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mah boi

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Everything posted by mah boi

  1. From your guys opinions, what is the best week to go in July?
  2. Oh dear. I should've chosen a better date. I hope things aren't so busy on that day, but I'll see. Thanks for the response.
  3. I am intending to visit Alton Towers on the 18th July with some friends, and I would like to know how busy it is around mid July. Do schools go to Alton towers on this day or is this, hopefully, a quiet day? Thanks.
  4. In an ariel update Towerstimes posted sometime ago, part of the base of the first lift hill was already placed. And in the parts already placed there was a cog gear just like the one that arrived at Alton Towers. So unfortunately there won't be a launched lift hill in this ride.
  5. mah boi

    Logger's Leap

    Diggerland. A question for people who have been to Thorpe recently. Does the stream of water work now, the water on the wooden ramp things? Sorry if I don't make much sense but I remember it being near the exit of the tunnel, where the boat goes underneath it.
  6. I can see how desperate Gerstlauer are to get The Smiler completed, even if TGCruse haven't even completed the necessary groundworks for the supports. Hopefully TGCruse get all the groundworks completed shortly, for everything to be put up and tested.
  7. Listening to my local radio station yesterday, I heard one of the presenters talk for a small amount of time, on Zufari. I don't remember much but I do remember her saying that near the beginning of the ride, there is an animated lema and apparantely from what she hinted, a famous person is meant to be doing the voice of the lema. The radio station is called radio jackie by the way.
  8. mah boi


    I know I will recieve responses that I may be mad, but it just came to my mind that what if they put slammer indoors. Then they could incorporate effects like in Nemesis Sub-Terra. That would make it unique in ride terms, and exciting. But the techincal difficulties will be the only setback, and the height of the building required.
  9. They knew about the layout through the plans released.
  10. I wonder how awkward it would be for them if nothing happened on the day they are counting down to.
  11. If you go onto the alton towers website, the smiley face logo appears for a few seconds. A link to the Alton towers website. http://www.altontowers.com/
  12. ^And the secret element. We don't know how complicated the system is so they could have spent much time on putting it all together.
  13. Seeing as how Alton towers are getting a updated version of enterprise, I think thorpe will give zodiac a update.
  14. Ever since I heard world beating, I understood that it would be the best coaster in the world, only worded differently because of what happened with th13teen. But it should be interesting if it is a world record holder with a world's first in it.
  15. The underground section has its footers all ready so track can still go down, even if the rest of the site is still under construction. And I pressume they would want to get the underground section completed ASAP to complete the top portion of the ride and avoid the TT helicopter from getting images of the underground section. But as Stokesyboy said, lets wait and see.
  16. I would guess in the next few days. I'm sure they want to get the underground section covered already, so that the rest of the ride can be done.
  17. ^That face and especially the eyes sure look great a night. Thanks for the video. Also, there are rumours spreading that some track is due to arrive possibly today or tomorrow due to alton towers being prepared for its arrival. Very exciting.
  18. Looking at those photos, I see that the concrete base has those holes in them. One thing I realised, is that Maurer Sohne use those holes with their rides in a small indoor space. But Gerstlauer, they place screws in the ground for small indoor sections, such as with Saw-The ride. Maybe it is another hint that it will be a Maurer Sohne. The top picture shows the indoor spinning coaster at rainbow magicland. It shows those holes in the base and the use of no screws.
  19. ^I pressume it might look like 2 eurofighter cars stuck together. Though I hope it won't.
  20. That is one thing we enthusiasts will have to speculate. At least the whole story isn't leaked. But one thing I can say for certain, is that the mesh canopies are to protect the people from flying objects from a person on the ride.
  21. Great pictures stretchy. Thanks for them. Well, as it appears there may indeed be a underground section to this coaster. Should be very interesting to see, if there is, what will be in it.
  22. A picture of the site from yesterday. If you zoom into the station area, you can see that rebar is being placed for the station walls. Picture taken by towerstimes. http://www.towerstim...7/construction/
  23. Watching that video, I searched up the word threshold. On wikipedia it says that the scientific meaning to it, is related to the senses and perception. Could that be the possible name to the ride? Threshold
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