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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. Here's my (quick) views on today and this evening...I need to mention that I very rarely get scared on mazes, in fact I have never been genuinely scared since Fright Nights 2003. However, HHN's this year was quiet jumpy now and again.1) Experiment 10 was terrifying (both times I went on it). The focus group paid off and it is incredible, unlike any maze before. Without giving anything away, I did both routes and both were equally as good as eachother.2) The Asylum has a few improvements and is good as good as previous years.3) The Park's decoration is poor (Nooses and Drums) but I am aware that was management discussion to keep in line with 'the brand'.4) Both Se7en and The Curse were in such a poor state, not only were there less scares than Saw Alive (if that is possible) but new lighting in The Curse means you see the naff walls and the small changes made it more tacky and less intense. Whilst Se7en has yet another FN where it grows poorer, surely this is it's last season.5) The Clowns roaming the park and the audio across the place was a nice touch.
  2. LC12.net eh? More importantly there is an obvious 'clue' in that picture. What is the word that has been scribbled out?I STILL stand by my guess that LC stands for 'Last Call' as in the end of the world, we're being evacuated but hey, Large Cake could well be it.(I'm off to find the ending song to Portal now...)
  3. They were insured - Theme Parks cannot operate without substantial insurance. Hence the many, many rumours at the time about 'an insurance job'. It's like when a car is written off - you'll eventually get the money from the insurance company but the chances of you getting an exact same car again? and if its old? So the money was re-invested into future attractions (namely the 3 in 2001 and onwards years).I believe the fire started in Mr. Rabbit's Tropical Travels but someone else my be able to confirm differently.
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