto tune, with the the industry also trying to bubble wrap a new generation of health and safety children, that the bubbly, colourful, sickly tunes became a love to me and also a major annoyance to those around me. The good things with these type of songs, is that if your proud you like the songs that everyone pretends to hate, you get so much more enjoyment out of them. Also these type of songs are too inviting to not have a sing song too. There have been many victims within my car, some of which are inhabited within this forum itself, have been subjected to me belting out at the top of my untalented lungs - tunes that no man in his mid twenties should be dared to be associated with. There is in fact one album I have made for my car entitled Cheeseyoke! A song on it of which is being played to you today, to the many groans of a lot of my passengers. This love of joy for infectious pop with a need to join in with it, naturally made me become a huge fan of musical theatre, which in turn made me appreciate the theatrics in life - hence my love for a dark ride. Some songs does not matter how many times you hear it, you cannot help but smile regardless of how crap you may have felt before it started playing. I unlike Matt Creek do not need to have an extra day to DJ for PJ to get a Disney song on the mix. For those who know the obsession of Phill Pritchard and I for some beady eye singing puppets, you know what is coming! Life is too short and you need a song here, right now, about why life's a happy song. http://youtu.be/t9_zKm2Ewaw From my love of the Theatre, to a cheesy family entertainment show, the Muppets is just a perfect mix and their comeback with this opening title is proof how Cheesy music will always live on!
  11. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    PJ the DJ is back in da house and what a choice of songs we have out there for tonight's show! I always find a good song to become obsessed with is on a drive home from work, when your trying to get yourself relaxed and want something entertaining to take your mind off things. Sometimes whilst listening to the radio a song will come on that just stands apart from the rest as it just sounds that little bit different. I do especially love it when they take a bit of the past and modernise it. One in particular at the moment involves an artist who is going down the Jazz/ Motown route and has teamed up with a DJ to have a creation that sounds like a cross of a beat from Jacko himself and a party dance where everyone sits in lines on the floor and starts slapping the floor side to side whilst clapping their hands in the middle, once in a while swaying around in wild circles. However this song I was originally going to play for you tonight was snapped up by Mer on this wonderful day of the week just a mere 4 weeks ago and to add a bit of variety to the listings, I thought I'd turn to the song that is for me still hot right now but has caught my attention just before it. The funny thing is the prior 2 songs that have caught my attention of recent times has been from one of the local world famous DJ's from Scotland, one you could say was blamed to a Tango danced by Caroline Flack on Strictly last year. However the best tracks I sometimes find are when you are out and about and you've heard a track a few times on the radio and each time you hear it you turn the volume up louder and louder. I especially love it when it comes from an artist that has been well known for a while but when you hear the song a few times you did not realise it was by that particular artist. It's sometimes these moments when you are surprised to find out it's sung by someone you originally found dull but that recent song has made you look up and start to look at them in a fresh glowing light. So between those two scottish songs, it's only right to choose the most recent and hottest tune right now, in more than one sense of the word
  12. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    Hey everybody I'm DJ PJ and what a line up we have for you this week. With so many tracks to choose from, I have thought long and hard to narrow it down just so I still have some (hopefully) good material if another round of hosting takes place! Got to leave a little trick up my sleeve - you know what I'm saying The 90's brought much cheer and joy and also plenty of disgust and hatred when it came to music with the birth of all these manufactured pop bands and characters specifically designed for children to grasp and spend their parents money on the never ending merchandise that was consistently popping up all over the place within the music world. At the mere age of 4 I remember the first song that I took a notice too which involved a screaming pink - yellow spotted maniac that caused havoc all over TV to much of enjoyment of people my own age but to the utter disgust and annoyance of people with passable intelligence. I was aware of a northern lass belting out a chorus and helping a certain handful of lads on fire into the public eye to which 3 still remain to this day, but this did not interest me entirely whilst I was entertained by red coats dancing to the beats on a Saturday Night whilst pretending to flap like a silly bird and stand in a line repeating certain moves in a line like a Spanish Robot. It was not until I reached the age of 7 when the likes of Girl Power reached their height and a certain baby and ginger grabbed my attention to the point I had to watch every TV show they would perform on and cutting out newspaper articles and photo trimmings to make my own dedicated scrap book to my first ever favourite band. Here my love for music started to grow - albeit to start off with on the cheesy side of life - to other manufactured creations. I then got to 8 years old when I was introduced to a virgin music megastore. You could say this was the Apple retail experience of it's day when I had finally saved enough money to buy my first ever £3.99 single. It was a moment that you will never forget, spending weeks saving up for a song that you had fallen in love with. One that will be your first single within your possession. I could not stand anything slow and soppy but I absolute loved anything that was upbeat and got your Bodyshakin! http://youtu.be/bc6pdT1zOlI Yes call the Cops, my first single was from 911! (I can even still sing the rap )
