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Everything posted by AeRo

  1. AeRo

    This Or That

    Thorpe Park (uncapitalised )Lego Land or Paultons?Meh, all the more for me to drink
  2. AeRo

    This Or That

    2 £20s£10 note or 10 £1 coins?I will bring Irn Bru down and force you to drink it
  3. AeRo

    This Or That

    DogsIrn Bru or Irn Bru
  4. AeRo

    This Or That

    SparklingIRN BRU or Fanta :)Damn you Seb
  5. I agree, great topic. I also agree that spelling, grammar and punctuation really does my head in. I know that I make occasional mistakes, especially when using the phone, but read what you have written. If it doesn't make sense to you, it won't make sense to anyone else.For all members, old and new, we should be like one big happy family. There's no need to pick on new members, nobody is better than anyone else ... except those with their names in lights!
  6. AeRo

    This Or That

    Bubble bathShower Gel or Shampoo?
  7. AeRo

    This Or That

    Double ...more space to stretch out!Bath or Shower?
  8. That's a good point actually Keith. It's not as if we are going to go around calling each other by their surname.I will only use first names on the badge, that will make things a tad clearer.
  9. You really need to talk to your parents Keith
  10. Liam, it's done. The only Lian I know is a woman so I was a tad confused :)Ricky, which name (user or real), and do you mean font or colour??Remember that the real problem is that some people *cough Keith* have long names, so the text can't be made any bigger.These badges will be printed tomorrow morning, so this is your last chance for additions and changes.
  11. AeRo

    This Or That

    PCLaptop or Desktop?
  12. AeRo


    Many Happy Returns Jake, of course I didn't forget.
  13. Yeah, that's the trouble with people, they have different lengths of name, which means that there has to be a compromise. Yes, it may have Mania Hub across the top now, but the logo came from here, and everywhere you look, people refer to the forum and it's members as being from TPM, I have never heard of anyone being part of Mania Hub ... yet.Anyway, these are the previews so that people can comment on them, and we can iron out any modifications required.
  14. AeRo

    This Or That

    KFC, at least they cook!McFlurry or Avalanche?
  15. AeRo

    This Or That

    Hmmmm. tough call really I like both, but I am gonna go with DVD (Bluray) ... at least you can pause it for a pee :PLife or Death?
  16. AeRo

    This Or That

    ComputerTV or Movie?
  17. AeRo

    This Or That

    Bungee JumpDistance Swim or High Dive?
  18. That would be too complicated I think. Plus the idea was to have a universal badge to identify people.
  19. So you have no pride in your membership of TPM?
  20. AeRo

    This Or That

    Both together :oBut, to make a choice, it would be cheese.Tuna or Ham sandwich?
  21. AeRo

    This Or That

    Brown Bread.Bacon Butty or Bacon Roll?
  22. AeRo

    This Or That

    Thorpe Park.Butter or Margarine?
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