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Everything posted by AeRo

  1. AeRo

    This Or That

    Inferno, Colosus just hurtsSoap or Shower Gel?
  2. AeRo

    This Or That

    Caramel Cowboy or Gangster (film)
  3. AeRo

    This Or That

    Summerpen or pencil?
  4. AeRo

    This Or That

    Man Utd :)Swings or Chute ? (At a play park.)
  5. Yeah, the ones you guys seem so dead against Some new smileys would be good too
  6. Jebus!I thought it was old people who were supposed to be resistant to change. *shakes head*Okay so I am getting used to the new forum, and was shocked at the change. That said, it's fresh, new and interesting. I am sure that more important things like security etc, are much better and, once we get used to it, it will be a much better interface.Only tiny gripe I have at the moment is not being able to click on the last post in a topic ... you know the little square bit next to the posters name... I just get the profile pop up ... Meh!Knowing the work that goes into upgrading a forum, I appreciate the amount of work these guys have put in to improve our experience. So thank you very much for the upgrade guys, at least I appreciate it :DOh, and you still haven't enabled signatures
  7. AeRo

    This Or That

    Britney I guessGas or Electric?
  8. AeRo

    This Or That

    Instant MessagingBow and Arrow or Samurai Sword?*is watching The Last Samurai*
  9. AeRo

    This Or That

    WordOutlook or Webmail ?
  10. AeRo

    This Or That

    Pizza HutNandos or Pizza Hut?
  11. AeRo

    This Or That

    CokeCoke or Irn Bru?
  12. AeRo

    This Or That

    Good choice :)SweetenersSalt or Pepper?
  13. AeRo

    This Or That

    Fright NightsRide Stealth until 10pm or ride Troy until 11pm
  14. Upload them to a host such as Photobucket, then link them to here.Or send them to me on MSN and I will upload and give you the link to post here.
  15. AeRo

    This Or That

    White ... Milky Bar :)Glue or Sticky Tape?
  16. AeRo

    This Or That

    ChipsCarpet or Wooden Floor?
  17. AeRo

    This Or That

    Fruit SaladStarbucks or Cafe Nero?
  18. AeRo

    This Or That

    Black Lab Collie or St Bernards?
  19. AeRo

    This Or That

    Christmas.... you get proper holidays :)Dogs or Cats?
  20. AeRo

    This Or That

    60 mins laptop?Well 30/30 :)An hour on laptop or 5 minutes on Stealth?
  21. That is about the right size Phil, however the sentiment might not be as welcome ;)Okay who is gonna design this badge then?The dimensions need to be 90mm x 60mm.So lets see some designs that we can vote on ... then I can get them sorted and bring them down to the Fright Night meet. tpkabz gets the honour of organising the voting
  22. AeRo

    This Or That

    Orange JuiceCurtains or Blinds?
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