  13. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    When you see me DJ in a couple of weeks you'll know I'm not trying to be cool, I'm as cheesy as you get but Taylor drives me mad and not in a good way. She's beautiful if you like skeletons but she is unhealthily thin (with a bit of a horse face), when being interviewed that niceness for me appears fake. I believe she also took her songs off spotify (never used the service but the majority of other artists like her don't seem to have a problem with it). She writes countless songs about her love dramas - once in a while ok but come on I'm sick of the same story now, it was actually refreshing when she released shake it off as it was once a song with a message people could use. If it's not about love it's trying to blame others for her doings. I believe bad blood on her latest album goes on about katy Perry stealing her backing dancers even though they were already contracted to perform for Perry before they went on tour with taylor. (Don't mess with my Katy - now she's a woman)
  14. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    My level of respect for you Pluk has now just severely dropped
  15. The votes for this was really really close and unfortunately for Pluk - (and our wallets) - the winning date for this meet is on Sunday 1st March. See you guys there!
  16. Winning by a large margin the date for this trip will be held on Sunday 22nd March
  17. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for reviving the topic
  18. My apologies - just done a test and found out members cannot delete their own vote! Right this changes the vote up somewhat as there are 3 votes for the 28th that want to be deleted so when looking at results please bear in mind for the 28th it's the number minus 3 The votes being removed for that date are Toofpikk Jason Coastercameron98 (Would change it myself but it appears you can only edit votes before the votes begin) Therefore provisional date is now the 1st March and the poll closes on Friday
  19. I've had a couple of people asking me to delete their vote for various reasons. You are able to do this yourselves. If you cannot now do a certain date please delete your vote (there is a button underneath the results) and then re-vote for the dates you can do
  20. Now this lovely new lady knows what she's talking about!
  21. Just because you've been overloaded with the F&B doesn't mean others should miss out
  22. Very valid points for this system working in the parks current state - however if all these trials prove to be successful and the queue less park does in fact work, the infrastructure would surely change? Yes it won't happen overnight but if you know that the place is queue less then new attractions won't need so much queue line to be built. Existing attractions would have their current queue lines reduced and have their spaced used for other activities. The park in the last couple of years have been huge progress in all these little events dotted around the park. If the park had no queue, I'm sure in their long term plan they have ideas of what to offer for people who are not in the queue line. It's bound to be something they already have in mind and all these little events they have in the park during the peak seasons for all you know could be a trial of the type of things they offer on a regular basis for the extra amount of people not queueing. After all the space that would of been used for a cattle pen will now be used for these type of entertainment. These events and RnR trial did after all start the same season! Just putting two and two together here while I ride this. So yes the way the park operates now RnR not the best but once utilised the possibilities are endless and a day out at the theme park may not just be about just the rides but more for an experience. But as we only see the park for what it is currently it becomes hard to justify and picture of what it could become
  23. AJ

    TPMs resident DJ

    Well that was my Tuesday category in 3 weeks time - will have to see if that changes by then
  24. Even if the price is higher, do you not find that psychologically if your getting a discount - even if there is not much difference - you feel rewarded somewhat even though you know in the back of your mind you have not benefited greatly from it? The human mind is great at such trickery. It's like when petrol at the pumps went up from 99p over the £1.00 back in the day. It was only 1p but it seemed that so much more expensive! But then you got that voucher that allowed you to have 2p off a litre at the pump and even though it wasn't that much different - you felt so much happier, especially as you had gone under than triple digit threshold again Every Little helps
  25. If it turns out to be the unlikely IP of Pingu however. My dreams are made
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