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  1. ... which is a great, positive way to act in the forums?

    Please, sort your act out.

  2. tpman


    That'd be really nice, I'd love a sudden drop. Wood it be like a freefall drop like detonator?
  3. first of all you call us idiot heads, we then forgive you then you post a virus (that could of harmed my lap top or any one elses) on one of the fourm pages.

  4. Please, leave this site, we're a community of nice, friendly people, who have a passion for theme parks. You just want to cause trouble, your one of those people who like to see people suffer.

  5. You forced me to turn off my laptop!!

  6. TimR

    Your not funny, just a horrible person.

  7. Your just so rude and disrespectful, disgusts me.

  8. How do I cause upset?

  9. Why do you come on here just to cause misery and upset?

  10. tpman


    I'd like an obskure name for SW6 like Mortalis. There must be some knew construction photoes around. Would be greta if anyone could post them.
  11. Cobra is the worst name ever. It is so comon and unoriginal and unimaginative.
  12. Are they going to be worn on Sunday then?
  13. Hello,

    First of all, I'm not on your "side" I don't take sides, but from what I've seen your posts have deserved a lot of -1's

    I just want to help you as I can see your not enjoying your time on TPM which is a shame as it really is great. I'll send you a PM.

  14. Silly me for thinking a Disco Coaster was a coaster.

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