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mah boi

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Everything posted by mah boi

  1. I can see they are also doing more work on that helicopter section. I see a support up, and it looks like one of the base supports for the corkscrew.
  2. It appears that the trims have been installed in that latest time lapse update picture.
  3. Flippin heck, it does seem one will recieve alot of G's on that drop. Will look better when the plane is in place though.^It is a support the one you pointed out.
  4. ^Catwalks being installed. Pic from idlewild's album. He's from CF if your wonderin.
  5. ^From, what I understand, that pic is from august time, when the first pieces of track were being delivered.
  6. ^I'll just enlarge it. As stated on the above post, it was taken by Idlewild on CF.
  7. Thorpe is doing a great job in marketing this ride. Can't wait to see the TV adverts for it, obviously in a few months.
  8. Chances are, is that they might spend most of the day placing the beginning of the lift in, since that is a huge piece. At the end of the day, we might see the beginning piece of track go up to the first support, of the hill.
  9. Which supports did you see go up? Were they of the lift hill or the in-line twist section. I went on the thorpe official page on facebook, but no pics are there, of any supports.
  10. I've never seen a van, which tilts upwards before.
  11. Studying one of the pics, I think I see the front of the plane.
  12. From my opinion, those top set of brakes, are just to slow it down. There is going to be no sign of any of those pressy brake things, which makes the train stop properly, so well it's just to slow it down. Also, if the train could stop there, then I think they would place walkways on both sides of the track, and not on only one side, in case of a evacuation.
  13. Well, to explain in more detail, they make the metal cage things, then put it in those holes, as they have done with the footers beside flying fish. After they fill them with concrete , and when the concrete sets, they place the footer rings on that piece, then create the footers. And fill the area with earth when finished.
  14. Those 3 rectangular holes are for the footers for the turnaround section, of the helicopter section.
  15. ^My apologies for angering you.
  16. Any pics by any chance. Did you see these with your own eyes, or pictures by somebody else?
  17. A update from today.http://www.themeuk.net/LC12_Thorpe_ParkPG1.html
  18. More pics.http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news-page/1st-october-2011-thorpe-park-the-swarm-update
  19. Excellent. Now interesting things have kicked off. Pics by idlewild from CF.
  20. ^I think you mean the october 27th.
  21. In another pic, you can see the track, but not so clearly. Look carefully.
  22. They might have put the beginning section of the lift hill up when that guy left. Photos today from Theme UK. When you look closely in the middle of one of the pics, you can see track has been put in. http://www.themeuk.net/LC12_Thorpe_ParkPG1.html
  23. But the most important question, how much track was up today?
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