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mah boi

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Everything posted by mah boi

  1. Indeed we should. But do you think merlin will actually put LEDs on the trains, to make them look like eyes? Hopefully they will. Fingers crossed.
  2. Just wanted to say this. For peeps who talk about that engine with the metal support under it, it won't stay like that. It will be placed on the ground, as the plans show, with a part of it still being connected to the wing itself, so that it will create a head and foot chopper for the right side as well.
  3. Thank goodness safety tests were invented, or else no hands for the public. Though I wouldn't care if the chavs rode on it like this.
  4. Some people are really silly, thinking it was a fire.
  5. If thorpe got two steps from hell to make the theme, I know it would be epic already. But unfortunatly, that day will never come.
  6. The only netting that the plans show, are over the portion of the queue line where the in-line twist is over it.
  7. Recent picture and the plane has started construction. I do wonder how go-merlin gets these pictures.
  8. Why is it always when I make my update on my youtube page, a better picture update comes afterwards. Anyway, nice to see it's going well. Also one thing I noticed is that the foundations of the tower, seem have started production.And these look like parts of the plane to me.
  9. How would they install the beginning of the corksrew, if they complete the inclined loop first. I thought they would leave the left side of the loop clear, then put the beginning section of the corksrew in. Anyway, I don't know anything on coaster construction, so they will have some clever technique with them. Though I am still surprised that more track is arriving. Hopefully the trains will come with the last deliveries.
  10. Some pics today by idlewild on CF. Full set here: http://s1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff446/idlewild10/LC12%20construction/2011%2011%2001/
  11. Had any progress been made on the inclined loop, corksrew or in-line twist?
  12. ^What was that person thinking when he wrote that. Anyway, great to see that pic, can't wait to ride, but it did give me butterflies in my stomach.
  13. A person who works at thorpe park, told a friend that there should be a special promotion on the swarm. I forgot which forum it was placed on, but the person who works at thorpe also said that most of the track should've been up by november, as it is. That backs it up.
  14. Now just remembering, is anybody goin to be at thorpe tommorrow, since they are supposed to do a special promotion for THE SWARM?
  15. It appears they are beginning to do the bridge.
  16. Can't wait to see the train travel through that zero-g roll. Well, it looks like the curve up to the in-line twist will be done tommorrow, since it's supports are up.
  17. The plane should fit there, but don't forget that the middle portion of the plane is missing, so those supports closer to the ground, should go into that missing part of the plane.
  18. Half of the zero-g roll up, pic from theme park guide.
  19. ^Those 2 things are some pillars which will be partially destroyed.
  20. Yeah I know that, I just wanted to know, since from what I see on the plans, it will be partially hollow in the middle, so I say, take the time it took to build the collapsed tower and add around 2 weeks onto the construction time.
  21. How long did it take to make that collapsed tower on raptor?
  22. From theme park james. Shows the rest of the zero-g supports going up.Also an update today from theme UK.http://themeuk.net/LC12_Thorpe_ParkPG2.htmlLooks like the in-line twist is being prepared. Pic taken from Theme UK update.
  23. I wonder how long it will be till they put up the other supports for the zero-g roll. Last thing I remember, they were still pouring some footers for the rest of the zero-g supports, from what I saw on some pictures.
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