2012:- Swarm Opens- Arena gets a new show, maybe something to do with Amity Cove.- Sort out music and effects excluding tidal wave fire effect. Chart music until you leave the dome. After the dome just theme music.- Amity Cove aimed at familys, beach improved and slides opened when beach open.- Removal of Hippo Safari and CC Railway and temporarily filled with plants where public can see so doesn't look run down.- During closed season tidal wave fireball effect is rerouted and fixed.2013:- Colossus water features fixed and water refreshed (not green!!)- Annual Pass days brought back to boost annual pass sales.- X No Way Out re-furbished and movie filmed showing story line, movie showed on Q line screens, Q Shortened down.- Rumba Rapids theming increased to suit calipso quey.- Removal of one side of the beach (opposite to the side depth charge is on.)- Flying Fish Q line shorted and merchandise shop put in to replace shortened Q (ride and park merchandise sold).- 4D Cinema to show Pirates 4D again.- Less game stalls, such as the ones not in perminent building eg. the bikes and basketball games.- Storm Surge increased theming, even a life ring on the lift hill metal beams at the top. Just something to hide the metal.- Toilets placed in CCR station.Its called a THEME PARK for a reason!2014:- Disc O Rama installed on the removed section of the beach. Themed to suit neptunes kingdom.- New flat ride on The Swarm island, maybe a top spin.- Extended opening hours on Saturday night. Events like RELOAD.- Parking fees removed and parking improved.- Hotel starts marketing.- Lake laser show starts for the Saturday extended hours.2015:- Hotel starts construction.Boat service from hotel to park.Themed rooms of all areas (excluding Saw and The Swarm, I would have nightmares in those rooms!)Indoor swimming pool with steam room, sauna etc.Restaurant.etc, etc.- Flat ride in area where Hippo Safari used to be. Maybe a Calypso as it is Calypso Quay.2016: - Hotel Finshes Construction, has VIP opening night for celebs and special guests with lots of fireworks and ride time.- Entrance Renovated.- New Zone.