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Status Updates posted by themeparkaddict

  1. Hahaha! Thanks! Yep, I'm on Thrills and...woah, my eyes just found "Battered cod tartlets" and "iamDipsy"... interesting mix of profile useage there! Stealth is poorly :-( BUT it'll be fixed soon :-). Ok I'm just being weirdo now, I'll stop!

  2. Cool stuff, you'll have to be going on one of the slightly less iconic rides to find me but you don't have to sink as low as Ollie Octopus haha. Tidal Wave is experience not thrills, which I thought was odd. Kangaroos can't drive, or can they? Ooh, after 8 months of wondering I've just found the "add friend" link. I pay attention to things... just like SUE: The Bride, new a

  3. ...ok, you actually need an MB after your name. Not megabite, clearly, but morale booster haha. The saddest thing EVER is that I just replied this on MY profile... (I've deleted it now and you're lucky to get v2 on yours). When are you next coming to ride for your life at TP?! If it's past Tuesday, I'll be there!

  4. I COMPLETELY want to - who wouldn't? But they said there's a fixed ride team for SAW until Easter. Boooo! Still, maybe then? I'll just have to try and be scary on other rides, which will be totally out of context. But hey, hippos might use escalators, and that'd be too. WTF?! (Oh and sorry for completely spamming up your comments bit xD)

  5. Recordings.... surely not those of an uploadable type?! Didn't you just LOVE (this may just be a me thing) the way the platform guys did the thumbs up ready for dispatch and as the train started, put their thumbs down. That did it for me! haha

  6. Aha "approve comments", that'd explain it. Now this 400 character limit left your last line as "but I'm lo". Lovin' it? You can't be that McDonald's cheesy?! Did you notice any music as you entered the SAW queueline? There was definately something bassy, and you're officially a BOSE expert guy!

  7. Hey, this is SO childish, but EVERYTIME I read your name JackD, I think 'Live At The Apollo'. Excuse the blatant cheesyness, it had to be said!

  8. Ok... I just posted a comment which hasn't appeared. Spooky. But not as insanely thrilling as SAW. I start tomorrow in Thrills, cool stuff, but I got a cool this evening asking if I could start Tuesday instead... it was more a "you will start Tuesday ok" to which I replied in the nicest of voices 'of course, that's fine'. What do you think of SAW?!

  9. Helloooo! I start tomorrow! (Or so I thought... got a call just past 5 and was told "there's a few rides down at the moment, so are you ok to start Tuesday!"). I've probably just broken every TP law, but hey, it's nothing earth shattering. Interesting start, but hey, I actually can't wait to get started xD

  10. Hey James,

    I got the call from Thorpe Park today! It was a YES! I've gotta say a HUGE thank you for stopping me from dying from the wait. You are fab. *High five*.


  11. Hey thanks for asking. My answer is.... *tumbleweed*. Still nothing. But I wonder whether any of them went in today as it was a bit mental with the ol' snow! What do you think?! Shall I ring again! Rich

  12. Hey,

    how did you assessment go? Hope everything went FANTASTICALLY!

  13. Ooh *excited*. I just read your last comment asking fi you worked inside The Asylum.. which impressed me completely and locked me into asking.. did you?! Tell alll!!

  14. Thanks for clearing up the Hellgate/Station XNWO thing for me!

  15. phew. glad I'm ot the only fright-night-frightened.

    but I mean, a bunch of actors, some make up, expensive effects and darkness. why is that sooooo scary? they won't actually hurt anyone. rarrrghhh. it's so annoying. 'cos right now I'm thinking "yeh, I'll go through the mazes, no problem, it'll be a laugh". In one month's time, it's "maybe... no

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