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About Louis

  • Birthday 04/25/1991

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    Brighton - UK

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  1. No you should be fine.And wtf at asking you to bring a passport sized picture. They take the picture there and then :s
  2. Same here although I had an annual pass. Yet when telling them this they still said to go get some compensation. I thought it was very well advertised and well done on that Thorpe.
  3. ^Your wrong. So wrong.Inferno quite often has problems with its lift. I still think its pretty reliable.
  4. Rollbacks are fun yes, but purely because everyone is like wtf? And I'm just sitting their laughing at them.
  5. Meant to be. They should have it up and running by the weekend if not before. Its only the effects that are playing up atm.
  6. ^Yet they dont as when the ride breaks down they close the shop. :S
  7. ^That's one thing I never understood. Whenever SAW breaks down they close the shop. :sSurely they would still want to sell the merchandise regardless? :sIt just doesnt make sense.
  8. Better than saying Drayton Manor
  9. I hate it. It crushes my leg and my groin and isnt even a decent ride to justify being crushed on.And it barely makes it over the top anymore.
  10. Louis


    Wake Me Up Before You Go Go - Wham!omg amazing song <3333
  11. Louis

    This Or That

    rain.Money or Love.
  12. Considering I live in Brighton, I think I'd know and for the whole 18 years of my life it's been East Sussex, maybe they just forgot to mention the recent change And technically Brighton isnt even in a county. On most 'County' maps of the UK it shows Brighton & Hove seperate as we are a City.Oh and Seaford I have friends from there, and my Grandparents live there
  13. ^Haha.I personally couldnt care what Thorpe will be like in 10 years time. I think focusing on the present is much more fun.
  14. Where in East Sussex? I'm Brighton
  15. It's because is an 'S' ride.Slammer, Stealth both had problems and now SAW.Hmmm when will Thorpe learn to stop calling their new rides anything that begins with S.
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