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Everything posted by Johnny07

  1. I'm pretty sure that is quite an old photo, the track is nice and clean. In that photo, is there smoke coming from the bottom right area of the volcano or is it just from the tunnel? :S
  2. ... and also because they're a little bit worried about being launched at 80mph and a good 200ft? Sunshine and insects aren't usually major triggers for a panic/heat attack etc
  3. I understand now. So where the track should follow upwards smoothly, it continues down quite flat. This would require a new piece of track surely?
  4. Cheer up Sleepy Jean by The Monkees
  5. Nope. The main piece of land is down, they only need to pave add fences, shape the land etc.
  6. Nope. The main piece of land is down, they only need to pave add fences, shape the land etc.
  7. No water from the body today. Made that whole scene a bit anticlimactic.
  8. I honestly think an ambient background soundtrack should be added, it would make the entire inside section a lot better.
  9. Sorry, it wasn't. I was just being foolish and loosing track of time.
  10. Ouch. I suppose it's what you should expect on a bank holiday though.
  11. I think they're very effective personally. As you go over the top, you are hanging over them in a sense, before going back in on yourself and narrowly avoiding them.
  12. I have a feeling that they measured the acceleration to a different point of track to give the new reading, so the overall acceleration has always been the same, but just measured in a different way afterward. I think...
  13. Johnny07


    Oh my, the very thought of that makes me cringe, but it would be fantastic. Nick and Margaret would HAVE to feature somewhere.
  14. It doesn't really take away from the experience, as the inferno mist does, but when it's working, its nice. Little things, little things.
  15. It stopped working. As most things at Thorpe generally do.Joking, sort of. It was fixed last year and worked for a bit, but soon enough faded away as it wasn't maintained properly. I assume there are other priorities for staff/engineers.
  16. A similar thing happened this time last year. The odd effect around the park was fixed, if I remember correctly it was the inferno geysers and stealth smoke? These lasted a reasonable amount of time, as in, a couple of months. I'll be cliche and say "WON'T BE LONG TILL ITS BROKEN!" with the effects fixed as of late, but its most likely the truth.
  17. To be honest Liam, the kind of thing you are describing is basically fulfilled by the part before the lift hill. Unless I interpreted your post wrong. :)This would probably have been better posted in the main 'Saw' thread, but oh well.
  18. Neither - wasn't it stopped because of something to do with people climbing the fences to touch it, or something similarly ridiculous?
  19. Johnny07


    My jealousy is overwhelming.
  20. None of Inferno's effects are working, hmmm. I don't see what is wrong with Saw's landscaping. The area has intention of looking 'messy and bare' as it were. Neatly arranged plants etc would look silly against a dodgy, 'derelict' looking warehouse. I suppose we are all entitled to our opinion though.
  21. Ahh good times. I was beginning to worry that they were gone for ever.
  22. On Saw, why is it that nearly all of the speakers except maybe the 32-SE's have had the Bose logo removed?
  23. No offense Josh, but your argument is a little poor. These young children can easily see the station building and have easy access to this 'inappropriate' themeing from simply wandering onto the island. I honestly think that a form of headchopper, such as a small shack would be effective. The whole outside area is lacking any form of themeing from the drop. Other than that though, its good!
  24. Hmm, maybe a revision of the poll would be an idea?
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